Archive for July, 2018

Local Crap

July 02, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Our local Republican Party right here in Fort Bend County has gone more cracker every year.

You’d think that after Tom DeLay, they couldn’t get any lower. And you’d think wrong.

They have a yearly big fundraiser with a special guest and they pack the house with high dollar donations. This year they are paying perfectly good money to have convicted felon and Trump pardoned Dinesh D’Souza be their featured speaker.



Well, ain’t that nice? Convicted felon. Tickets are $100 each and sponsorships go for $5,000.

D’Souza recently wrote a book comparing Trump to Abraham Lincoln. Yeah, because Lincoln freed the felons, right?

Well, the story got just a tad more entertaining this weekend.  It seems that D’Souza shared some interesting thoughts on Twitter.

A conservative filmmaker pardoned by President Donald Trump has been slammed for retweeting Twitter posts with the hashtags #burntheJews and #bringbackslavery.

Right-wing commentator Dinesh D’Souza, who has mocked the survivors of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting and suggested Rosie O’Donnell should be prosecuted for her campaign donations, was pardoned by Trump in May.

D’Souza says they were “accidental retweets.”  Twice? One and then another one later?  No, accidents happen once. Messaging happens twice.

Now I’m not saying that fits right in with my local GOP.  Nope, I’m not saying that. Oh hell, I admit it. That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Lookie right here at their precinct chairs.  They proudly posted this picture in their newsletter.



Hey, at least D’Souza only offended one or two people.

Y’all, that does it.  I’m putting a sign in my damn front yard that says, “Fort Bend Republicans are egg-sucking dogs.”

Maybe they should serve tomato soup at the dinner because they already have the crackers.

Thanks to Jennifer for the heads up!


(Heavy Sigh)

July 02, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, a friend sent me this over the weekend with a note that maybe we should, indeed, make English the national language. It would certainly solve the pesky problems caused by racists with cardboard.



Yeah, well, I kinda do agree that ill eagles should not be given citizenship.

You know, it’s kinda like the scrabble tiles all fell into the middle of the board – most all the letters are there but they don’t spell much.

Thanks to Sharon for the picture.

How About the FBI Investigate This?

July 02, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Congress

Well, lookey here – Trey Gowdy, who dragged out the Benghazi investigation of Hillary Clinton for years and wasted millions of taxpayers dollars, used $150,000 more taxpayer dollars to settle a discrimination claim against him from a former employee.  Yes, this is the same Trey Gowdy who joined in with other goons in Congress to attack the FBI for…wait for it…corruption.  Maybe the FBI should take this opportunity to investigate Gowdy, eh?

And the Fraudulent Trump Foundation Thing … ?

July 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That sucker is headed to trial in New York before the midterms and the judge has strongly hinted that Trump will be called to testify.

It’s a goat rodeo.  Honey, you could give a two year old some finger-paints and make far less mess than the Trump Foundation, even if you were having the two year old paint on hundred dollar bills.

The New Yorker has a very interesting take on the trial and it appears that the evidence is heavily weighted on the side of the Trump family being a crime syndicate.

On Tuesday, the judge in the case, Saliann Scarpulla, made a series of comments and rulings from the bench that hinted—well, all but screamed—that she believes the Trump family has done some very bad things.

Trump’s lawyers asked the judge to postpone the trial until after the midterms and she … oh dear God, bless her heart … laughed.

During Tuesday’s hearing, the Trump Foundation’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas, asked that the trial not commence in October, because it was so close to the midterms. Judge Scarpulla laughed in response, did not change the trial date, and hinted that she is likely to require the President to testify.

Okay, so I know none of this will change the mind of any Trump supporter. They will believe Trump took the money to give to Jesus in secret.  At best, it will give a boost to Democratic turnout, and we’re gonna need it.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads up.


Damn, What a Tough Decision!

July 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the New York Times yesterday published an article about all the damn angst among top level Democrats over the direction of our party.

Holy damn crap, y’all.  There’s hand wringing and couch fainting over this among the Democratic party leaders.

I’m serious. Get a bowl full of this  —-

The pitched battle looming over the Supreme Court, along with a jolt to the Democratic leadership at the ballot box last Tuesday, is threatening to shatter the already fragile architecture of the Democratic Party, as an activist rebellion on the left and a lurch to the right in Washington propels the party toward a moment of extraordinary conflict and forced reinvention.

What the hell is there to decide?  Let me see … Move to the right where all the heads in Washington DeeCee appear to be heading, or reactivate the Democratic base by reclaiming our party principles of a strong middle class, women’s rights, social equality, and public education?  Gosh, what a tough decision.

When did we become the fat cats?

When three major Supreme Court decisions this week took away strong unions, severely limited free speech over a woman’s choice about pregnancy, and legitimizing racism with a travel ban, the Democratic Party is still conflicted about whether or not to hand Trump another Supreme Court pick?

Even with the information that Kennedy’s son may be indicted over Trump-Russia illegal loans?  What the damn hell is wrong with our leaders? Does Russian have pee tapes of them, too?

At a strategy session held over lunch last week, Senate Democrats settled on a careful strategy for the coming Supreme Court confirmation battle. They would drop their demands that Republicans not appoint a replacement for Mr. Kennedy until after the midterm elections, senators decided, and instead would highlight the threat to abortion rights and health care to try to mobilize opposition to Mr. Trump’s appointment.

Meanwhile, 600 women were arrested for protesting separating parents and children on the border and in my hometown of Houston, thousands of people braved a damn sandstorm to protest.

Look, the protests didn’t win the war but I’ll be damned if the party of Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt is gonna died begging for mercy on our knees.

Dick Durban has decided that we should not fight a fight we can’t win over Trump’s right to nominate a new member of the Supreme Court after Trump probably extorted a justice to resign so he could get the court to let off the Trump family and friends from turning us into a oligarchy.

Oh hell, no.  You stand in front of the tank, Dick.  You lay your body down on the railroad tracks.  What the hell does Dick Durban think The Resistance means? Does he think we’re just playing little girlfriend games?

I will tell you what the Democratic Party needs — leaders who have more guts than gall.

Okay, I’m gonna put a damp cloth on my head and rue the day we did not elect Keith Ellison as chair of the DNC.


UPDATE: Hateful Billboard in West Texas Papered Over

July 01, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Shaming Trumpists

You remember the story about the uncivil fellow who paid for the billboard on I-40 in the Panhandle telling “liberals” to keep driving and leave the state…Well, said billboard has been papered over after a nationwide brouhaha that arose after the photo went viral.  (We’ll take at least partial credit for our participation in that activity.)  Here’s what it looked like:

Here’s what it looks like now:

In response to the hateful billboard, a GoFundMe appeal raised over $4,000 to establish this billboard that’s gone up on I-40 in Amarillo.

That’s more like it.