Archive for April, 2020

You Knew This Was Coming

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A “minister” in Louisiana was the first to openly suggest it

Tony Spell, the pastor at the Life Tabernacle Church in Central, Louisiana, believes his fellow pastors need your COVID-19 stimulus money more than you do.

TMZ reports that Spell has started a campaign called “#PastorSpellStimulusChallenge” in which followers are encouraged to send money they’ve received from the government as part of the federal stimulus package to evangelists and missionaries.

Spell was the same guy who suggested that Christians should gather for church services even if it meant death from the virus.  He’s a doozy.

If you’re from Houston, you know the guy in this meme.



Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Because All Members of Texas Legislature Have Crystal Balls

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is powerful interesting.  Greg Abbott, Texas Governor, is holding a press conference on the reopening of the Texas economy at noon tomorrow Texas time.  Members of the legislature are to submit their question by 9 am Texas time on the day of the announcement.  Abbott will answer their questions at 2 pm Texas time.

Does the Governor understand how time works?


I know one thing.  It doesn’t work like that.

Maybe their questions should be of a general nature. Like, you know, is the Raskolnikov character in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment a celebration of redemption or an indictment of intellectual warfare?  Governor, what is the square root of 298? Can you point to Wyoming on a map and tell us its capitol?

I think that would be really helpful, especially with all this homeschooling stuff going on.


Without Trump

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So let’s pretend we whip Trump’s butt in November.

We are still left with these jerks.



The guys leading this rally carrying their assault rifles and threatening signs are still gonna be around.  The idiots following them are dangerous, too, because they remain willfully uninformed.

Look at those guys – there’s not a one of them who can get laid even at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and fifty dollar bill stapled to their forehead.  They are not guys with social skills.

They idolize Trump because they are just like him and if their daddy had given them a couple million dollars, they’d be him.

Okay, come up with a plan of what we do with them after November.  My best offer is to give them Florida. They could live there and infect or shoot each other but they’d at least have jobs because beer and the porn channel ain’t cheap.


Just In Case It’s You They Are Warning

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Police in Taneytown, Maryland, are reminding residents to wear pants when checking their mailbox.



I kinda suspect this isn’t the final warning once the police realize that this will consist of  arresting a pantless citizen and putting them in the backseat of a patrol car without any damn pants on.


Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress – During a Global Pandemic

April 15, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, SCOTUS, Trump

Today during Trump’s WH briefing campaign rally he threatened to use a never used presidential power to adjourn Congress.  He threatened this so he could ram through dozens of recess appointments with weirdos and incompetents.  Recall that Congress started never recessing as a tool to keep Barack Obama from doing recess appointments.  Also recall that Obama went to the Supreme Court to get a ruling on that practice…he lost.  Anyone want to bet that the Roberts Court will rule the same against Trump?  I wouldn’t hold my breath since we now live in Trumpland.

American rule of law is dead.

Okay, Here’s the Deal

April 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know I’ve been distracted for the past two days.

The Texas Democratic Party filed a lawsuit against Governor Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton over their edict that Texans who are afraid that voting during the Corona Virus might hurt them could not vote by mail. They had to vote in person, deadly virus or not.

In short, they want to be Wisconsin.

Abbott and Paxton, who as our friend Glen Maxey testified at the hearing today, are not medical experts, stood proud and sent the their team into the court to say screw health and safety. They say Betty should go vote in person so she can bring the virus home to grandma and her children.

Because of Corona, we were able to watch the hearing because everybody except the judge was testifying at home. Yes, Glen wore a coat and tie for the first time in a decade.  I did not ask him if he was wearing proper pants because proper is not a word in Glen’s vocabulary.

A big thank you to the Texas Democratic Party, who sponsored this lawsuit, and Austin Attorney Chad Dunn, the best expert on Texas Election Law in the damn country.

Now this is just step one.  Surely, Abbott and Paxton will use tax money to appeal this to the 3rd Court of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court because it’s no money out of their pockets.

The bottom line is this:  We have to pay for Abbott and Paxton will appeal to the 3rd Court and it will probably go to the Supremes, costing Texans more money.

In other words, we have to pay for Abbott and Paxton to try to kill us.

Ain’t that the craps?  Remember Wisconsin and throw those sumbitches out of office, too.