I didn’t see a disaster. I saw some feisty people willing to fight for their beliefs. I saw passion, and the ability to take on Donald Trump.
I saw Elizabeth Warren take home Bloomberg’s winkie in her pocket last night, showing why he was letting his money talk instead of his mouth. His snappy comeback about Turbo Tax was an insult to most of America, and his reasoning for not releasing his taxes was the same as Donald Trump – he hadn’t had time. Good Lord, he’s been talking about running since last summer and if he hasn’t had his people going over his taxes with a fine tooth comb, he’s an idiot. I could give you my tax returns in an afternoon and most of that time would be spent figuring out if the paper went into the copy machine face up or face down and whether it should point east or west in the feeder.
I grinned at the vandalism on Wikipedia after the debate last night.
I grinned at the vandalism on Wikipedia after the debate last night. (It’s a shame they got the date wrong – 2019 instead of 2020 – but I figure they were pretty much in a hurry.)
Amy Klobuchar showed she’s got game. She wasn’t going to stand down to anybody, including Warren.
I thought Joe did Joe very well and looked stronger than in other debates. I saw Bernie even smile last night.
Y’all, don’t buy into the line that Democrats hurt themselves last night. I think they showed they care about stuff and are willing to fight for it.
I had an acquaintance call me last night during one of the commercials and tell me, “I just can’t watch it because of all the negativity.” God help me, I replied, “I’m sorry I can’t listen to you because of all the negativity about the negativity. Go watch the Hallmark channel. It’s fiction and no one’s life depends on it, but you’ll be much happier.”
Find which person you think would knee cap Donald Trump. Vote for them.
This ain’t gonna be pretty.