Oh Yeah? Well Lookie Here.

March 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Texas, the Titus County Republican Party Charwoman and State Republican Executive Committee member Sue Evenwel took herself to Facebook in her continuing battle against mattress thrashing in any form except missionary in the dark for procreation only with your government authorized marriage license clutched in your hand.

The Log Cabin Republicans have tried for 15 years to have a booth at the State Republican Convention.  Honey, as long as there are white headed chubby old Republican women living in absolute terror that their husbands are going to leave them for Jake at State Farm, Log Cabin Republicans cannot defile their State Republican Convention.

Sue Evenwel just ain’t having that stuff.  She says that Log Cabin Republicans is an “advocacy group,” which is a discovery that they don’t deny. They favor love, and, you know, mattress thrashing.

Sue Evenwel says, “The party would also not allow express advocacy groups for murders, burglars, adulterers or fornicators.”

What the damn hell, Sue Evenwel?  Murders, burglars, adulterers, and fornicators? You just described your president.  In fact, he’s a one-man advocacy group for all that.


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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah? Well Lookie Here.”

  1. Was she around about 20 years ago when they put a plank in their platform that said if the Lord lays it on your heart to kill a gay person, it should not be considered a hate crime?

    I kept a copy of that Texas Republican platform for years because nobody believed me if I spoke about it. Too bad it got tossed in a move. That platform vanished from the web.

  2. See Evenwel v. Abbott, 578 U.S. ___ (2016).

    Ms Evenwel sued over legislative redistricting saying if you use Total Population rather than Total Voters to redistrict you dilute her very on personal vote. The Western District Court said, “Are you stoned?” or words to that effect and concluded Ms Evenwel had no valid claim on which relief could be granted.

    Because Ms Evenwel apparently has more dollars than sense, so the case eventually ended up in front of the Supremes. The Supremes saith “Held: As constitutional history, precedent, and practice demonstrate, a State or locality may draw its legislative districts based on total population.” {Bronx Cheer}

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    I laughed so loudly after that last paragraph I started my cat!

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    Eww, is that Ted Cruz’s arm draped over her? She needs to boil herself in bleach for 2 hours now. In any case, once again I thank this salon for NOT reposting the picture of the Zodiac Creep wearing a paisly bathrobe. My wife will be home soon and I don’t want to stink up the house with the smell of regurgitated lunch.

    BTW, as I recall it was the total population count that inflicted Tom (Bug-Crazy) Delay on the nation. Nothing like several thousand prison inmates without voting rights at Sugarland to make it easier to get elected with only a few votes.

  5. Responding to Crone at #1:

    http://www.outsmartmagazine.com/2018/06/texas-gop-approves-24-anti-lgbtq-platform-planks-including-support-for-ex-gay-therapy/ (from 2018)

    256) Homosexuality: We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.

    Direct source:
    https://www.texasgop.org/platform/ (2018 Texas GOP platform)

  6. Whether it was accidental or on purpose, I liked “charwoman.”

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I wondered if she was in Louie’s district, but she’s in TX-04, a little west. I wonder when these Bible thumping rural folk will actually read or follow the instructions? I guess study and independent thought is a scary thing.

  8. Responding to myself at #5:

    Note the platform plank opposes “criminal” penalties for “acting from faith or conviction.”

    If your faith tells you that you should murder a gay man, the Texas GOP position is you should not be prosecuted for that.

    The Texas GOP is pro-murder. Conservatism kills (that should be a bumper sticker).

    The party of religion wonders why the pews are emptying.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    The collective “group” of folks who continue to vote against their own interests is a very diverse group. A group that includes everyone except straight white males who are .01% economically privileged. Yes, that would include all too many Republicon elected types who are not of the privileged narrow group. Yes, Senator So-so Collins, Leningrad Lindsey and Tommy Traitor Cotton that would mean you among many.

  10. Thanks James, for letting me know they are still at it.

    The one burned in my memory was from around 2000.

  11. fenway fran says:

    “as long as there are white headed chubby old Republican women living in absolute terror that their husbands are going to leave them for Jake at State Farm”…spewing my coffee and laughing REALLY loud, poor Buddy thinks something is wrong with me. I love yew!
