Damn, What a Tough Decision!

July 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the New York Times yesterday published an article about all the damn angst among top level Democrats over the direction of our party.

Holy damn crap, y’all.  There’s hand wringing and couch fainting over this among the Democratic party leaders.

I’m serious. Get a bowl full of this  —-

The pitched battle looming over the Supreme Court, along with a jolt to the Democratic leadership at the ballot box last Tuesday, is threatening to shatter the already fragile architecture of the Democratic Party, as an activist rebellion on the left and a lurch to the right in Washington propels the party toward a moment of extraordinary conflict and forced reinvention.

What the hell is there to decide?  Let me see … Move to the right where all the heads in Washington DeeCee appear to be heading, or reactivate the Democratic base by reclaiming our party principles of a strong middle class, women’s rights, social equality, and public education?  Gosh, what a tough decision.

When did we become the fat cats?

When three major Supreme Court decisions this week took away strong unions, severely limited free speech over a woman’s choice about pregnancy, and legitimizing racism with a travel ban, the Democratic Party is still conflicted about whether or not to hand Trump another Supreme Court pick?

Even with the information that Kennedy’s son may be indicted over Trump-Russia illegal loans?  What the damn hell is wrong with our leaders? Does Russian have pee tapes of them, too?

At a strategy session held over lunch last week, Senate Democrats settled on a careful strategy for the coming Supreme Court confirmation battle. They would drop their demands that Republicans not appoint a replacement for Mr. Kennedy until after the midterm elections, senators decided, and instead would highlight the threat to abortion rights and health care to try to mobilize opposition to Mr. Trump’s appointment.

Meanwhile, 600 women were arrested for protesting separating parents and children on the border and in my hometown of Houston, thousands of people braved a damn sandstorm to protest.

Look, the protests didn’t win the war but I’ll be damned if the party of Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt is gonna died begging for mercy on our knees.

Dick Durban has decided that we should not fight a fight we can’t win over Trump’s right to nominate a new member of the Supreme Court after Trump probably extorted a justice to resign so he could get the court to let off the Trump family and friends from turning us into a oligarchy.

Oh hell, no.  You stand in front of the tank, Dick.  You lay your body down on the railroad tracks.  What the hell does Dick Durban think The Resistance means? Does he think we’re just playing little girlfriend games?

I will tell you what the Democratic Party needs — leaders who have more guts than gall.

Okay, I’m gonna put a damp cloth on my head and rue the day we did not elect Keith Ellison as chair of the DNC.


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0 Comments to “Damn, What a Tough Decision!”

  1. Q: what do the two President Roosevelts have in common?
    A: Neither party wants to talk about them anymore.

  2. Texas Expat in CA says:

    PREACH, JJ! Enough already with the lily-livered leaders! They need to get out in front with a truly Progressive agenda! When the people are as angry as we are (as we saw in yesterday’s demonstrations), THAT’s a winning position.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Dick Durbin is only half right, which is no better than being altogether wrong. While it’s true Dotard45 has the right to nominate whom he wants, it is also incumbent upon the Senate to perform their role of advise & consent. It is their duty as our elected representatives to provide both a check and a balance against any insane selection Donnie might make. If Democrats do not stand for social justice, what do they stand for Dick?

  4. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hmm. I wonder if Anthony Kennedy bartered his retirement for a future pardon?

  5. Arrgghhh! Dems you FIGHT for the right of the moral high ground!!! You expose the GOP are the liars and traitors they are while supporting and encouraging your own bass.
    We are dying a slow death thru the policies of conservative judges, but it is sure suicide to concede this fight.
    Sooo freakin stupid.

  6. That Other Jean says:

    Aargh! Dammit, the Democrats are going to give up the fight before it starts. Out of deference to the rules set up when Momma could still read the responses, I will refrain from typing Chickens***s, but that’s what I really mean to call them. We may not be able to win this battle, but we could make one heck of a racket and get our points of view out there before we lost. Call your Congresscritters and complain, loudly!

  7. Zyxomma says:

    I think the revelations about the role of Justin Kennedy in getting funding for both Trump and Kushner should be enough to stop confirmation in its tracks. Period.

