Archive for April, 2020

Does Dumb Trickle Down?

April 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic today … and refused to wear a mask.



The mask isn’t to protect him – it’s to protect everyone else, including patients.

There’s no explanation yet as to why the damn hell he’s not wearing a mask.  Explaining why you would want to endanger sick people with a cold or a flu you might have would be a great exercise in good manners.

They are just so damn arrogant.



I dunno – maybe masks muss their hair.


Who Could Have Guess?

April 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Short Version:



The Hissy Fit Version:

Her name is Audrey Whitlock and she believes that the Democratic Governor’s stay-at-home order violates her First Amendment Rights and her religious freedom.  So, to fix that evil stuff, she decided to go out and infect as many people as she could to prove she loves Jesus.

Audrey ain’t alone.

Davidson county resident Colleen Gill Sprinkle told WXII that she disapproves of the restrictions despite having lost her 88-year-old father to the virus and becoming infected herself.

Colleen says it’s not right that you can go to the grocery store but you can’t go to church.  The way I figure it, Colleen needs to get her butt to church real bad because she killed her damn Dad with a virus she caught out playing around at a political rally.  Colleen, you don’t need church, you need a come to Jesus meeting and Jesus says he’ll meet you alone in your closet.

Oh Sweet Jesus, protect us from your followers.


None Is So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

April 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it’s nice to catch them and sometimes it’s pretty easy because they are pretty dumb.

The chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party is encouraging people planning to protest stay-at-home orders imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic to dress like health care workers.

Recently, several health care workers around the country have worn their scrubs and medical gear to counterprotest against people calling for states to reopen against the urgings of medical experts.

So, if the pro-virus Republicans want people to trust them, they can wear health care professional clothing so people will think that doctors and nurses say it’s okay to prance about blowing their foul breath on everyone.

Good Lord, people.  Listen to them talk …

“Planning protest to #ReOpenAmerica? EVERYONE wear scrubs & masks – the media doesn’t care if you are really in healthcare or not – it’s the ‘message’ that matters,” she wrote.

Message, my sweet patootie. It’s all about how it looks. It’s the new Republican Party – what matters is how it looks, not what’s real.

They are making me crazy.


The Uncounted Deaths

April 28, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

We all know that Trump’s incompetent and cruel response to the Coronavirus cost US lives.  Now we’re getting a sense of just how many.  During March and early April, the US recorded 8,128 deaths from COVID-19.  But, and it’s a big but, there were another over 7,000 “excess deaths” during that time not attributed to the disease, but probably were.  Here’s the graph:


“Excess deaths” is defined to be those deaths above the normal curve of mortality in the US.  Were all these deaths attributable to Coronavirus?  We don’t know because testing during that time was unavailable, and continues to be unavailable for millions of Americans.  Only history will be able to tell the story of how many died in this pandemic once this crisis is over, but I think any objective person already knows the answer.

The Fake New York Times

April 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times documents that Trump has offered up self-praise 600 times during the Corona virus.

You gotta admit, that’s hard to do.  If he wants a “record-breaking” or “being the best in all of history at” – this is probably it. He truly owns the Pat Himself on the Back award.

Maybe they give a Noble Prize for self congratulations.

Okay, you can forgive the guy for not knowing that reporters don’t get Nobel Prizes or that the prize wasn’t named about the dictionary definition of noble, because it’s not a Noble Prize at all.  You didn’t expect him to know how to pronounce the word “Pulitzer,” did you?


Just In Case You Were Wondering ….

April 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

“I am praying for a pardon.”

Roger Stone, last week

He’s due to report on April 30, which according to my calendar, is on Thursday.  He’s supposed to serve 3 years, 4 months.  He doesn’t want to. His jury was unfair and probably fake jurors.

“I’m 67 years old. I had very, very severe asthma as a child. If you look at the profile of those who are most at risk, I think I fit that,” he said.

Plus, I don’t think you get your $1,200 check if you’re in prison.

And the cherry on top?  Stone says he’s found … yep, Jesus.

The former political adviser says he’s received counsel from Evangelical and fellow Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr

According to Stone, Falwell Jr. to, “put myself in God’s hands. That I should put my faith in God, and confess my sins, acknowledge Jesus Christ in my life. And I have done that.”

The self admitted dirty trickster continued, “I’m aware of the fact there are skeptics who are going to say ‘Stone is posturing. Stone is maneuvering for public sympathy,’ and so on. But that’s just not the case. And He, God, knows what’s in my heart.”

Why would we think Stone is posturing? I mean, he’s never done that before in his life.

He’s probably just being sarcastic.