Archive for January, 2019

Well, It’s Not “If the Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit,” But It’s a Start.

January 23, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump found a rhyme.



We have to listen to a rhyme worthy of Humpty Dumpty for two damn years?  I don’t even wanna hear it a second time.

I swear if my Republican neighbor across the street says that to me, I’m gonna remind him that most of the crime in America right now is in the White House.

My reply to Trump? Shuddup and put America back to work.


Because It Won’t Wait Until Friday!

January 23, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


And …


A One Word Answer to Shutdowns: STUPIDITY

January 23, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Shutdown, Trump

As demographics move against Republicans, they have become more and more desperate to cling to power by changing rules, moving the goal posts, and just outright cheating.  Beginning around 2002, lead by Tom DeLay, they raised gerrymandering to an art form, making it almost impossible for Dems to win in thousands of state and federal districts around the country.  Voter suppression with dog whistle “voter ID” bills around the country has kept untold numbers of perfectly qualified voters from voting.  Every election, they come up with some fake crisis to drive their mouthbreathing base to the polls.  In between, to keep everyone on edge, they’ve started using debt limit showdowns and now government shutdowns to get what they want.  Let’s be clear – by threatening the nation’s credit and millions of federal workers, Republicans are hostage-taking, plain and simple.  Trump, the trashy reality television star, is rashly using the latest shutdown as a bludgeon as this preferred alternative to actually legislating and governing.  This winner take all mentality that has infected Republicans is tearing the country apart, making life miserable for millions, and costing the economy billions all over his 5th century solution to a 21st century problem.  The Dems know that they simply can’t cave on this issue, because then Trump would use the tactic every single time he didn’t get what he wanted from the legislative branch.  Republicans in the Senate are in lock step behind Trump, cynically wrecking the lives of millions of Americans while their dear leader plays games.  It’s cruel.  And stupid.

Enter Mark Warner, US Senator from Virginia.  He’s called bullshit on the shutdown by introducing the Stop the STUPIDITY act, which stands for:

T-he (coming)

The bill is designed to take this particular hostage-taking tool away from Republicans.  It’s common sense and simple.  It provides for continued funding of the government at current levels if a new appropriation bill fails to pass, adjusted for inflation.  It also ceases funding for the legislative and executive branches until a funding bill is passed.  I like the idea of this bill a lot.  Let’s inflict pain directly on those causing the problem, not innocent government workers and military who are serving their country.  I know the chance of it passing this Senate is low, but when something terrible happens due to the shutdown, and it eventually will, there could be enough pressure on Repubs to grow spines and stand up on their hind legs.

To not pass a bill like this certainly is STUPID.

Giuliani and Tapes

January 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, it seems that Rudy slipped and told a reporter that he’d listened to the “tapes” that prove that Trump did not tell Cohen to lie to congress.

Then he caught himself, and looked like a cat in the liter box trying to hide the lumps.

President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani accidentally told a reporter there are “tapes” that prove the president did not tell Michael Cohen to lie under oath about the Trump Tower deal in Moscow. Giuliani immediately walked back the comments in his interview with the New Yorker, saying he didn’t mean to say there are tapes, then saying there are no tapes, then saying there were tapes but they didn’t concern “this.”

You know, I don’t know much about lawyering but it seems to me that Rudy should shut his damn mouth.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

He’s Just Blabbering Now

January 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump tweeted …



What does that mean?  Surely, “podium” is a euphemism for something or he wouldn’t put it in quotation marks.

Plus, these are not sentences. The first set of words don’t match the last set of words and then outta nowhere comes a period. That’s not writing, that’s typing.


And It Begins in the Supreme Court

January 22, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Putting radical partisans in charge of protecting our Constitution will have results negative to everyone, and here we go – Trump unilaterally ended the Obama administration’s policy of tolerance, the SCOTUS, including Boofer Kavanaugh, just reversed a lower court ruling staying his order.  So now, yet another group of patriotic Americans are again being made pawns in Trump’s political game of chance.  More gleeful cruelty and dickishness, just because they can.