  8. As I see it, the Democratic Party doesn’t have a clue and stopped representing the values of its voters long ago. If Trump rounded up all the people who he thinks are a threat and interned them in camps, the Democratic leadership would only hold their hands on the way to the execution chamber. They’re too afraid of bucking law and order and the status quo.

    Something is going to give…

  9. Maggie O'Neill says:

    Pelosi’s net worth was $29.35 million,15th out of 50 wealthiest members of Congress.
    Feinstein, the ninth-richest member, has a net worth of at least $42 million.
    Don’t think that includes spousal wealth, which is considerable in both cases.
    Feinstein said, not that long ago, we should try to work with Trump. So we know she apparently lacks insight into the nature of the beast.

    History will not judge them well.

  10. A couple days ago, I got the monthly call to donate to the DNC. I again replied, no thanks, because the national Democrats and the Texas Democratic party have never represented me. We give our money to candidates. The caller laughed and started asking questions. First time that had ever happened. So I told her the last Democrat in DC who gave a damn about Texas was Howard Dean. She asked how was Beto gonna do and a few more things. I finally told her we’d probably be better off as Texas Democrats if people like DWS stopped doing stupid shit that we all had to live with and live down. She thanked me profusely.

  11. schumer’s, pelosi’s and others who are part of the surrender caucaus should never be allowed to fund raise or campaign on resistence to demented donnie if they are unwilling to fight.
    One did not see any thuglicans worry about “civility” during Obama years.
    This is why the d’s keep losing they keep selling out their constituents to endear themselves to the 1% and then wonder why people don’t turn out to vote for them.
    In new congress the Congresswoman from Seattle for House leader and Bernie as head of d caucaus in the senate.
    Do not speak of “registrations” or such trash if the d’s allow thuglcrats like donelly, manchin and heidkamp in their caucaus and welcome moles of “ex” thuglicans who have not full throatedly denounced the thuglican party and apolagized for their stupidity of supporting any thuglican policies everthey can accept Bernie as their leader.
    God knows somebody on the d side should be leading on something and so far Maxime is the only one we have got.

  12. RepubAnon says:

    The Democratic Party leadership should remember the lesson of The Alamo. They fought as hard as they could, and eventually lost – but it gave their cause a rallying cry which led to victory.

  13. “We are dying a slow death thru the policies of conservative judges, but it is sure suicide to concede this fight.”
    Great line lex, and absolutely right.

    It’s more critical to fight at this moment, than to analyze options for a possible win. Democrats WANT to fight. Democrats are READY to fight. Democrats are ALREADY leading the fight! As long as we keep that up, the mass of independents, moderate Rs, undecided, unregistered and so on will fight WITH US.

    “Mourn the [losses], but fight like hell for the living!” Mother Jones

  14. Charles R Phillips says:

    If you move to the Right when the alt-right, the Beltway media, and sage “elder statesmen” of your own party demand it, then you truly are a “SNOWFLAKE.”

  15. I think the revelations about the role of Justin Kennedy in getting funding for both Trump and Kushner .

  16. RepubAnon,
    Contrast “The Battle of the Alamo” with the “Goliad Massacre”, which hardly anyone remembers it seems.
    The Defenders of the Alamo fought like hell against known insurmountable odds. The poor bastards at Goliad fought like hell too, but through no fault of their own (some blame Fannin for FU) were captured, deceived, and then executed by a reluctant Mexican commander ‘following orders’.
    Which incident gets the best PR, the Alamo of course.
    Like you state, sometimes you just need to say ‘Fork it’, and fight like all hell, whether your so-called ‘leaders’ stand up or not.

    (The Camino Real that connects these two places partially runs over my property overlooking the San Antonio River. I luv to think about the history of it, and all the walkers, riders and wagons that passed under one of my giant 500-1000y/o live oaks long ago.)

  17. maryelle says:

    If Pelosi, Schumer and Durbin haven’t seen the downright evil of this administration in the kidnapping of babies, then there is no hope for them.
    This was the last straw for appeasement. We don’t need Neville Chamberlain, We need Churchill!
