Just In Case It’s You They Are Warning

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Police in Taneytown, Maryland, are reminding residents to wear pants when checking their mailbox.



I kinda suspect this isn’t the final warning once the police realize that this will consist of  arresting a pantless citizen and putting them in the backseat of a patrol car without any damn pants on.


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0 Comments to “Just In Case It’s You They Are Warning”

  1. Gasp!!! Around here you can be ticketed if you are without a mask in public place. I wonder how much a ticket would be in Taneytown, Maryland for being pantless in a public place! JJ, please kep us tuned in this! I need a damn good laugh by now!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    But was he wearing a mask or gloves?

  3. J&PKM@2 Why is “he” the assumed gender? Ya, I know, historical precedent and all . . . but still.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Fred, because the warning said “pants” and there should have been more options had the perp been a woman. Ugly story from my undergrad days at ASU. Our condo had community mail boxes and with the AZ heat, old geezers would collect their mail wearing boxers. Too lazy to throw on swim trunks and a t-shirt; trust me their chest views were no prize. The women at least had the courtesy to throw on those Hawaiian style loose dresses for the mailbox trek. That was our first experience of “don’t ask, don’t tell” as a couple, when Jane asked why I preferred she not go to the mailbox. “Don’t ask, so I don’t have to tell you the graphics about you don’t want to see, dear.”

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    Bras! It’s going to be hard going around in bras after all this time!

  6. Grandma Ada, if you go around wearing sweatshirts all the time, you never have to and no one will know. Of course, I live in Alaska, so it’s much easier to do that.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Taneytown is in my county although the other end from me. Fun fact: The Taneytown police chief is serving a year in prison for stealing a machine gun from the police department.

    You might wonder why a department the size of Taneytown’s has machine guns. To shoot unruly residents, natch.

    If I were that person, I’d take the warning very seriously.

  8. Old Quaker says:

    In addition to wearing a mask in public places, they need a mask in pubic places.

  9. gotta wonder if this is an individual detached home with isolated mailbox or Condo “mail room” or planned community with a community mail set up of clusters of mailboxes every block or so.
    Just how egracious is this?
    of course it is less offensive then any of those red hats the stupid wear to label themselves as idiots.
    rather see pantless then red hat.

  10. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I don’t know…given the shapeless nature of most of the bodies attached to the heads wearing MAGA hats, I don’t think I’d want to see them pantless. That’s just an image one cannot un-see.

    Where I am, we had two seasonal homeowners come up from their regular home in Florida and proceed to ignore the requirement that they self-quarantine for 2 weeks. (Their neighbors snitched on them.) The village police showed up, called them out to their porch with a bullhorn, and ordered them to stay put or face arrest.

    To be clear, we have a small rural hospital – not enough capacity for a real outbreak. Folks are serious as a heart attack about this stuff!

  11. LOL, pants, too funny. Our police department has a sense of humor – they reminded people not to call 911 if they were out of TP. Not that people *were* doing that, it was just a reminder that 911 is not for that purpose. (You might have seen this story as it made national news.)

    #10. Our county told people to stay away, even if they own vacation property here – no visitors are allowed to stay either unless they’re staying 30 days or longer which would get expensive so is a deterrent. Our son is coming home from another state (where he’s been working since last summer) at the end of the month and told us he’ll be self quarantining for 14 days (we have a separate living area as part of our residence so it’s not difficult to do). I told him good, because I was going to tell him he’d have to if he didn’t volunteer. But he’s worked in health care and has more than half a brain so knows well. Our county has very low confirmed # of cases and we want to keep it that way! We only have 8 ICU beds in a county of 50K people.

  12. I`m in the UK . Pants to us means underwear , but we wear trousers/jeans/joggers to go out . Our mail is put through the letter box on our front doors unless it is a parcel , where the postman/woman knocks on the door .
    I apologies for laughing , but my first thought was a person going to their mailbox naked from the waist down . 🙂

  13. elise from CA says:

    Jim, I’m not sure that’s not what the officers meant.

  14. Nope. Cannot promise pants for a trip to the mailbox!! But if I am scooting down the driveway to collect mail and I don’t feel like getting dressed, I at least have the decency to wait until after dark…….
