The Fake New York Times

April 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times documents that Trump has offered up self-praise 600 times during the Corona virus.

You gotta admit, that’s hard to do.  If he wants a “record-breaking” or “being the best in all of history at” – this is probably it. He truly owns the Pat Himself on the Back award.

Maybe they give a Noble Prize for self congratulations.

Okay, you can forgive the guy for not knowing that reporters don’t get Nobel Prizes or that the prize wasn’t named about the dictionary definition of noble, because it’s not a Noble Prize at all.  You didn’t expect him to know how to pronounce the word “Pulitzer,” did you?


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0 Comments to “The Fake New York Times”

  1. megasoid says:

    The Ignobel (ignoble) prize for fatuous bloviation.

  2. Can we just give Trump a trophy for participation, and call it a day?

  3. RepubAnon says:

    Trump would be out of his depth in a mud puddle. A small mud puddle.

  4. Teh Gerg says:

    “Hey, there’s meat from a young hen in this.” You know, a pullet surprise.

    I’m waiting for this year’s IgNobel Prizes. It should be Trump in a runaway.

  5. But he’d be right in his element in a very deep cesspool.

  6. megasoid says:

    OMG Not China!

    An ignominious end to the man who would be mob boss.

    Nathalie Tocci, an adviser to the European Union’s foreign affairs chief, recently offered a pertinent historical parallel to consider. She cited the 1956 Suez crisis — Britain’s unsuccessful, if conspiratorial, alliance with France and Israel to militarily topple the nationalist regime of Egypt’s President Gamal Abdul Nasser. It is now considered the sunset moment for Britain’s imperial power. In the present context, she speculated that the Covid-19 pandemic may prove to be a “Suez moment” for the United States.

    Ignoring the warnings of scientists and public health experts, President Trump threatens to disastrously extend his coronavirus chronology from hell into an increasingly painful future by “reopening” the country too soon.

    By so doing, he will only accelerate the day when the World Leadership Trophy, held by America since 1946, is handed to the People’s Republic of China.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    I just looked up the Ig Nobel web site
    and the very first picture leads to an invention winner from 2009 that is “appropriate” for today:

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Travel restrictions? Must be why Covidiot* 45, Commander-Clorox-Forces wants 1000 cadets to travel from points all over to attend a rally for the Toddler-in-Thief.
    Social distancing? Billy Bob Barr promises his(?) DOJ will protect the thoroughly insane covidiots from the sane governors.

    The ***king moron* has self-congratulated 600+ times. NYT seriously you could write that Donnie* self flagellated 1000 times and raise less surprise. Whether he* golfs, tweets or lies at the podium, rest assured the rest of his* maladministration is doing unreported harm to the nation at every level.

  9. Old Fart says:

    @Teh Gerg, #4: So Capt. Queeg is saying “Pullet my finger”?

  10. Shopping /running errands during CoronaVirus
    When more then grocery needs require running an errand ( Medicine, toilet start running etc) the question becomes is it safer to
    1) Wait until multiple errands need being done and go out once running all errands in a single trip?
    2) Make several single errand trips?

    A bit like whether one gets wetter by running through a downpour ( more speed means more contact with falling raindrops) or by walking through a downpour ( less collision with raindrops that you might “run” into but more direct hits)
    I remember the Tappet brothers (as represented by Dewey, Cheatem and Howe) tried to answer the raindrop question once but I forgot their answer.
    Hey isolation lets the mind wander

  11. Katherine says:

    Any chance he who shall not be named, might want to try out for the Darwin awards?

  12. Sandridge says:

    This evening the PBS Newshour mentioned that the NYT(?) found that during all of the White House COVID19 ‘BS press conferences’, ostensibly about a deadly medical pandemic, Impotus Dr. Donnei had spoken for more than –thirty [30] hours–.
    The two primary physicians, actual specialist MDs in the field of infectious diseases, Drs. Fauci and Birx, were allowed to speak for about –eight (8) hours–, the total for both of them.

    megasoid @6: “OMG Not China!”,
    I’ve written here many times about how USAUSA#1! has ceded world economic [and other] dominance to China.
    Most recently that it was greatly accelerated under the malignant tiny hand of Dr. Drumph, but wrote of the ‘Murikan decline and fall originating with the Cheney-Bush regime a lot.
    Most don’t realize how much ground the US has lost in the last twenty years.
    The UK-Suez analogy is pretty close, but given how much damage our DiJidioT Caligua has done, the late-stage Roman Empire fits better.

  13. Sandridge @12 The Fall of our Roman Empire is an apt description. Slow to arrive, probably with a global depression in store and kicked to our knees for decades with acrimony by all those countries that we bedeviled likewise. Our comeuppance complete.

  14. thatotherjean says:

    I”m with Rick. Also, what Sandridge said.

  15. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Let’s all stop and give pause, and thanks, to the poor Times employee that had to watch all of the briefings to come up with that number.

  16. The Alfred Noble Prize is awarded to the author of an academic paper concerning civil engineering. The recipient must be under 35 years old.

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    They say ignorance is bliss. The orange moron must be one happy dude.

  18. Katherine#11, he* is trying,(Very Trying) and McDonalds is trying to help!
