OutSmart Time

December 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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We are having a cold rainy day just made for naps.  I hope you are, too.


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0 Comments to “OutSmart Time”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Give Maxine Waters a bullhorn, and the Speaker’s gavel when Nancy Pelosi becomes President via the rules of succession. While it would be nice to have Speaker Pelosi around to teach the new House members how to corral and count votes, Steny Hoyer can do that while Speaker Waters demonstrates to them how leadership is done.

    Lyin’ Ryan start packing and for dawg’s sake take your nasty gym socks with you. Fumigate the place, there’s a lady who will be taking the office.

  2. Coprolite says:

    Rainy winter days are good days to stay indoors and make a pot of soup. I am working on a ginger carrot bisque today.

  3. Soup’s up!

    Mushroom lentil with all the veggies (and fresh turkey stock)…

  4. It’s snowing here. I think I’ll make chili with black beans.

  5. Though you are stuck with Cruz, it does free up Beto to run in ‘20. Jennifer Rubin thinks this is a good idea and she is one sharp lady, especially for a former Republican.

  6. Currently in the Pacific Northwest…need I say more?

  7. Great article, JJ! As for Maxine, I would like to put that bullhorn on wheels so it won’t be such a chore to tote around!

    Just about 20 miles south of the Nation’s Capitol it is varying from really low 30’s to 41 degrees F. Downright breezy on top of that. The storm that is predicted for the southeast will definitely reach about 30 miles south of my house. All it has to do is twerk a inch and we are going to get it in spades. Consequently, everyone and their brother is on the local roads shopping! I hope it is as therapeutic for them as it usually is for me!

  8. I have no room to talk about the weather where I live. It’s almost 70 here. We have fire season, Haboob season, roasting-in-hell-from June to October season, and snow bird season. But I have navy bean soup simmering in the crockpot…all is good here.

  9. The snowstorm is now supposed to miss us on the northern side of DC, which is 100% OK by me because I have to drive seven miles to take care of a 20-year-old cat twice a day, and I don’t want to have to shovel out to do it. It’s frosty, though, and soup and biscuits sounds like a good dinner.

    maggie, when everybody’s shopping, don’t forget the TP and the chocolate. And a nip of something to put in the after-shoveling hot chocolate. (I prefer Irish cream.)

  10. Oh yes, a nip of Bailey’s in coffee with a dark chocolate brownie will adjust an attitude. Best taken with slippered feet propped up while watching the Army Navy football game.

  11. Pretty lucky here in NY except for our Congresswoman.

    It was 8 degrees when I woke up this am a toasty 20 degrees now. And yes I did take a nap!
    There is snow on the ground. We have had 20 + inches already but rain in between so about 4 inches left.
    Nap weather till Spring!!!

  12. Karen Crosby says:

    Hey, what a terrific article and I ♥️ The List!

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Nothing to offer here: now I’m inspired to make some soup, but first we have to cook the ginormous chicken I am thawing; there’s also a bag of dried chili beans in the pantry …. hmmm.

    Papa – re the “Haboob” – remember a few years back when a weatherman used the word “haboob” and many in the audience freaked out about having an A-Rab storm?

  14. @Linda Phipps, #13:

    Though to be fair, anyone who was encountering a haboob freaking *should* be freaking out…

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    That article is a ray of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy day. One minor point:

    “8. Auction off Florida. Seriously, y’all, we should do that.”

    Sorry, I don’t think you’d get any bids. This is the sorta thing where you tape a $20 bill to the state, leave it on a sidewalk, and hope someone unknowingly picks up the state thinking they’re just getting $20.

  16. @ Linda Phipps #13

    The Haboob A-rab panic is over. Now we have people irrate demanding radio stations ban “Baby it’s cold outside”, a song written in the 1940s.

    @ Old Fart #14
    Haboobs are minor weather events if compared to tornadoes and hurricanes. Except for the gusts of dust and the rain that follows, no big deal.

  17. Warren Pettingell says:

    @ Papa #16:

    My parents were in Kuwait City in the late ’70s. They experienced one (haboob) that lasted for a few days and deposited several inches of talc fine dust 10 stories up in their bedroom during the 1st night (when they didn’t yet know it was going to happen and left open the balcony door).
    It may not be as violent as a tornado, but losing the sun during daylight is freaky as all hell…

  18. Soup is fine, but on those kinds of days I return to my roots and make gumbo.

  19. WA Skeptic says:

    Made Turkey Soup with homemade turkey stock, onions, celery, crimini mushrooms, and handmade noodles. Yum.
