Wait, Wait, That’s Nuts

March 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, okay, I see this headline this morning …



And I think, “wait a minute, wait a minute, settle your butt down and wait a minute.” Nobody can force anybody to resign. By definition, resigning is a self-initiated choice.  Your boss can’t force you to resign. There’s another word for that and you’d think Donald Trump would know that word since it was the catch-phrase of his teevee show.

Trump, who has tussled with Schiff since entering the White House, called the congressman a “pencil neck” during a White House meeting Tuesday with Senate Republicans.

During the confab, Trump also said Schiff would be a horrible golfer because he would only be able to drive the ball 50 yards down the fairway.

A number of Republicans and White House administration officials have called on Schiff to step down since Barr released his summary of Mueller’s findings Sunday.

Pencil neck? Bad golfer? Trump really wants to name-call when he’s wearing an animal on his head, has a triple chin, walks weird so his thighs won’t chafe, cheats at golf, has tiny hands, and has an enormous butt?

Besides, golf is not a sport. It’s billiards on the ground. It’s an excuse to drink, like darts, bowling, and pool.

Holy cow, how in hell did we get here?


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0 Comments to “Wait, Wait, That’s Nuts”

  1. Maybe Schiff could be replaced with Jeanine Piro? If she can golf. Unless Fox & Friends have a better idea?

    Election? What election?

  2. He really does think he’s God-Emperor.

  3. The Weaselheaded F**knuggett’s understanding of checks* and balances**.
    *Those things written to folks who’re owed money, but instead of being sent, are put in scrapbooks to relish when folks like Adam Schiff are being big meanies.
    **The status quo of situations where folks like Schiff, Bill Maher, and Rachel Maddow are prosecuted for being big meanies, as reported on only by Fox news and Breitbart.

  4. Mike:
    He’s well on his way to fitting Frank Herbert’s physical description.

  5. G-d Rump and the GOP are insane. Their hypocracy is stunning. I hope Schiff doesn’t go anywhere.

  6. What I find unforgivable is that the House Rethugs (yeah, I’m looking at YOU Kevin McCarthy) appear to be fine with this. We know that DOLT45 doesn’t have the first clue about governing, but the congress varmints do. I’m waiting for Nancy to tell him what’s what.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Adam Schiff has chaired the Intelligence Committee for less than three months. Why don’t Trey Gowdy and Devin Nunes resign for their 497 hearings into Hillary Clinton’s emails and Benghazi, which wasted millions of dollars and uncovered zero?

    Never mind the grades and tax returns — I want to see trump’s scorecards.

  8. Well, would ya look at that! Now that he thinks the exonerated means the same thing as vindicated, he goes off on another tangent. At least this time he picked on a live one instead of a dead hero. And Schiff is not leaving. He’s one of these guys who gets a shot of pure energy when someone like the Golden Gibbon dumps on him.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    Adam Schiff understands and speaks the truth using the proper language. He understands that racist voter suppression is key to the GOP remaining in power and the 13 southern states provide that. I want him to show us all what is going on and how to fix it. The current occupant is immoral and, in east TX lingo, an illiterate moron, but he loves power and is more addicted to it than the poor souls without medical care to overcome opiate addiction. He will never leave office voluntarily.

  10. slipstream says:

    Yeah, and Sarah Palin demanded that David Letterman be fired. How did that work out?

  11. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Buttermilk Skies: And his bone spur x-rays.

  12. Pancho Sanza says:

    “My Hand-picked criminal lackey, who I hired specifically to protect me from answering for my crimes, wrote 4 pages about a 800 page, 2-year investigation, so now all the people I don’t like must self-deport.”

    Is there any wonder why this man-child admires Kim Jung Un so much?

  13. You’ve got to watch the come back from Schiff to the stupidity telling him he needs to resign. On C-Span. And Adam Schiff is a triathlete and marathon runner. But I don’t know if he plays golf. Probably too busy with other stuff.

  14. thatotherjean says:

    Donnie, you’re really not in any position to call Adam Schiff, even speculatively, a bad golfer. You couldn’t get to the putting green to save your life if you had to walk; you have been known to drive your golf cart across the greens; and you cheat on your score. You’re not fit to play on golf courses, let alone own them.

  15. Trump has a scorched earth policy regarding anyone classier than he… if he could he would immediately exterminate all who are similarly situated.
    They are nuisances and can often get in the way true greatness.

    For the record, Adam Schiff is a brilliant lawyer, a superior thinker and the chair of a House Committee Trump probably shouldn’t orta upset.

  16. In fairness, his big butt is partly because of the man diaper he has to wear because he is so full of himself.

  17. maryelle says:

    Trump’s insults only serve to raise respect for his victims and disgust for him.
    Keep it up bone spurs, that and your war on healthcare will put you out of a job.

  18. Jere Armen says:

    Just pointing out that your boss can indeed tell you to resign or he will fire you and withhold a favorable reference to future bosses.
    Not that that applies here. But the premise at the beginning of the article needs a bit of nuance.
