Archive for January, 2020

Somebody Throw a Tire Tool in the Crank Drive

January 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Madam Speaker, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, has announced that this crapola is damn well over.

Trump has tripled down on blowing up cultural spots in Iran if they retaliate for killing their general.  Not only will he do it, but he will laugh gleefully watching them burn.

Pelosi is doing what she can to stop this stuff.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday sent a letter to Democratic members of Congress announcing the House will introduce and vote on a “War Powers Resolution to limit the President’s military actions regarding Iran” amid rising tension.

The resolution, Pelosi writes, “reasserts Congress’s long-established oversight responsibilities by mandating that if no further Congressional action is taken, the Administration’s military hostilities with regard to Iran cease within 30 days.”

Look, I realize that Trump can do lotsa damage in 30 days, but at the very least this will limit the amount of time that John Bolton and Stephen Miller can prance around with a bulge in their pants.

After threatening bombs and sanctions and golf courses and whatnot, Trump said something so weird that even I said duh.

“If there’s any hostility, that they do anything we think is inappropriate, we are going to put sanctions on Iraq, very big sanctions on Iraq,” Mr. Trump added.

In making his warning, the president was threatening sanctions on a country for forcing out American troops whom he himself had pledged to bring home during his 2016 presidential campaign.

Dude, they are just trying to help you keep your campaign promises.  I mean, no Obamacare gone, no wall, you ought to have at least one you can claim to have kept.

One more thing.  This idea that he told Russia what he was going to do but not congress because “he wanted to keep it a secret,” is not how America works.



US Government Now Run by Incompetent Morons

January 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran, Trump

So, let’s recap the week:

  1. Trump, against all advice, unilaterally had the second most powerful person in the Iranian government killed by drone in Baghdad.  Seven others were killed along with him.
  2. Trump informed Lindsey Graham before the attack, but apparently no one else.  After the attack he spoke only to Republicans and only now is congressional leadership being briefed.
  3. Evidence to justify the killings has been described by congressional sources has been described as “razor thin”.
  4. Trump has continued to threaten Iran with acts of massive destruction if they retaliate (via Twitter).
  5. The Iraqi Parliament has voted to expel all US troops from the country.  The vote was taken at the request of Iraqi prime minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi.  He’s sure to sign it.
  6. Today, Iran announced that it is now withdrawing from the nuclear treaty of 2015 and will begin enriching uranium immediately.
  7. Pompeo was on all the news programs this morning freely lying and defending the indefensible.
  8. Pence lied on Twitter yesterday that Soleimani was involved in 9/11, trying to give cover to Trump.
  9. Trump played golf today.

Our government is run by an incompetent, totally corrupt moron who’s being enabled by lying radicals.  It will take decades to recover from this cancer on our republic.

Iraqi Parliament Votes to Eject US Troops

January 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran, Trump

Iraqi parliament has voted to order US troops out of Iraq.  Trump has single handedly, and stupidly escalated violence in the Middle East.  More later.

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The “Deep State” Suddenly Disappears on Fox News

January 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran

Fox News talking heads are now trumpeting the accuracy of US intelligence that Trump claims to have used to justify the killing of the second most powerful member of the Iranian government, and all reference to the “Deep State” has ceased.  The reversal can cause serious whiplash if you’re not careful.  Even Sean Hannity got into the act, saying, “But I will say the big headline is, this is a huge victory for American intelligence, a huge victory for our military, a huge victory for the State Department, and a huge victory and total leadership by the president.”  Hannity has been railing about US intelligence for 3 years calling it the anti-Trump “Deep State”.

NY Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi tweeted earlier today that her sources call the evidence of imminent attacks was “razor thin” and leaves many questions.  Now that Congress is being finally briefed, the truth will come out, and I’ll lay odds that Trump and his enablers are lying about this, too.

Wag the Dog.

Horrific Bush Flashback

January 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look who is ten pounds of gall in a five pound sack!

Yeah, and soon he will be telling us that we will be welcomed with open arms and that the war will pay for itself and that we should go shopping.

Damn Republican wars.


All That “Winning”

January 03, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Trade War Based On Lies

US manufacturing is now at a ten year low, as reported by the The Institute for Supply Management, with its index dropping to 47.2 in December.  Anything below an index of 50 signals a manufacturing segment contraction.  So with the trade wars that have destroyed thousands of jobs, wrecked export markets for many industries, and saddled the manufacturing industries with dozens of tariffs, Trump’s “winning ” strategy is actually…not.