Archive for October, 2018

Yeah, You’re In Trouble, Ted

October 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay so here’s the deal.

Ted Cruz was giving a rally speech in Georgetown, Texas (Think north Austin) and for some unknown reason other than the fact that Georgetown has a bunch of “retirement” communities, something really nuts happened.

The “retirement” communities in Georgetown are where Texas families send Uncle Earl when he ruins the family gatherings by pulling everybody’s ear, usually has a big bandaid on his nose from trying to clip his nose hairs with a butcher knife, slaps all the women under 30 on the butt, and generally goes to sleep in the potato salad bowl.

Well, Uncle Earl went to the Ted Cruz rally.  He and some of his friends thought it was hysterically fun to start shouting “Lock him Up,” about Beto O’Rourke.

Let me make it real clear that nobody anywhere has accused Beto of breaking the law since he got a DUI back in high school.  But, the hell with rule of law, lock that guy up because he’s a Democrat.

Y’all think I’m making this up, don’t you?  I’m not.

So, Ted Cruz, who we’re going to have to tie to a pole when he gets old because Lord knows the man is screwy now and doesn’t have room to get worse, responded …


Somebody needs to tell Ted that “y’all” didn’t say anything about Hillary Clinton – not a damn thing.  Ted, once again, got himself in trouble.  Because he’s a damn fool.


We’re Now Up to Nine, and Still Counting

October 25, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Trump

  • President Obama
  • President & former SOS Hillary Clinton
  • Eric Holder
  • George Soros
  • Maxine Waters (2)
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Vice President Biden
  • CNN

These are the recipients of letter bombs targeting critics of Trump that started surfacing on Tuesday.  We don’t know who’s sending them, but the Noise Machine is already running at full throttle, screaming about a supposed “false flag” operation funded by George Soros to make Trump look bad.  As we’ve seen for years now, facts don’t matter to Trump or his sycophants, and after calling for unity while reading off a White House teleprompter, Trump reversed himself in the evening, stepping up his verbal attacks on the media and opponents, trying to turn responsibility for the growing threat of domestic terrorism away from himself by blaming the media for recording and playing back what he says word for word.  Knowing his adoring fans would support him, he took ZERO responsibility for the threats and violence that result from the bile pouring out of his own mouth.  The deplorables cheered.

Anyone paying attention knows precisely where responsibility lay for the toxic environment that now pervades all American’s lives.  Our democracy is threatened, and could easily crumble, even as Trump and the invertebrates in the Congress step up their destructive rhetoric and political actions.  We don’t yet know who’s sending the letter bombs, but it’s my guess that the terrorist is some gun-humping weirdo sitting in his basement wearing a MAGA hat who actually believes that Hillary Clinton and members of Congress open their own mail.




October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


How many times do you have to type white power for autocorrect to change white powder to white power?

(Heavy Sigh)

October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case any of you are wondering why I’m working my patootie off during early voting, I have a picture I want to share with you.

This is Pete Olson, my Congressman, who has only passed three pieces of legislation since he took office in 2009, and two of those were to name post offices.  I’m not kidding.

He’s goofy, y’all, and it ain’t getting better.

In June of 2017, Olson opined on a talk radio show …

Olson speculated on local radio that in that conversation, Clinton admitted he was a party to the 1993 death of White House aide Vincent Foster and essentially threatened some similar form of retribution against Lynch if she did not drop an investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server.

And then last month, speaking at a dinner for people from India, he announced that Pakistanis flew airplanes into the World Trade Center.  There was a recording, which helped refresh Olson’s memory of the speech, and he admitted that he “misspoke.”

He is goofy and if all that doesn’t convince you, look at this.  It’s his picture from the Trump rally.  And yes, his eyes look like that all the time, and yes, he really wore that hat.



Go Sri Preston Kulkarni.  He even looks like a congressman except, you know, better.


Smoke and Mirrors, Ted

October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Have you ever wondered how Ted Cruz can be both against eliminating pre-existing conditions and for eliminating pre-existing conditions?

The picture at the top was the one Ted tweeted out about his rally this morning.

The bottom was tweeted out by someone else.



Yep.  That’s how he does it. Smoke and mirrors.


Is It Just Me?

October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Guys, I think whoever did this has a goal of creating chaos at election time.

Second, for Donald Trump to say we need to unify as if bullyism and threats of violence are being caused by both sides, is insane.  When you create a social structure based on threats of violence and hate, then you encourage this kind of stuff.

And, by the way, this kind of stuff is terrorism.