Archive for December, 2018

OutSmart Time

December 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just click right here.

We are having a cold rainy day just made for naps.  I hope you are, too.


Best Thing Today

December 07, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Randy Rainbow strikes again.


December 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, if Mueller is recommending “substantial ” prison time for Michael Cohen, makes you wonder what Manafort is getting.  Oops – federal prosecutors, not Mueller.

Hang on for details.


Sucking Up a Shop Vac to Feed Paranoia

December 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is not from The Onion.  Best I can tell it is the absolute truth.


A Denair, California-based company called the Special Services Group, LLC won a $42,595 DEA purchase order at the end of November for a “custom Shop Vac concealment with Canon M50B.” Canon describes the M50B as a “high-sensitivity…PTZ [Pan-Tilt-Zoom] network camera” that “captures video with remarkable color and clarity, even in very low-light environments.”

And I can buy a Ring for $99. that pretty much does the same thing.

So head on out to the garage and put a blanket over your Shop Vac or take it to your next kindergarten Christmas pageant.  The agents will enjoy the entertainment.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Poor Ole Louie Gohmert

December 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie is back after laying low in the mid terms.

He went on Fox Business this morning and became a meme before noon.

The interview was supposed to be about Google opening in China, which  Louie doesn’t know much about but he knows China is godless so his mind is made up.  He moves to one of this favorite topics.

“You mention [George] Orwell,” he added, pivoting away from the topic. “That reminds me of another George. George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel and the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped take the property that they own.”

Okay, this is one of those conspiracy theories that ranks right up there with child porn rings in the basement of a basementless pizza parlor in DeeCee.

And to their credit, Fox called it pretty close to what it is – hogwash.

Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney later in the morning distanced the network from Gohmert’s comments, saying, “Congressman Louie Gohmert for some reason went out of his way to bring up George Soros and made unsubstantiated and false allegations against him.”

“I want to make clear those views are not shared by me, this program or anyone at Fox Business,” Varney continued.

However, these are not “views.”  These are lies.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


December 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I walked out to pick up the mail yesterday and my Republican across-the-street neighbor ambled over to smirk at me.  “What happened to that blue wave y’all were expecting?”

Okay, now picture this – a slightly chubby old white man on social security and socialized medicine, thinks Trump won the mid terms.

I looked at him with that “Have you had a stroke?” look that – not to brag – but, I’ve kinda perfected with this guy.  In a county that had not even one county wide elected Democrat now has them all. We won every race where we ran a Democrat. It wasn’t a wave, it was the earth shifting poles.

And now there’s this:  “The Cook Political Report shows that the Democratic lead in the U.S. House popular vote for the 2018 midterms is now up to 8.5%.”

“For comparison purposes, note that in 2010 – which was widely seen as a GOP ‘wave’ cycle – Republicans won the U.S. House popular vote by 6.6%. In 1994, which was seen as a Republican ‘revolution,’ the GOP won the U.S. House popular vote by 7.1%.”

I’m putting that on a poster board in my front yard right across from his mailbox, dammit.