Bad Ass

March 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Jill Biden is a bad ass.



And I bet she can put up Christmas decorations a helluva lot better than you-know-who.


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0 Comments to “Bad Ass”

  1. Dr Jill published a book last year. Connie Schultz (Pulitzer prize winning journalist and wife of Sen Sherrod Brown) wrote a nice review of it. Sounds like a good one. Dr Jill would make an excellent First Lady.–like-michelle-obamas–is-not-meant-to-be-political/2019/05/08/90016350-6e66-11e9-8f44-e8d8bb1df986_story.html

  2. El Jefe says:

    I kept thinking, “Where is the secret service?” Then I realized that Joe didn’t need secret services as long as Dr. Jill was on the job. She fought off that weirdo twice before security finally got there.

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Trying to imagine the First Escort doing that for Mr. Donald. Failing.

  4. FrauFree says:

    That was absolutely AWESOME. Way to go Dr. Jill!!
    But mark my words. trump on his next rally: “Joe Biden, a weak candidate, would be a weak president, can’t even stand up for himself, how can he possibly do it for the nation, needs his wife to protect him etc etc.”

  5. I guess if you have to protest about dairy its best protest at a dem rally. You won’t be kicked to death or pummelled like you would be at a maga/klan gathering.

    But I’m thinking Jill might do a little damage too.

  6. Idiots.
    We need Trump replaced, so distract from the main message with a niche anti-dairy statement? If Cheeseburger Trump gets reelected, how much luck will she have with that position for another 4 years?

  7. If she did it at a Trump rally, they’d mop up the floor with her.

  8. RepubAnon says:

    I’m really tired of fringe protesters trying to get attention for their causes. All it does is feed Trump’s supporters.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Every “race” has its intangibles. Mrs. Obama was one for President Obama then Senator in 2008. Dr. Biden is definitely a plus for VP/Sen Biden. Also in his favor of late, former Governor Granholm has been working with him on debate prep. fwiw Symone Sanders was also one of the stage participants brushing back the protester.

    Replacing Messy as First WTH is she? is just one of millions of reasons to dump IQ4.5*.

    While understanding why some protesters would go after the Democratic candidates simply because Democrats will listen, why don’t they equally go after Republicons for NOT listening?

  10. Wow! Di Dr. Biden ever take a self defense class? She’s got some moves!

    Also, did the sign actually say “Dairy must die”? Would really, really like to know that.

  11. SteveTheReturned says:

    There is no excuse for not having had Secret Service protection at that meeting. Those vegan advocates could have been political lunatics with guns—then how much good would Mrs. Biden’s protective moves have been? Why ANY Democratic candidate would not have first-rate security protection in place, given the amount of right-wing hatred not even pretending to hide anymore, is just asking for another tragedy.

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Rep. Bennie Thompson, chair of the Homeland Security Committee. just requested that all candidates get Secret Service protection. Clearly it’s a good idea. These vegans weren’t armed or violent, just annoying. Next time?
