Mo Brooks From Aladamnbama
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They are so classy in Alabama.
No comment necessary.
They are so classy in Alabama.
Just in case you need a little break from all the Trumpapolooza with a bit of smiling and eye rolling from local Republicans here in Fort Bend County …
As most of you know, my county flipped from Tom DeLay red to Hillary Clinton blue, carrying the county and every countywide Democratic candidate winning their election. You helped with that with your donations here.
There’s a special election on Nov. 5th for a state house seat. Last week I asked you to donate to the Democratic candidate Eliz Markowitz and you did. Thank you.
Although this is a Republican seat, local Republicans are terrified of her. Flat butt terrified.
So, the Republican county chair, Linda Howell, sent out an email to scare them all within a couple of inches of their currently miserable lives. In a special election in Texas, it’s winner to take all. Democrats caught a case of smart and ran one candidate. Republicans, hummm … not so much. They have 6 candidates.
But, here’s the snickering part of Chairwoman’s Howell’s email.
Their Alamo? Chairwoman Howell didn’t stay until the end of the movie to see every Texan die? Unless you’re planning on you and everybody on your team to die, don’t call your backyard barbecue, your craft project or your political race The Alamo.
I have suggested to Dr. Markowitz that her campaign should be our San Jacinto.
So, I’m gonna ask you to memorialize this snickerable event by giving ten more dollars to Dr. Eliz Markowitz in honor of General Sam Houston and Eliz’s campaign being able to Remember the Alamo.
Poor Republicans. Trump has got them all thinking crooked.
News is flying faster than the wicked witch’s monkeys and it’s all not good for Trump. It’s gonna be a fun day.
I think maybe right now the best part of it all is that so many evil people are going down with Trump. I am especially fond of seeing Bob Barr and Rudy Giuliani start thinking about commissary prices in federal prisons. You know that “deep state” the rightwing is always talking about? Oh hell, that’s what Trump’s men have created. They are the deep state.
I’m gonna be plugged into the teevee today, playing on my computer machine, and unpacking a few more boxes. Hope you can join me.
After lunch, I went to put on a tub load of laundry, and out the window I saw that my new plants were already wilting so I went out to water them where I saw that somebody had left the cover off the grill, and then I was tired after hunting down the cover and putting it on the damn grill, so I came inside and went to sit down in my favorite chair with some ice water and then the phone rang and it was Pam and I like Pam so I answered it and she said, “Girl, that damnfool accidentally sent out his talking points to the Democrats.”
And then, I guess it was while I was putting on the laundry, Trump announced that Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House. You cannot leave that child alone for a minute. And he added that as of today, she no longer cares about gun safety. What the hell? Did he try to bribe her over gun safety? Did he say, “Nancy if you’ll leave me alone, I’ll give you gun safety?”
Look, he has to go to bed at 9:00 tonight because I’m watching the ballgame then.
Roll Call tweeted this —
Isn’t that exactly what Mitch McConnell has done for a year and half? How will we notice any difference?
This one came as no shocked to me. Dwayne Bohac, a Republican state representative hailing from northwest Houston announced his retirement today.
In 2018, Bohac won by 72 votes out of about 50,000.
Bohac will best be remembered when a couple of sessions ago, he sponsored the Merry Christmas bill because his son’s school wished Happy Holidays instead. It got national attention but nothing else.
All the rest of Houston went blue in 2018, so Bohac chickened out.
That makes me smile.