Horrific Bush Flashback

January 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look who is ten pounds of gall in a five pound sack!

Yeah, and soon he will be telling us that we will be welcomed with open arms and that the war will pay for itself and that we should go shopping.

Damn Republican wars.


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0 Comments to “Horrific Bush Flashback”

  1. I bet Ari even has sources for his comment. Like something he ate with bad mayo in it.

    In tomorrow’s news, Ari Fleischer announces Soleimani had WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!
    In his pockets! (they get smaller every year)
    The evidence blew up! (didn’t you see the fireball?)

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Afghanistan and Iraq are such successes, let’s do Iran. Ari, success doesn’t mean what you neocons think it means. You ***king morons have managed to weaponize stupidity and miniaturized dirty bombs to the size of your own spittle. So yeah, now we are afraid of terrorists with dirty bombs, if you mean yourself and guys like you every time you spray your nonsense.

  3. Another point is after all the war crimes our baby merc’s have committed while cowering behind the nuremberg defense of “just obeying orders” I do not even want to hear any whining from our uniformed gang bangers complaining about treatment they might get if/and when some are captured.
    Justify waterboarding for others prepare to be waterboarded.
    If engaging in “Enhanced Interragation” is ok for the sadist’s disgracing the flag then no one has the right to whimper about the same techniques being used on any captured merc’s, in uniform or not.
    Well our baby merc foce voted for this war monger by 60% and now they got he war they wanted.
    Only way to that seems fair to me is to turn over the twit, demented donnie and their cotorie of thugs, including military personel, to the Iranian justice system with Gitmo detainees as judges an juries.
    Never happen but no matter what happens to any US military personel the US, as a country, has no right to complain no matter what indignities are visited upon their poxed existences.
    Turnabout is fair play.

  4. So let me see if I’ve got this right.
    The citizens of the country who fought a genocidal-ish war against Iran, then were liberated from their despotic dictator by America, are parading by the thousands through the streets of Tehran chanting death to America. For killing a revered Iranian responsible for untold numbers of Iraqis.
    And this jackwagon wants us to believe that IRANIANS are gonna rise up and rebel because we killed their second favorite guy.
    It could work.

  5. And just to clarify. That was the simplistic message to magas.
    The jackwagon in question knows Iraq is majority Shiite, making things a “little” more complicated.
    But he sure as hell don’t want your average fox connesuirs to think about it

  6. My sincerest apologies. @4 should read “through the streets of Baghdad”

  7. Fleischer announces WEAPONS OF MASS DEFLECTION!…

  8. slipstream says:

    Ari! I gots a great idea! You should go to Tehran and help them celebrate!

    And take George W. Bush with you.

  9. Ari just proved the old axiom, when the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, EVERYTHING looks like a nail.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Imagine where we might be if the United States hadn’t destroyed Iran’s democracy in ’54.

    Here’s a cool bar bet: which country destroyed more democracies, the USA or the USSR?

    (Hint: the USSR’s score was, at the most, 3.)

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Why on earth is the media even talking to Ari? His only “qualification” is having been the mouth piece for one of the dumbest and most destructive presidents the US has ever had. After Nixon was exorcised from office, did any reputable news media ever consult Ron (“those statements are no longer operational”) Ziegler?

    At the very least they should run a chevron disclaimer: “Ari Fleischer routinely lied to the American people while being paid by them, or was so mentally deficient he could not tell what was true or false.”

  12. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Enough gaul to divide into three parts.

  13. The show of gratitude and celebrations mentioned by Ari have begun.
    Headline today:

    Iraq passes resolution to end foreign troop presence

    Iraq wants all US troops out of their country. Maybe US troops, diplomats, business people, etc can accept all those expressions of thanks from across the boarder in Kuwait?

  14. Karen Crosby says:

    The lede is so perfect

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    Fair warning, Wyatt_Earl@12: I fully intend to steal that insult. Well, maybe I’ll give attribution to you. But in any case it’s too damned good and succint to not be further distributed!

  16. Haven’t that seen that happen, but remember that these guys write their own history.
