Archive for March, 2020

The Hypocrisy of John Roberts

March 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, SCOTUS, Trump

In a rare moment yesterday, Chief Justice John Roberts dove into politics by rebuking Chuck Schumer’s criticism of Neil Gorsuch (who is sitting in the seat stolen by Mitch McConnell) and Brett Kavanaugh (best known for boofing, sexual assault, and calendars) who are almost certainly going to vote in a Louisiana abortion case that could undo yet again decades of judicial precedence.  Schumer, speaking at a rally, said that the justices would “pay the price” for an “awful decision”.  Schumer’s office says he was talking about a political price from a grassroots movement if the court strikes down Roe v Wade.  Was Schumer’s rhetoric over the top?  Probably, but let’s talk all of this in context.  The Roberts Court has gutted the Voting Rights Act, ruled that money equals speech, lifted all limits for corporations to contribute dark money to political candidates, refused to step in to stop racial gerrymandering, and has contributed to the systematic dismantling of the nation’s gun safety laws.  The abortion case is just another log on the fire.  But all this is not the point.

Roberts publicly rebuked Schumer for his language yesterday, but has ignored jury tampering, intimidation of judges, threats against jurors and judges, and inciting violence towards the judiciary by none other than the president of the United States.  The Court’s conservative majority has also repeatedly endorsed Trump’s racist and illegal immigration policies as well as allowing him to turn the entire US government on its head. The hypocrisy is unsettling, if not shocking, so Roberts sudden concern over Schumer’s language made me burst out laughing when I read his statement yesterday.

Message to Roberts – If you’re concerned about politicians’ rhetoric to the court you need to go buy a mirror, hang it on the wall, and then look deeply into it.  YOU are just a culpable for the disaster that has been made of our system of government and the continuous threats it endures.

KHOU Broadcasts False Story about Voting in Harris County

March 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Voter Suppression

Today, KHOU broadcast a demonstrably false story about yesterday’s long lines at polling places in Harris County. In one of their “Verify” segments, they pretended to investigate the extremely long lines for Democratic voters while Republican voters who had NO lines. The truth is that the GOP polling places had no lines because Trump had already sewn up the nomination (because the RNC declined to hold primaries), so turnout for the remaining primary races was meager.
KHOU’s conclusion from their “investigation” was that both Democrats and Republicans “agreed in advance” to hold separate primaries. In short, that conclusion is blatantly false; Harris Country Clerk Diane Trautman even tweeted about how Republicans refused to agree to hold a joint primary so both parties could share the same voting machines. Because of this refusal, the county was required to allocate HALF of the voting machines to the Republican primary even though Democratic primary voters outnumbered Republican voters 3 to 1. Combine that with the Republican controlled Texas government shuttering 750 Texas polling places since 2012 and you have a formula for disaster, which is exactly what happened. Democratic voters stood in line yesterday for up to 5 hours just to cast a primary vote. While this was occurring, Republican poll workers sat and twiddled their thumbs as HALF of the county’s voting machines went virtually unused. The HCRP knew that the Democratic primary was contested which would drive a large turnout. They also knew that hoarding half the machines would make lines much longer in the Democratic primary. Here’s the truth: the HCRP was perfectly happy to inconvenience hundreds of thousands of Harris County residents so they could suppress the Democratic vote and generally make life miserable for them. It was shameful.  Just a little common decency would have gone a long way, but that is completely out of character for today’s GOP.
The real shame here was that KHOU blew this story badly by falsely reporting that both parties agreed to the split primary when that was simply not true. There are two possibilities here: KHOU was intimidated into lying about the political practices of the HCRP, OR, the reporter here was simply incompetent.  I’ll leave the conclusions to our readers.
In the meantime, I call on KHOU to correct the record and report this story accurately.

Bad Ass

March 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Jill Biden is a bad ass.



And I bet she can put up Christmas decorations a helluva lot better than you-know-who.


Oh Yeah? Well Lookie Here.

March 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Texas, the Titus County Republican Party Charwoman and State Republican Executive Committee member Sue Evenwel took herself to Facebook in her continuing battle against mattress thrashing in any form except missionary in the dark for procreation only with your government authorized marriage license clutched in your hand.

The Log Cabin Republicans have tried for 15 years to have a booth at the State Republican Convention.  Honey, as long as there are white headed chubby old Republican women living in absolute terror that their husbands are going to leave them for Jake at State Farm, Log Cabin Republicans cannot defile their State Republican Convention.

Sue Evenwel just ain’t having that stuff.  She says that Log Cabin Republicans is an “advocacy group,” which is a discovery that they don’t deny. They favor love, and, you know, mattress thrashing.

Sue Evenwel says, “The party would also not allow express advocacy groups for murders, burglars, adulterers or fornicators.”

What the damn hell, Sue Evenwel?  Murders, burglars, adulterers, and fornicators? You just described your president.  In fact, he’s a one-man advocacy group for all that.


OK, Hear Me Out on this One…

March 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Some of our Salon customers believe I’m a conspiracy theorist, so to fuel that conclusion here’s another one.  Hear me out…There have been rumors flying around for over a year that Trump was going to replace Pantywaist Pence with Nikki Haley.  That’s been fed by weird tweets from Haley herself and recently commentary by Paul Begala predicting Trump is going to do just that.  Everyone in Trumpworld has been lamely trying to slap that one down, but I’ve never been convinced that Trump is NOT going to take Pence out.

It’s no secret that Pence is a toad of the first order, adding no political capital to Trump’s dwindling account.  He’s a Yes Man of the worst order, complete with his longing looks of Trump adoration and his aggrieved voice whenever he’s burdened with explaining Trump’s latest soiling of the carpets in the WH.  Now, Trump has put him in charge of the Coronavirus response, a job that he is totally unsuited (not to mention unqualified) for.  Pence’s response so far has been predictably awful, from mixed messaging to photos of a room full of white men deciding the fates of over 300 million Americans.  The effort is going to fail, and, in fact, has probably already failed.  There is almost certainly going to be an rapid increase in cases and bad news of larger outbreaks.  When that happens, guess who’s going to be the patsy?  That’s right, Mike Pence.  Trump will have “no choice” but to remove him as VP for incompetence and get a more “beautiful” and “fantastic” and “best qualified ever” candidate which will just so happen to be Haley.  It will be a cynical effort to save his suburban mom voting block.

Call me crazy…

But Was He Ever Truly IN?

March 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bloomberg is out and he’s endorsed Joe Biden.  Let the Bernie whining begin …3…2…1

I want to remind everyone that Bernie agreed to the rules this time prior to anything starting and that everyone has followed the rules.

Do you ever wonder why none of the other candidates endorsed Bernie?

And yes, I think Elizabeth Warren should stay in to provide a third voice.  And yes, I am disappointed that it’s two old white men. But either of them is preferable to Trump.