Archive for July, 2019

No, Just No

July 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh no … here it comes.

Most of you know that I love Joe Biden as a human being with all my heart.  I do. I absolutely adore him and admire his strength and compassion.

But …



Honey, we’ve had enough old white guy compensatory testosterone mini-surges that we can stand.  No push ups. We don’t need push ups. Screw the push ups. We need a sane tax policy, enforcement of democratic ideals, help for our infrastructure, real health care and way less crap.

Look, I’m a big D Democrat. I don’t care if you’re in a damn wheelchair, if you can fix this country then I’ll support ya.  For God’s sake Joe, don’t stand up to him – make him stand up to you.

He’s drowning us all in the swamp so we won’t notice the crisis du jour.


Won’t Wait Until Friday

July 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Enjoying Life A Little Bit

July 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A Florida man … yeah, seriously …



You can read all about it, but it boils down to nobody knows why the hell he dropped his wife on the side of the road nakkid or why she was riding around nakkid in the first place.  I suspect he was pissed about somedamnthing the rest of us wouldn’t pay any mind to.

Then he goes and sets her car on fire and punches some stranger in the face just for good measure.  Then he realizes that he’s probably on the lease for the car so he gets a garden hose and puts the fire out. Then the police come and discover he’s been arrested before for sexual assault of a child so they figure he probably needs to back to jail.

And all that happened yesterday while the rest of us were trying to decide if we could face another day with Trump in the White House.  So see, we all have worries – some are nakkid on the side of the highway and some ain’t.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

Holy Hell, He’s Doubling Down

July 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now Trump wants an apology from the women he trashed and he says that “many people” agree with him about them going back home.

The Republican leadership has yet to say anything and the “moderate” Republicans (who really don’t exist) all have BUTs in their statements.

Even when voicing their concerns, Republicans did so carefully. Many of their statements included criticism of the four Democrats and did not fully slap back or condemn the president’s words.

 They are a stinkin’ bunch of cowards who lets the Twitter Bully attempt to destroy this country and certainly their party.

And I Hear Crickets

July 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, let’s pretend you’re knee-deep in a sex scandal. And let’s pretend you’re the president.  Republicans love sex sandals because they can understand them.  They have been cursed by the karma princess for that time Ken Starr went bj-rogue on Bill Clinton, so now wildly perverted sex scandals are a dime a dozen on the red side of the aisle.

So, let’s say you’re president and you need to get attention away from Jeffrey Epstein. What do you do?

Oh, I know. Racism – the GOP calling card.

The only Republican who even came close to condemning Trump’s vile racism on Twitter was Texas Republican Chip Roy, but it doesn’t count because he had a BUT.  If you see a sentence with BUT in it, don’t read or believe any of the words that came before it.



Chip Roy worked for John Cornyn, is Ted Cruz’s former chief of staff, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s first assistant, and Rick Perry’s ghostwriter for his 2010 book. He gets passed around more than a bong at a Rolling Stones concert.

Last May, Roy single-handedly defeated the $90 billion disaster aid package and received criticism from both sides of the aisle.  He’s kinda the new Ron Paul.


No Shoot, Sherlock

July 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



So you cut taxes with a hacksaw on the wealthy and then double spending to benefit those same wealthy people and you’re shocked, stone cold shocked I tell you, that you’re running out of money.

Now if they’d only spend that money on something that benefits all people – you know, like infrastructure jobs or education, but nooooo … we have to pay for Trump’s golf and parades.

This is exactly how Trump made a small fortune for himself. His Dad gave him a large fortune and he turned it into a small fortune.