Archive for October, 2018

Oh My Goodness

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Give me a few minutes to catch my breath and figure out some numbers but yesterday broke all records of first day voting in Texas.  People actually stood in line.

Beto came to three different area of the county in two days and drew enormous crowds.  The funniest tweet I saw was from Police Chief Art Acevedo in Houston over Trump’s rally for Ted Cruz.  Trump kept telling people that 100,000 people asked for tickets to the arena that holds 18,000.  By 5:30, the Chief wasn’t seeing it.



Yeah, those are two of the first pictures he chose.  This is Houston after all.

More to come …


Oh, Steve King, Don’t Talk About Cultural Suicide Unless You’re Ready To Do It

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Iowa Republican congressvarmint Steve King went to Austria for some damn reason and did an interview with a far right nutwing magazine that is the equivalent to Breitbart.

He talked about something I’ve never heard of before.  The Great Replacement.  It’s a theory that white culture is having abortions, not babies, but that other cultures are bringing their babies to American and western Europe in order to overrun the place with people who ain’t white.  Oh yeah, and George Soros is funding it. I don’t know what Nancy Pelosi has to do with it but it’s gotta be something.

King’s conversation with Sommerfeld largely revolves around the paranoid idea of the Great Replacement — the belief that mass migration, particularly from Muslim-majority countries, is an extinction-level event for white European culture and identity. Or as he put it in the interview, a “slow-motion cultural suicide.”

Now King wouldn’t say that in this country because he doesn’t have a lick of courage. He has to run over to the pot smoking Austrians.  Hey, I don’t want to bring up the past, but the Austrians let Hitler annex them because they were intimidated when Hilter screamed at their Chancellor, sounding a whole lot like Lindsay Graham at the Kavanaugh hearing.  They got all scared at that mean voice and said, “Here, take our country, anything.”  Hey, I’m no dummy – I saw Sound of Music.

Good Lord, he’s Alex Jones with a job.  And you pay him.

Thanks to Stacey for the heads up.

First Day of Early Voting in Texas UPDATED!

October 22, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

With your donation to the JuanitaJean PAC, you are an intricate part of this fun. So, I want to show you.

Beto O’Rourke came to Sugar Land, the home of Tom DeLay, and 1,800+ of his best friends showed up to hear him in the ballroom of the fanciest hotel in the county.



The room holds 1,800 and it was overflowing.  He will make 2 more appearances in the county today – in Richmond and in Missouri City.  He’s sharing the stage with two of our prominent candidates – Sri Kulkarni for congress and Brian Middleton for district attorney.  They both will be the first minorities elected in a county that is majority minority.

And to add to the fun, the Republican party chairman sent an odd email today.

The time has come for us to push back on the “Blue Wave” that the #FakeNews has been attempting to cause. We only win this Election when we turn out to vote and ensure our friends, neighbors, and family go vote Republican as well.

We are expecting a huge turnout of voters to cast votes this week. Will you be among them? If so, don’t give up on casting your vote. Fort Bend County voters can vote at any polling location in the county during Early Voting and Election Day.

So if they lose, it’s because the #FakeNews is the enemy of the people?  Nah, we see your president’s tweets. We saw Lindsey Graham’s snot nosed hissy fit over the supremacy of white males.  We heard your president advocate violence against reporters.

And then there’s that “If so, don’t give up on casting your vote.”  So, their people are giving up?

You know why Republicans are red, don’t ya?  They’re embarrassed.

UPDATE:  Check this out!  People camped out to vote in Houston.  Old white men don’t camp out!


One of Our Own

October 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dale, Texas, is beween me and Austin if you get lost around Lockhart and drift east.

It is also home to customer Scott, who wonders, “Couldn’t we have our cake and the moral high ground too if we just found a better job for Ted?”

Hell, I’m game.



Scott promises to let us know if anybody messes with it.

I don’t think they have an HOA in Dale, Texas.

Thanks to Scott for the great work!


Homeowner Association Fight!

