Archive for February, 2020

Pardon Watch ….

February 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Roger Stone got 40 months.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said Stone “took it upon himself to lie, to impede, to obstruct before the investigation was complete, in an endeavor to influence the result.”

“The truth still exists, the truth still matters. Roger stone insisted that it doesn’t,” Jackson said as Stone stood expressionless next to his three defense attorneys.

Three years and three months.  He can go home until the judge makes a decision on a new trial.

I think that’s a fair sentence for a man his age.


I Enjoyed Last Night

February 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I didn’t see a disaster.  I saw some feisty people willing to fight for their beliefs.  I saw passion, and the ability to take on Donald Trump.

I saw Elizabeth Warren take home Bloomberg’s winkie in her pocket last night, showing why he was letting his money talk instead of his mouth.  His snappy comeback about Turbo Tax was an insult to most of America, and his reasoning for not releasing his taxes was the same as Donald Trump – he hadn’t had time.  Good Lord, he’s been talking about running since last summer and if he hasn’t had his people going over his taxes with a fine tooth comb, he’s an idiot.  I could give you my tax returns in an afternoon and most of that time would be spent figuring out if the paper went into the copy machine face up or face down and whether it should point east or west in the feeder.

I grinned at the vandalism on Wikipedia after the debate last night.



I grinned at the vandalism on Wikipedia after the debate last night.  (It’s a shame they got the date wrong – 2019 instead of 2020 – but I figure they were pretty much in a hurry.)

Amy Klobuchar showed she’s got game. She wasn’t going to stand down to anybody, including Warren.

I thought Joe did Joe very well and looked stronger than in other debates.  I saw Bernie even smile last night.

Y’all, don’t buy into the line that Democrats hurt themselves last night.  I think they showed they care about stuff and are willing to fight for it.

I had an acquaintance call me last night during one of the commercials and tell me, “I just can’t watch it because of all the negativity.”  God help me, I replied, “I’m sorry I can’t listen to you because of all the negativity about the negativity. Go watch the Hallmark channel. It’s fiction and no one’s life depends on it, but you’ll be much happier.”

Find which person you think would knee cap Donald Trump.  Vote for them.

This ain’t gonna be pretty.


Until I Get Up Tomorrow Morning

February 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Dude, I Didn’t See This Coming Because I Wasn’t Even Looking In That Direction

February 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Julian Assange’s lawyer is talking.

An attorney for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange alleged in court Wednesday that President Trump offered a pardon to Julian Assange if he would deny any Russian involvement in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack in 2016.

This is a hearing where Assange is fighting extradition to the United States for trial where Assange could face up to 18 charges, including conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.

The lawyer added that the message was sent through ex-congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

Trump’s press secretary issued the usual never-met-the-guy line.

“The President barely knows Dana Rohrabacher other than he’s an ex-congressman. He’s never spoken to him on this subject or almost any subject. It is is a complete fabrication and a total lie. This is probably another never ending hoax and total lie from the DNC,” Grisham said in a statement.

Rohrabacher was known as “Putin’s best friend in congress” so the idea that Trump barely knew him is … well, insane.

When he retired from congress in 2018, the Washington Post did a column that now looks like they had a crystal ball into the development of Trump’s nationalism.  So, not only did Trump know him, Rohrabacher probably ordered the peeing hookers.

Hey, I’m gonna watch the debate tonight.


This Makes Me a Little Nervous

February 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I truly hope Mike Bloomberg will be asked about this tonight.

As far back as November of last year, Bloomberg has said he will release his tax returns if he runs (he hasn’t said for how many years), but it’s starting to sound familiar.

In late January, the LA Times reported that Bloomberg got an extension to release the returns until after Super Tuesday.

Billionaire Michael R. Bloomberg won’t have to publicly disclose his finances until late March, well after voters in more than a dozen states — including California — take to the polls on Super Tuesday.

That also includes Texas.

Now, here’s where you can trip on the carpet: Bloomberg said he would sell his company, but his own namesake newspaper got a little squishy today.

A spokesman for Bloomberg LP, Ty Trippet, said that Bloomberg hadn’t decided the future of his company yet.

“As Mike has said numerous times, if elected president in November, he would either place the company in a truly blind trust or sell it. Currently, we’re not for sale,” Trippet said.

Trippet said later that putting the company in a blind trust would be the first step in the process toward a sale.

That made me cringe.  I hadn’t heard the blind trust thing until today.

And the only mention of his tax returns is this —

“Mike Bloomberg will release his tax returns.”

When?  How many years? Hummm …. crickets.

I’ll be listening tonight.


It Made Me Smile

February 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Go on – try not to smile. You have to and you know it.

“One thing about my marriage is it’s never involved me having to send hush money to a porn star after cheating on my spouse with him or her, So they wanna debate family values? Let’s debate family values. I’m ready.”

— Pete Buttigieg, quoted by Politico.