None Is So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

April 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it’s nice to catch them and sometimes it’s pretty easy because they are pretty dumb.

The chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party is encouraging people planning to protest stay-at-home orders imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic to dress like health care workers.

Recently, several health care workers around the country have worn their scrubs and medical gear to counterprotest against people calling for states to reopen against the urgings of medical experts.

So, if the pro-virus Republicans want people to trust them, they can wear health care professional clothing so people will think that doctors and nurses say it’s okay to prance about blowing their foul breath on everyone.

Good Lord, people.  Listen to them talk …

“Planning protest to #ReOpenAmerica? EVERYONE wear scrubs & masks – the media doesn’t care if you are really in healthcare or not – it’s the ‘message’ that matters,” she wrote.

Message, my sweet patootie. It’s all about how it looks. It’s the new Republican Party – what matters is how it looks, not what’s real.

They are making me crazy.


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0 Comments to “None Is So Blind As Those Who Will Not See”

  1. History sure does repeat itself. Armies have over the decades dressed themselves in the opponents uniforms and performed truly despicable actions. However, history has a way of deling with them. These armies invariably wer ethe ones who lost.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Round ’em up! Already gowned and gloved surely these ‘patriots’ are volunteering to assist in hospital parking lots where COVID-19 testing is occurring. Even these covidiots can be trained to take temperatures. 400 hours of community service in those parking lots or commensurate fines should be their choice.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    What is it with these folk who like to play dress up? A couple weeks ago they wanted to look like gunslingers driving around state houses, now they want to play doctors and nurses?

  4. Republicans.
    Bringing Halloween into everyday life.
    And not even as cleverly as the classic rubber Nixon mask (useless in a pandemic, creepy in any other context).

    Maybe bring along a few people dressed as “scientists” to talk about the lack of global warming? Or why not go full retro with old timey economists describing how deficits are bad for America?

  5. megasoid says:

    RNC overcome by fever, nausea, cold sweats, labored breathing… Strangely, not Covid related!

    Election expert gives GOP a dire 2020 forecast: ‘A blue tsunami is likely’

    Opinion: Political scientist Rachel Bitecofer, a professor at Christopher Newport University, has penned a dire 2020 election forecast for the Republican Party.

    The Niskanen Center, which published Bitecofer’s analysis, summarizes her projection as “a blue tsunami” being the “likely outcome” of the 2020 elections.

    Bitecofer argues that Democrats this cycle are more likely to benefit from “negative partisanship” that is defined by one political faction’s fear and dislike for the political party that holds the White House.

    In particular, she points to the strong Democratic turnout in this spring’s Wisconsin Supreme Court elections as a harbinger of what’s to come in the fall.

    “Whatever 2020 turnout is, barring something extraordinary that disrupts the election, if more Democrats and left-leaning independents vote than did so in 2016 and pure independents break against Trump and congressional Republicans, Democrats will not only hold their 2018 House gains — they are poised to expand on their House majority and are competitive to take control of the Senate,” she writes.

    “Democrats have at least a dozen very attractive prospects in the House to add to their already robust House majority” and that “Democrats are in superior positions in three of the four swing [Senate] races they need to win a 50-vote majority and have six prospects from which to glean their fourth seat.”

  6. treehugger says:

    What comes to mind is wearing a bunch of flag regalia and carrying my supersoaker (which I use against the squirrels on my birdfeeder) in counterprotest. Maybe I could spray paint it black.

  7. Aren’t there laws against someone impersonating a doctor or a other medical personnel?

    Megasoid @ 5,

    So the GOP is beginning to panic…Good.

  8. tree hugger @ 7,

    Something really stinky (likes of fish sauce) in that super soaker would work.

  9. megasoid says:

    Another bell tolling for whom you should not ask…
    Democrats’ Senate majority odds boosted amid outbreak, Trump’s uneven response

    Edit: Republican U.S. Senator Steve Daines has been airing a television advertisement in Montana touting his efforts to protect his state’s residents from the novel coronavirus.
    But his likely Democratic opponent, popular two-term Governor Steve Bullock, is dominating local news as the face of Montana’s fight to contain the outbreak, boosting his profile as his party fights to win control of the Senate in November.

    That national battle is now a dead heat. Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the 100-seat chamber, and most analysts remained convinced throughout 2019 that Republicans had a small but significant advantage in this year’s elections.

    Democrats’ chances have improved thanks to high-profile recruits like Bullock, a rash of impressive fundraising, Joe Biden’s triumph in the party’s presidential nominating contest and a public health crisis that has decimated the U.S. economy once touted by Republican President Donald Trump, according to strategists from both parties and independent analysts.

    As recent public polls have catalogued the public’s skepticism about Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, Democratic challengers in the four most competitive Senate races – Colorado, Arizona, Maine and North Carolina – far outraised Republican incumbents in the first three months of the year.

    Montana and Iowa, another Republican-held state, are also in play. Democratic strategists said Trump’s vulnerabilities could help further expand the Senate map to seemingly inhospitable states like Kansas and Georgia, where bitter Republican nominating fights may produce weakened candidates.

    The latest Reuters/Ipsos national poll found only 44% of Americans approve of Trump’s coronavirus effort, compared with 52% who disapproved – a 13-point drop in net approval from a month ago.

  10. Treehugger and Papa, just be sure the real health care workers don’t get targeted by mistake.

  11. AK Lynne @10,

    Real health care workers have deal with biohazardous liquids with smells that would one’s eyes water. Fish sauce is really smelly, but not a bio-hazard. I’m sure the faux workers would identify themselves as the ones yelling and waving anti-stay-at-home signs.

  12. The weapons they’re carrying will give them away.

  13. Bostonmvr says:

    Well, they have been impersonating human beings for Many years.

  14. Malarkey says:

    These are tactics that I saw over a decade ago when I was a clinic escort.

    The staff at the fake clinic next door donned orange vests and pretended to be pro-choice escorts to try to trick women into going into their place where they would take their information, show awful tapes and send clergy after them if they left. Last I heard, lying is a sin, but these folks just don’t seem to care about the truth.