October 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Right here in my county, human people got fed up with rightwing people stealing our Beto yard signs.  You knew the signs were overly disturbing to them when their local political pundit had to put on Facebook to her minions to “calm down” about all the Beto signs because Cruz was going to win anyway.

Oh yeah?

There were the regular warning signs that “if you steal this sign, I will buy another and then Beto makes $5 more.” But, if history had taught us anything, it’s that the rightwing people just cannot keep themselves from destroying things.

Somebody is a genius.



Yep, it’s painted on their front yard, you sucky sign-stealing neighbors.

They hadn’t even finished painting it before the homeowner’s association guy was being rude at them.

Speaking with McClatchy newspapers, Bennett said the president of the HOA confronted the family about the sign before she, her husband and kids had even finished painting it.

“He was very hostile,” Bennett said. “This is truly a shock, that they became so angry.”

And then the HOA threatened to remove it themselves.

Bubba makes very few demand of me, but one of them is that we never, ever live where there’s an HOA. He contends this is Texas and a person’s property is a person’s property and you can’t step on somebody’s property without their permission, much less tell them what shrubbery they can have.

So anyway, they have 30 days to appeal the decision so that takes us until after the election and they weren’t planning on keeping up much past that.

So, in highly technical legal terms, the HOA can stuff it.


Updated: He Needs Flashing Lights and a Back-up Beeper

October 20, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election, Dark Money, Trump

Culberson is in serious trouble for the first time since he started his decades-long camping trip on Capitol Hill.  Culberson, known for being a smartass on social media and for his pet projects that do nothing for Houston, is being challenged by practicing attorney Lizzie Fletcher whose calm voice (completely devoid of nonsensical talking points) is giving Culberson a real run for his money.  Culberson is a horrible congressman who has not yet been held to account for killing mass transit funding, ignoring our massive flooding problems (until a good part of his own district went underwater during Harvey), taking money from special interests like the NRA and big pharma and voting for their profits rather than his constituents.

Welp, ol’ John got a wake-up call this time.  He’s finally realized that his idiotic support for Cheeto Jesus, and his own name brand deplorable ideas is not helping.  Fletcher has taken the fight right to Culberson, shaming him for his own lame record of pet projects, voting against FEMA funding and infrastructure projects.  She’s taken advantage of Trump’s unpopularity, successfully branding Culberson as a clueless partisan, completely out of touch with his own district.

Lizzie’s strategy is working.  Culberson is backing away from Trump so fast that he needs flashing lights and a beeper tied to his backside.  Perfect example – Trump is coming to Houston on Monday to infest the Toyota Center in support of Ted Cruz Grandpa Munster, and suddenly Culberson has an urgent need to attend a neighborhood meeting about flooding.  Culberson has been smeared with the filth of Trumpland, but his problem is that it won’t wash off.  Because of that, he’s trying to stay as far away from Trump as possible, while hurling invectives at Lizze like, “Lying Lizzie Fletcher”, and “Liberal Lizzie Fletcher” from dark money PACs trying to run interference for him.

Nothing cleans like sunlight.  Finally the Dems have a bright ray of sunlight in Lizzie Fletcher.  That’s why Culberson is cowering in the corner, afraid of his own record.  If nothing else, the entertainment value is pretty high.


There has been a question from one of our readers about how a toad like Culberson can be re-elected so easily.  It’s called gerrymandering, which the Republicans have raised to an art form for the last 20 years.  Gerrymandering either packs minority or similarly situated groups into one district, or more often spreads them out to dilute their voting influence.  It’s classic voter suppression, taking away people’s Constitutional right to vote (or more accurately, makes voting useless).  Culberson’s 7th district is one of the worst gerrymandered districts in Texas:

This district dilutes the urban vote, which tends to lean Democratic, by a torturous path through distant suburbs and even rural areas.  According to, the 7th district gives the Republicans an 88% likelihood of winning.  On average Texas gerrymandering is designed to for R+10, which means to win, you have to beat the Republican by 10% to overcome the gerrymandering advantage.  Texas is one of the worst states for gerrymandering, born out of one-party rule and corruption since the late 1990s.