Just Maybe – the Best Part

September 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

News is flying faster than the wicked witch’s monkeys and it’s all not good for Trump.  It’s gonna be a fun day.

I think maybe right now the best part of it all is that so many evil people are going down with Trump.  I am especially fond of seeing Bob Barr and Rudy Giuliani start thinking about commissary prices in federal prisons. You know that “deep state” the rightwing is always talking about? Oh hell, that’s what Trump’s men have created.  They are the deep state.

I’m gonna be plugged into the teevee today, playing on my computer machine, and unpacking a few more boxes. Hope you can join me.


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0 Comments to “Just Maybe – the Best Part”

  1. I keep hearing about tRump’s charm. I don’t see it, but it evidently is there for a certain kind of people. Barr came out of retirement to be AG for a short time and then go to jail in disgrace. Must be some hellova kind of charm.

  2. You unpack, I’ll warm up the popcorn, and we’ll all sit around and cheer as Putin’s Puto begs for Speaker Pelosi to “give him a break”!!

    And did you see the Ukrainian Prez’s face when El Stupido said that he and Putin should talk to one another and make nice??!

  3. Been watching TV, throwing a load of laundry in the washing machine and checking my emails.

    The Rethugs on this committee are just disgraceful. I can’t imagine who thinks any of these guys are worthy of a vote.

  4. Wally Plahutnik says:

    Please tell El Jefe that I concede I was wrong. There will likely be rats (with a capital “R”) jumping ship. The memo of the phone call looked like something they could ignore. It obviously was shady but there was no smoking gun. The whistleblower however, lays it out like Perry Mason in the last 5 minutes of the show. The dots are connected, the t’s are crossed, the p’s and the q’s are all in the right places. If nothing comes of this it is time to peacefully take to the interstates, bridges, and major city streets and bring this country to a screeching halt. If the Republicans do not recognize treason, we can show them that their circus can be shut down by groups of 30 or more people in strategic locations. Of course, this is Nancy Pelosi’s circus, too. How she runs it will determine if democracy is restored. It is time to be American’s first and Democrats second. We can not let plans for the upcoming election interfere or supersede removing a traitor from the White House, even if it means 6 months of President Pence before we vote him into San Quentin to join Трамп.

  5. @Cheryl — LowBarr didn’t come back out of retirement because of Spankee’s supposed “charm”, he came back because he’s a power-hungry OpusDei thug and he saw a chance to pervert our justice system by manipulating a narcissistic fool.

    And it’s been working way too well. But, if we’re lucky, no longer.

  6. Let’s not allow Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic investigatory committees to bring out just –one– impeachment charge, the Ukraine thing; which I’ve read of may be the forthcoming strategy.
    EG: that old ‘all your eggs in one basket’ thang. Remember who runs the Senate and SCOTUS.
    These suckers are slick, Trump has a very long history of oozing out of trouble and re-emerging even slimier. Put a pneumatic-nailer’s worth of nails through his sorry hide, stick him to a wall so tight he’ll have to shit to spit.

    Slam this SOB, and his minions, with a blizzard of charges, a hail of counts. The Dems have so many good impeachable offenses to choose from against Comrade Donnei, his handpicked team, and the rest. Don’t let most of them go to waste.
    The civil authorities will then have years to skin out the Trump Org, the Trump crime family, and any others in cahoots with these vermin.

    Pick a bunch of the best offenses and let the bastards have it pointblank.
    A shotgun blast or ten always trumps bullets at close range.

  7. I can only hope that we are FINALLY seeing a light at the end of the tunnel that is NOT another friggin’ Drumpf train coming at us.

  8. Speaker Pelosi needs to make the House members earn their paychecks this Fall, lest we all fall, by canceling the upcoming two week recess.
    This is a momentous period in our nation’s history, there’s no time for goofing off on vacay.
    How many of y’all have had to rearrange things to ‘meet the needs of the business [or mil]’? Too many times for me. They can step up to the task at hand, never a more important job to do..

    “The House is scheduled to take a two-week recess beginning Friday. That recess needs to be canceled. The severity of Donald Trump’s actions—specifically asking a foreign leader to interfere in the 2020 election on his behalf—demands it. …”


  9. Sam in Superior says:

    I think Barr and Giuliani should spend time in Epstein’s cell. It has a certain ambiance about it.

  10. Saw some of htehearing this AM and it was all so very interesting. The R’s don’t understand the DNI office definition or its organization. They also don’t understand much more than the time of day, so aw hell! The DNI guy, a retired military officer, got roasted by the R’s for being, seems to me, a turncoat tacky traitor to their glorious boss, the Golden Gibbon. The R’s want to know the name of the whistleblower so bad that if they had souls they would sell them just to get that info so they can crucify the guy. Then dammit, I had to go to work. Will try to have a quiet moment sometime soon to sit down and read the unreacted version of the MEMO. As for Barr and Guiliani and most likely a lot more, they are at present unindicted coconspirators but that shouldn’t last n=long and should read “indicted coconspirators”. Oh, how good we look to the rest of the world! And Putin now has you know who on his hit list! Imagine! Putin’s b**** making nice with the Ukrainian President promising weapons to him. Now that’s pillow talk!

  11. Sandridge @ 8 Schiff just said in a news conference that they will be working during the recess but didn’t say if it would be all or just certain members .

  12. One could make a very good argument that American democracy went on life support in 2000 as a result of Bush v. Gore. Sometimes it seems to me as if Nancy Pelosi is mulling over pulling the plug.

    The Speaker needs to leave the articles of impeachment up to the prosecutors in her caucus, as I’m sure she has some pretty good ones, e.g., Adam Schiff. They’ll make sure to throw lots of things at the defendants (multiple) in order to set up possible deals. The defendants should face so many they’ll be happy for anything they can get.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    I watched that hearing this morning: We have all been told that McGuire is a good, solid, decent man, but all I heard was circumlocution. And, OH YES a despicable grandstand act from the shrub-creeper Nunes and a new other republican questioners who trotted out every pejorative they could.

  14. Linda Phipps @13–I think McGuire is out of his depth, a good example of the Peter Principle. He may have been a fine officer and a good order follower, but he is not up to the job of Director of National Intelligence.

  15. Grandma Ada says:

    You would think folks would learned from their mistake electing Shrub and all the problems that ensued. Now the really serious crooks are there and we will find out next year if they will look away again!

  16. After they politically fumigate the wh & executive branch at I predict at least two issues unremarked upon to become major legal issues for the crime family.
    1) Presidential records act – Betcha he trys to destroy all records of everything, even to point of eating translators notes ( reported actions from helsinki surrender talk with master putin) which should place him and all around him in legal jeopardy.
    2) Official Gifts- want to bet they show a serious affliction of sticky fingers on his way out and try to grab as much loot ( ceremonial sabres inlaid with gold, art etc) as they can carry refusing to accept that all gifts are owned by US gov. and not them.
