Archive for August, 2018


August 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Greg Abbott should be required to hang a For Sale sign around his neck.

Here’s what happened.  Lubbock is a town in west Texas best known as the home of Texas Tech University and the birthplace of Buddy Holly. They haven’t done much you could call distinguished since then.  Some big wig out in Lubbock by the name of George McMahon decided he’d attend a fancy fundraiser for Abbott and was so damn proud of it that he gave the teevee station an interview.

In the interview he burped up a state secret right there in front of God and Aunt Meryl.

He said – outloud, mind you – that he was going to give Greg Abbott $10,000 because …

“You make a large donation to the governor, and in turn you are eligible for appointment to the Board of Regents,” he told the ABC affiliate station, KAMC, referring to the Texas Tech University board.

That a secret in Texas unknown by people who cannot do math and think an abundance of coincidences is pretty much normal.  Which means Republicans.

The Governor’s office was indignant.

“What this individual suggested is not only false, but also illegal,” said Ciara Matthews, a spokeswoman for Abbott, in a prepared statement. “Because of the unfortunate comments, the donation was returned. This is not how the Governor does business.”

Hell yeah, it’s illegal and that’s exactly how the Governor does business.  Every  board member at Texas Tech has donated to Abbott’s campaign, sweetening his campaign war chest by $1 million.  And, of course, they are all male.

Remember George McMahon, the guy who openly tried to buy a Board of Regents position for $10,000?

“It’s not a bad thing,” McMahan said in an interview with the Chronicle. “It’s common knowledge that that’s the way it works.”

Abbott returned McMahan’s check and de-invited him to the fundraiser.

Probably because $10,000 wasn’t near enough.

Thanks to Beverly for the heads up.


Say It Ain’t So!

August 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican voter fraud?

The alleged signature forgeries continue to pile up in Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District, where paid campaign staffers for Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA) have now been credibly accused of forging at least four dead voters’ signatures, and dozens of others’, on petitions to get an independent candidate on the ballot.

This is double dirty stuff because they did it to get an independent candidate on the ballot to take votes away from the Democrat.  So they played “Fool The Voters” and registering dead people makes that all the easier to win.  In short, they suck.

Lookie here, a Texas woman on probation voted before her supervised release for a felony and she got 5 years in prison for it.

Another woman, Maria Ortega, was a resident of Texas with a green card.  She thought the green card gave her the right to vote.  She got 8 years of hard time.

However, I do suspect that these Republican white boys will not be going to jail.  Because … you know …

Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.

Honey, Honey, Honey

August 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If this doesn’t make you get out and work for a Democratic victory, you have no sense of justice and you are not my friend.

Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that’s circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House.

Go to the link to see the list of investigations requested by Democrats and only stopped because of Republican control.

These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation.

Well, I kinda think it’s already that, but adding to it would be charming and delightful.


Sometimes …

August 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes there is a man so evil, so self absorbed, so pathetic



The flags at Congress and the Washington Monument stand at half-staff for Senator John McCain, but the White House flag was raised to full staff this morning.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

No Surprise Here, For Sure.

August 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican congressvarmint from California, Dana Rohrabacher, who apparently does not mind being called Putin’s favorite congressman, has a Democratic opponent.

We can’t be having crap like that when Russia is perfectly capable of sabotaging elections.

FBI agents in California and Washington, D.C., have investigated a series of cyberattacks over the past year that targeted a Democratic opponent of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA).

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s great nephew.  And then they say …

Rep. Rohrabacher is arguably the most ardent supporter of the Russian government and its leader, Vladimir Putin, in Congress. He has voted againstRussian sanctions and was once warned by the FBI that Putin’s government was trying to recruit him as an asset.

It looks like they were successful.

Dana Rohrabacher, the embattled Orange County congressman known for his close ties to the Kremlin, said Friday that Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions should resign after showing disloyalty to President Trump by refusing to shut down the Russia investigation.

For a Republican incumbent already in danger of losing his seat in a district that favored Hillary Clinton over Trump in 2016, the remarks carried the risk of serious political damage.

Look, standing up to Trump is the only decent, courageous thing Jeff Sessions has ever done in his whole damn life.  This is his one shot to get into the Pearly Gates.  Don’t be a nincompoop and take that away from him, Dana.  I know your chance is shot, but let Jeff have a chance.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

Robert Mueller, Witch Hunter

August 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Russian Hacking