Archive for March, 2019

Adam Schiff Drops the Hammer on the GOP

March 28, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Russians

As JJ pointed out this morning, Trump’s Rump Nosers are going after Adam Schiff with a vengeance, especially after His Orangeness demanded that he should somehow be forced to resign over the Mueller report that no one outside of the Justice Department has seen.  Fortunately, Schiff is having none of it, and dropped the hammer on said Nosers during the House Intelligence Committee meeting today.  It’s worth the time watching the whole thing:

Wait, Wait, That’s Nuts

March 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, okay, I see this headline this morning …



And I think, “wait a minute, wait a minute, settle your butt down and wait a minute.” Nobody can force anybody to resign. By definition, resigning is a self-initiated choice.  Your boss can’t force you to resign. There’s another word for that and you’d think Donald Trump would know that word since it was the catch-phrase of his teevee show.

Trump, who has tussled with Schiff since entering the White House, called the congressman a “pencil neck” during a White House meeting Tuesday with Senate Republicans.

During the confab, Trump also said Schiff would be a horrible golfer because he would only be able to drive the ball 50 yards down the fairway.

A number of Republicans and White House administration officials have called on Schiff to step down since Barr released his summary of Mueller’s findings Sunday.

Pencil neck? Bad golfer? Trump really wants to name-call when he’s wearing an animal on his head, has a triple chin, walks weird so his thighs won’t chafe, cheats at golf, has tiny hands, and has an enormous butt?

Besides, golf is not a sport. It’s billiards on the ground. It’s an excuse to drink, like darts, bowling, and pool.

Holy cow, how in hell did we get here?


When There Are Nine

March 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was once asked, “When will there be enough women on the Supreme Court?”  She answered, “When there are nine.”

And so …

Samuel Adams is releasing a new beer inspired by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The “When There Are Nine” Belgian Bruit IPA was created by women at craft breweries to mark International Women’s Day and will be released by Samuel Adams at a special event on March 29.

It’s almost worth a trip to Boston, Honey, to celebrate International Women’s Day the right way.

Some of the proceeds go to the Pink Boots Society, which fosters advancement and education for women in the beer industry.

She’s a helluva woman.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Happy Opening Day!

March 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take me out to the ballgame.

Just when you begin to think you can’t stand it anymore, you hear the sound of a ball hitting a catchers mitt and all is well with the world.



Baby boy ran into an old lawyer friend of ours we hadn’t seen in years.  He asked, “Where did your parents retire to?” Boy replied with a grin, “Minute Maid Park.”

My grandbaby at 2 years old.


If you’ve got a favorite team, say it now because I ain’t listening to that stuff after tomorrow.


Alex Jones UPDATE

March 27, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guess who else was involved in the Alex Jones conspiracy?

The NRA.  I kid you NOT.

Mark is reading the emails and asking questions.  He’s passing along anything weird he finds.  In my mind, this is not weird but it is disgusting.


Ya Think You’d Ask That Question First

March 27, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Look here.



All the best people, most are in the pokey now, has another name for their list.

Trump wants Stephen Moore, a rabid right-winger, for the Fed board.

Court records state that Moore, a former Trump presidential campaign adviser, owes the US $75,328 for taxes incurred in 2014. A court clerk confirmed the claim filed by the IRS had not yet been satisfied by Moore.

Trump loved how Moore defends him on politics teevee, and as you know, that’s the main qualification for any job in this country.

The Guardian reported last week that Moore created a controversial political group during the 2008 presidential election campaign with his friend Paul Erickson, a veteran Republican operative. Erickson has been indicted on federal charges of money laundering and tax fraud and his girlfriend, Maria Butina, pleaded guilty to working as a Russian agent.

Oh good, he’s got sleazy friends with Russian connections and he’s got money problems.  Welcome to the Federal Reserve Board, Cowboy.

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.