Yeah, You’re In Trouble, Ted

October 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay so here’s the deal.

Ted Cruz was giving a rally speech in Georgetown, Texas (Think north Austin) and for some unknown reason other than the fact that Georgetown has a bunch of “retirement” communities, something really nuts happened.

The “retirement” communities in Georgetown are where Texas families send Uncle Earl when he ruins the family gatherings by pulling everybody’s ear, usually has a big bandaid on his nose from trying to clip his nose hairs with a butcher knife, slaps all the women under 30 on the butt, and generally goes to sleep in the potato salad bowl.

Well, Uncle Earl went to the Ted Cruz rally.  He and some of his friends thought it was hysterically fun to start shouting “Lock him Up,” about Beto O’Rourke.

Let me make it real clear that nobody anywhere has accused Beto of breaking the law since he got a DUI back in high school.  But, the hell with rule of law, lock that guy up because he’s a Democrat.

Y’all think I’m making this up, don’t you?  I’m not.

So, Ted Cruz, who we’re going to have to tie to a pole when he gets old because Lord knows the man is screwy now and doesn’t have room to get worse, responded …


Somebody needs to tell Ted that “y’all” didn’t say anything about Hillary Clinton – not a damn thing.  Ted, once again, got himself in trouble.  Because he’s a damn fool.


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0 Comments to “Yeah, You’re In Trouble, Ted”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    C’mon … ____Ted … Even your own daughters recoil from you. If you had a dog, he’d do this:

    If Lindsey Graham had a grape, he’s have stuck with his initial assessment of Teddie. “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”

    snacilbupeR are such cowards. Still attacking Hilz. C’mon Ted, free Heidi and prove you’re not afraid of women.

  2. Ted is destined to be that old man you have to remind to wear pants when he goes out to the corner to yell at passing cars.

  3. Charles R Phillips says:

    Tedddddd is a typical teapublican; not real bright, mouthy as all get-out, and cowardly to boot.

    And yet, in today’s teapublican-dominated America, he could be our next president.

    Shoot me, shoot me now.
