
December 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, if Mueller is recommending “substantial ” prison time for Michael Cohen, makes you wonder what Manafort is getting.  Oops – federal prosecutors, not Mueller.

Hang on for details.


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0 Comments to “Substantial”

  1. from reading document it shows that cohen by refusing to enter into plea agreement might have been smarter then manaford.
    Key line was that cohen would cooperate on charges they had him on but would not answer questions on issues where he probably could have answered but choose not to.
    This v. manaford where it sounds like the he also was trying to evade telling truth about everything but because of plea agreement his refusal to answer became another crime.

    Gamble v. US trying to enhance demented donnies pardon power. Remember if this was in effect over the past 30 years botched “murder” trails on state levels would have prevented Civil Rights charges by the feds for same criminal act.
    Hence the murderers of Medgar Evers and all to many more would have been able to skate.
    An incentive for states, or local jurisdictions, to stage a bogus trail lose and thus reward immunity to favored criminals. Thinks of cops who got away with murder on state level charges. Under the idea of Gamble v. US the feds would be legally enjoined from following up with any other charges for same act.

  2. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    My understanding is that NY State southern district prosecutors legal filing state that Cohen was not as cooperative as he’s been with Mueller….so is not offering to show mercy….the Mueller doc just got filed, no major info from it just yet.

    The NY state’s biggie via Cohen “they have evidence Trump is guilty of campaign finance laws” but cat not bring charges until he’s out of the white house.

  3. typo oops: can not bring charges (typo) until out of WH

  4. Not the SCO (Mueller’s office), but SDNY. No doubt they’ve been talking, but Mueller’s mostly not in this, or not directly.

  5. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Susan on the Left Coast is correct! I just changed the story. It seems that everybody wants to Lock Him Up!

  6. (Pointed out by Josh Marshal @ talking points memo)…

    Noting the difference between SCO (Mueller’s office), which found him highly cooperative, and SDNY (which recommended ~5 years) which did not… it seems that the former got quite a lot of information from Cohen regarding Russian contacts between himself, Trump, and the Trump Organization, while the latter found very little help.

    Note that the latter involved Cohen personally evading taxes over an extended period, and providing little information on individuals Cohen is related to by marriage, while the former are merely contacts and discussions with Russians that he talked to as part of his relationship with “Individual 1”.

    It makes sense then, that Cohen would be likely to rat on and be highly cooperative regarding people he dealt with at arms’ length on Trump’s behalf, and not so much with family relations for which there would be much greater personal and family fallout.

  7. Friend of mine,now passed away, and I figured out earlier this year just about how this would all unfold. I am hereby hanging out my shingle as a psychic.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    How to end Donnie’s bear baiting of Mueller and other fun thoughts:

    #1 – the “agreement” that a sitting President cannot be indicted is basically a “gentleman’s agreement” that the DOJ will not interfere with the Executive Branch.
    a. Donnie has not reciprocated as he has certainly sought to interfere with DOJ and Mueller specifically.
    b. Donnie is no gentleman.
    #2 – the USSC did not uphold that notion in either US v Nixon or Clinton v Jones
    a. Nixon was specific to tapes; update to twitter accounts
    b. Clinton was a civil matter; criminal acts are exigent matters

    Your turn Mr. Mueller. Swat that annoying gnat in the courts should Congress fail to do its job.

    As for cooperation agreements. Those begin when a subject’s tiny parts are already in a vise. Subject1, Flynn chose to loosen the grip. Subject2, Cohen alternately tightened and loosed said grip. Subject3, Manafort full on must have lost his sense of direction. Time for Individual1 to have his turn at the screw. Bets?
