We’re Now Up to Nine, and Still Counting

October 25, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Trump

  • President Obama
  • President & former SOS Hillary Clinton
  • Eric Holder
  • George Soros
  • Maxine Waters (2)
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Vice President Biden
  • CNN

These are the recipients of letter bombs targeting critics of Trump that started surfacing on Tuesday.  We don’t know who’s sending them, but the Noise Machine is already running at full throttle, screaming about a supposed “false flag” operation funded by George Soros to make Trump look bad.  As we’ve seen for years now, facts don’t matter to Trump or his sycophants, and after calling for unity while reading off a White House teleprompter, Trump reversed himself in the evening, stepping up his verbal attacks on the media and opponents, trying to turn responsibility for the growing threat of domestic terrorism away from himself by blaming the media for recording and playing back what he says word for word.  Knowing his adoring fans would support him, he took ZERO responsibility for the threats and violence that result from the bile pouring out of his own mouth.  The deplorables cheered.

Anyone paying attention knows precisely where responsibility lay for the toxic environment that now pervades all American’s lives.  Our democracy is threatened, and could easily crumble, even as Trump and the invertebrates in the Congress step up their destructive rhetoric and political actions.  We don’t yet know who’s sending the letter bombs, but it’s my guess that the terrorist is some gun-humping weirdo sitting in his basement wearing a MAGA hat who actually believes that Hillary Clinton and members of Congress open their own mail.



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0 Comments to “We’re Now Up to Nine, and Still Counting”

  1. okie-dokie says:

    Trump has been spewing this stuff for years. It is only a matter of time until *someone* gets killed by some MAGAt.

    Law enforcement is looking for this guy. They also know Trump will certainly consider pardoning the bomber.

  2. Now would be a great time for news networks to run all the most egregious violent Trump statements as often as possible.
    As much as I can’t stand the sight of him, it be worth it to completely expose the Bully/Liar-In-Chief ad nauseam, adding
    the legal definition of incitement.

  3. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Our enemies are using our greatest strength against us. Freedom of speech in the age of Facebook may be our downfall. I’m a diansour when it comes to technology, but it sure seems like the online reality we see as truth can be manipulated fairly easily by somebody with a junior high level of ability in social media.

  4. Without a doubt: Putin is very, *very* happy right now…

  5. What Trump say’s, sounds better when said in Russian.

  6. maryelle, I appreciate the idea of running Trump’s statements encouraging violence, to point out the source of the threat, but that would mean reinforcement of his encouragement of violence.

    Again I’m reminded of the MAGA boy who heard about Clinton’s pedophile sex-slave ring operating out of the basement of a pizza parlor on Connecticut Ave, and came roaring up here with his guns to save the little children in a non-existent basement. That damn fool could have killed a dozen people.

    Oh Christ, if the candidate with the most votes for President had been allowed to take office, we’d be living in a halfway sane country now….

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    rastybob, while it’s apparent that the main word salad of Donnie is a mash of covfefe that sounds like Russian, Donnie only ‘thinks’ in short sighted dollar self interest. As with everything about him, Donnie is neither original or composed in rational thought. Everything about him is borrowed. From his finances and whatever it is that passes as his personality, it’s borrowed. He’s shaded by Roy Cohn, smatterings of his DNA “dad” Fred, hair style borrowed from his mother Mary and a whole lot of Russian, Saudi, and other financing necessary to the appearance of success. Friedrich Drumpf begat Fred, Fred begat Donnie. Although Bill Maher has a plausible theory as to Donnie being the offspring of an orangutan. If covfefe word salad ever meets a Babel standard, expect it to emerge in the purest and most vile version of Weimar era Drumpf or racist Fred Brooklynese, a not so clever “code” in which racists discussed, in front of them, Blacks as Schvartze as if that was ‘clever’ and no one would notice. The dog whistle is loud and pandemic with Donnie.

  8. Sam in St Paul says:

    This is how dictatorships act. It may take time but there needs to be serious retribution for Republicans who falsely attribute this to anyone but their own nutcases.

  9. I’m wondering why they aren’t listing DW Schultz on that list? She didn’t have packages mailed to her, but her office was the “return address” on all the packages. Seems like that makes her a target as well.

  10. Before I left the house to shuttle off tot he office I heard that Robert DiNero got a letter bomb at his New York office in a building he owns. It never got near him as someone recognized the yellow envelope with all the stamps and wen tot the cops who took charge. Now why DiNero? Well, he has been very up front about what he thinks of Trump. Just like Maxine Waters and John Brennan. I try to keep up with the news while I am at work but it is not the easy. I am going to be very leery about turning on my TV tonight. All I want is good news and I have a feeling it hasn’t happened yet.

  11. I had expected Biden to eventually get one. Now that DiNero has received one, I expect the next will be the SNL location, addressed to Baldwin.

  12. ThrowCautiontotheWind says:

    What I want to know is whether Drumpf bought the stamps himself.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Christine Blasey Ford’s decision to move into an undisclosed location is making more and more sense. Smart woman, but you knew that.

  14. I’m going to claim a false flag on the convoy advancing northward through Mexico. I say it’s being funded by the Koch Brothers to create fear and get the base out to vote. Do I have any proof? No, but is that a requirement?

  15. In my conspiritorial imagination, the FBI corners the bomber who conveniently blows him(it’s always a guy)self up, destroying all the evidence which could be used to show whose words persuaded him. Soooo convenient.

    That couldn’t really happen, could it?

  16. Now, now, let’s be a bit more civil here. The NSGOP members of Congress do too have backbones. Made of talcum powder.
