He’s Just Blabbering Now

January 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump tweeted …



What does that mean?  Surely, “podium” is a euphemism for something or he wouldn’t put it in quotation marks.

Plus, these are not sentences. The first set of words don’t match the last set of words and then outta nowhere comes a period. That’s not writing, that’s typing.


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0 Comments to “He’s Just Blabbering Now”

  1. NicaBrian says:

    So she’s a Press secretary that doesn’t have to deal with the press. So I guess her only job now is to sit around and hold a mirror up to Donald’s face so he can talk to someone who believes him.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Michelle Fox caught all the “kindness” of Sarah Chuck-a-Load Sandbag and her fact burning at the WHCD.


  3. If you’re a press secretary and the mean ol’ press makes you boohoo like a baby, get a different &^%&^*^ job, maybe one you are qualified for.

  4. One can only wonder, if one took an infinite number of monkeys, with an infinite number of smartphone keypads, would one get the exact texts of Presidential Tweets?

    I would suggest a finite number of monkeys would do the trick.

  5. Doesn’t she get paid to go to the “podium” and answer questions?????

    What is she being paid for if she doesn’t do her job????

  6. @Rick, a finite number of monkeys meaning, in this case, fewer than two?

    And how come Sarah Sanders hasn’t been furloughed? I sure don’t see any reason for her to be picking up a paycheck when I know decent people who aren’t.

  7. Sam in St Paul says:

    Maybe she can use the time off to get a personality transplant.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Maybe Donnie didn’t mean “podium,” but was taking Vlad’s suggestion of polonium for Sarah.

  9. Meh. Liars lie about their lying, too. Now Con Man Don is lying about the lying of his paid liar, and he’ll continue to lie about the folks who tell the truth about him. Same old same old.

  10. Amerosa – yeah, that one! – was on the teevee recently and relating stuff that went on in the WH that she did not put in her book. All I can say is Somebody up There is really, really working up a sweat watching over us! And probably regretting the creation of “free will”.

  11. NicaBrian says:

    Whenever I see Smokey Eye getting ready to deal with another imposition from the press I’m reminded of the movie Misery, the dead fish eyes and cold beginnings of the smile Kathy Bates gave James Caan just before smashing his joints with a sledgehammer. She and her dog torturer brother are quite the couple of kids. Chip off the old blockhead.

  12. This is the worst press secretary ever!!!! But what the hell look who she works for and it ain’t us!
