Won’t Wait Until Friday

July 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Won’t Wait Until Friday”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    It would be interesting to hear St. Peter interrogate His Orangeness. Of course the questions would probably just go over his head. Maybe he should just be sent straight down to torment the devil for eternity

  2. RepubAnon says:

    When St Peter opens his record book, Trump will start shouting “fake news!” He’ll keep shouting it all the way to the boiling sulfur pits

  3. Watch last night’s Colbert Late Show. Ricky Gervais talked Colbert into admitting he’s an intermittent Catholic!

    Evidence forever. Trump knows there’s no god.

    I’m so tired of people Nancy? thinking justice is in the hands of some sky pixie!

  4. I agree! It couldn’t wait!

  5. Not just the look on Trump’s face.
    Evangelicals will have a deer-in-the-headlights look when their rapture breaks bad.

  6. According to Dante, political treachery gets you into the ninth circle of Hell, which is a lake of ice.

  7. Especially once he sees how dark Jesus looks.
    Like the bible thumpers getting all upset at Adam and Eve in “Good Omens” being rather dark.
