No, Just No

July 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh no … here it comes.

Most of you know that I love Joe Biden as a human being with all my heart.  I do. I absolutely adore him and admire his strength and compassion.

But …



Honey, we’ve had enough old white guy compensatory testosterone mini-surges that we can stand.  No push ups. We don’t need push ups. Screw the push ups. We need a sane tax policy, enforcement of democratic ideals, help for our infrastructure, real health care and way less crap.

Look, I’m a big D Democrat. I don’t care if you’re in a damn wheelchair, if you can fix this country then I’ll support ya.  For God’s sake Joe, don’t stand up to him – make him stand up to you.

He’s drowning us all in the swamp so we won’t notice the crisis du jour.


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0 Comments to “No, Just No”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    I’m with you, JJ. It pains me to say this (again!), but Joe is really showing his age and not in a good way. He needs to give this up, but I know he won’t.

  2. Remember the old actor who finally won an Oscar and he did push ups? According to him, he was trying to make a point that age is just a number. Kudos for him.

    How well that would work for Biden is unknown. Of course, Trump would never respond in the same way- do his own set of push ups. He would use the opportunity while Biden is down on the stage to stomp on his neck.

  3. Let’s not forget his comment about punching The Current Occupant. I suspect the Clint Eastwood vote is pretty much set in concrete anyway – can’t we concentrate on getting someone younger and smarter than I am?

  4. The leader of the free world shouldn’t be an entertainer. I think the carnival barker who has assumed the position has proved, repeatedly, that we’re much better off if s/he wouldn’t pull stunts for attention.

  5. Joe needs to retire to the nearest natural history museum where he can have a space with the rest of the Jurassic fossils.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Joe, seriously man, you’re a loveable dope. So please do all of us a favor and campaign like crazy for the next Democratic President be it Liz Warren or Kamala Harris. And please, feel free if you feel a testosterone surge whenever Donnie is on stage to jump on up there and beat the snot out of him.

  7. Hey Joe?

    We need someone who can do mental pushups, like being able to see the difference between insurance and health CARE!

  8. @ Maggie #2
    Jack Palance
    After speech of how difficult it was to get cast because he was seen as being decrepit exclusively because of his age.

  9. yet another baby boomer says:

    Papa @ 5 As someone who works in one of those museums, oh, no, no, no, no….. we’ve already got enough of those rich old white guys, they all sit on the board and cause enough trouble and backward thinking as it is. Please hand Unca Joe off to somebody else. We can let him play with the voters after someone more with it clinches the nomination.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    Joe Biden made the perfect VP for Obama. He was the attack dog who could casually put down an opponent like Rand Paul by laughing at him, and was the contact with the white D.C. establishment that the first black president needed. But he is not the right person for President in 2020.

    When Biden essentially cut off Anita Jones and refused to allow other women to attest to the sleeziness of Clarence Thomas, he clearly was in the “go along to get along” gang in Congress. Although we concentrate on Roberts and Kavanaugh, don’t forget that Thomas is a reliable member in those 5-4 votes for Medieval Values.

    Even though a picnic dish of potato salad forgotten in the car on a summer afternoon develops a higher IQ, is in better physical shape, and has better morals than Trump, I hope we can do better than Biden in 2020. Yep, I’ll vote for my mentally retarded cat before Trump. But I think 2020 is pivotal for the next 20-30 years in government, and there’s a lot better candidates than Biden running.

  11. Adam Eran says:

    Really? Status quo Joe? The guy who voted to invade Iraq, then voted to tighten bankruptcy so we’re literally garnishing Social Security checks to pay for student loans poor people can no longer retire in bankruptcy… That’s you’re idea of an adorable, compassionate, lovable guy?

    And yes, he *was* the perfect vice president for Obama. You remember…the guy who not only didn’t prosecute the war crimes of Bush 43/Cheney, he promoted the torturers and prosecuted the whistleblowers.

    To really appreciate the corruption of the Obama administration, one has to compare its treatment of the big, sub-prime mortgage scandal to the previous biggest-ever bank scandal, the Savings & Loans. The Reagan / Bush 41 regulators responded to the S&Ls (the biggest scandal in American history at the time) by filing 30,000+ referrals for criminal prosecution, and prosecuting 1200+ cases with a 90% conviction rate. They got really big fish, too, Mike Milken and Charles Keating among them.

    So…let’s compare the Obama administration’s response to a bank scandal 70 times bigger. How many referrals for criminal prosecution? Answer: ZERO! The crookedest AG in history, Eric Holder, prosecuted about a dozen cases, all small fish. The big malefactors were threatened with prosecution, but paid dimes-on-the-dollar, cost-of-doing-business fines from their loot –with no admission of guilt, making the civil cases harder to prosecute– and are walking around free.

    Add to that that the tippy top of the income pyramid got 95% of the recovery, and you have the recipe for Trump’s inevitable election. There’s a reason people voted “with their middle finger.” The Italians actually elected a prostitute (“La Ciccolina”) to their legislature. People were angry, and with some justification, at these slick-talking crooks. … and Status Quo Joe was right in the middle of them.

  12. Adam @ 11,

    As much as I hope that someone else, other than Uncle Joe, will win the Democratic primary, I will hold my nose and vote for any Democrat in 2020. My fingers are crossed that it will be Warren and/or Harris. I don’t know about others, but I’m tired of the corporate status quo.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Adam Eran, rAmen to your great rant.
    Thanks for the needed reminder of the contrasts between the late 1980’s S&L meltdown and the Cheney-Bush one of 2007-11. But back then there was a bit of integrity left in our three branches of government, not much though.
    But it seems most Dems have very short memories and are more motivated by a ‘charisima’ blizzard that we continue to experience than cold hard steely-eyed logic and reality.
    “…and you have the recipe for Trump’s inevitable election. ”
    Yeah, I regularly excoriate President Obama for all that and more, consider him a failure; but those blinded by the charisma never see it.
    [not that Obama wasn’t one of most intelligent, decent Presidents ever, he was just utterly lacking in the most important quality for that position: “Leadership abilities”]

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    OK, you guys, while you’re dumping on Obama, keep in mind that he wasn’t able to accomplish much because of the R’s cabal that decided that NONE of his legislation would get past them.
    Today Mr Obama can stop traffic by going to Starbucks; can the Twatwaffle do that?

    I would like to see Mr Biden refrain from his high school jock presentation and show us what Putin’s Puto can’t: Integrity, Honesty, Respect for the Law. If he decides not to run, I would definitely go for Warren/Harris. Either way, “Dump Trump”.
