Archive for June, 2018


June 20, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

A couple of hours ago, Trump finally caved on his idiotic immigration policy that was separating thousands of innocent kids from their parents who were trying to apply for asylum.  Since the beginning of May, over 2,300 children have been ripped from the arms of their parents and been spread all over the country while the parents were randomly jailed elsewhere.  There was apparently NO system to keep track of these children, and the morons running the program for Trump, including Kirstjen Nielson, head of homeland security, were completely clueless how to even run a program like this.  It was a slow motion train wreck, but Trump stubbornly clung to his idiocy until even the mouth breathers in Congress recognized the disaster and backed away from him.

The Trump Desert Sands Tent Resort was a complete disaster, and it came out today that running those tents cost $775 PER NIGHT PER CHILD to house them detained there.  The administration has no clue how they’re going to reunite these families, or where they’re going to house them.

This is just another example of Trump’s Tweet First, Ignore the Consequences style of governing.  He doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s doing, but we do know one thing.  It’s really stupid for him to follow the advice of his in-house white supremacists to establish policy.

Jesus, what a catastrophe.

There’s a place for Anger, and THIS is it.

The Dark Underbelly of the US Justice System

June 20, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe

John Culberson, $32,900; Henry Cuellar – $32,400; John Cornyn, $10,000.  These are the contributions from private prison company GEO Group who operates immigrant detention centers all over Texas.  Let’s be clear here – GEO is a private contractor that runs federal prisons and detention centers for profit.  How do they profit?  By keeping bodies behind bars and spending as little as possible on their welfare.  Abrogating its responsibility to look after the welfare of those in federal custody is one of the most disgusting policy decisions made by our government.  It’s a human rights violation and it’s immoral. Also, it started long before Trump infested the White House, but he’s accelerated conversions of big box stores into prisons at an alarming rate.

In the meantime, politicians (Republican for the most part) have blocked prison and immigration reform or opposed the outlawing of this practice.  The reason?  Millions of dollars filling the pockets of jerk-offs like those named above.  Cuellar is an anomaly among Dems; he vehemently opposed president Obama’s efforts to reform the immigration system and is unpredictable in his public statements.  He’s certainly not helpful.  Culberson and Cornyn, however are blocking the door to ANY humane or just solution.

The proliferation of new Desert Sands Trump Tent Resorts and Trump Big Box Internationals have finally awoken Republicans in Congress.  Even Ted Cruz took a few minutes off from running for president in 3 years to wring his hands and declare he’s going to introduce legislation to fix a problem that was completely caused by Trump’s poor decision to take the advice of his in-house white supremacists.

In the meantime, the border crisis worsens.  Innocent lives are being permanently damaged and it’s going on before our very eyes even as I type these words.

If you’d like to tell these politicians what you think of them taking dirty private prisons for profit money, here are their phone numbers:

John Cornyn – 202-224-2934

John Culberson – 202-225-2571

Henry Cuellar – 202-225-1640

Help From Democrats

June 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want to thank El Jefe for keeping the floors swept and the doors open while I try a heal-up a little. I’m shooting for next week to start letting the anger over Trump replace the sadness over losing Momma.  Meanwhile, my friend Scott has a handle on a few things and this is one of them.  Knowing that I am going to try to get to Fort Worth in a day or two this week to be at the Texas Democratic Party State Convention, he offered me some advice.  

My wife has become quite a hockey fan now that the nest is empty, and wants to adopt TJ Oshie, ever since he ignited her interest in the game when he scored the winning shootout goal against Russia in the Soshi Olympics. He now plays for the Washington Capitals, and she was astounded and elated when they won the Stanley Cup this year. So naturally she had to watch the triumphal homecoming parade and festivities, which seem to have shut down DC for a day last week. I watched it with her to support her team, and because a number of my relatives live inside The Beltway and they’ve needed something to celebrate for a couple of years now. Oh, and also because one of the major sponsors of the team is Budweiser, most of the team is 35, they’ve had to behave since September, and the broadcast was live.

They exceeded my expectations. The crowd packed the monument side of The National Mall (the Post printed a disclaimer that the paper was not going to print any estimate of crowd size, not saying “and y’all know why”), and the players got to come up to the mike and thank the fans and say a few words. Most of them were coherent, but several were obviously not far from not being so.

The team captain, Aleksandr Ovechkin, stole the show and probably caused NBC Sports Network to fire whoever was asleep at the bleep button. Alex is Russian, and speaks passable English, which seems to get better after lord knows how much beer. So he shared with the crowd what he had said to his team at the start of the season to inspire them to go for the trophy: “Thees year, we’re not gonna f***** suck.” With no asterisks, not even Cyrillic ones, and on live tv.

I think this would make a good campaign slogan for all the Democrats in the United States of America. And it has the added benefit of being stolen from a Russian.


Steve Schmidt Leaves Republican Party

June 20, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

Steve Schmidt, McCain campaign manager and prominent Republican strategist, announced last night that he’s left the Republican Party.  His reasons are Trump and his “zero tolerance” border fail that’s consuming our entire country.  Here’s the tweet:

AP: Trump has set up “Tender Age” Shelters for Babies Ripped from Immigrant Mothers’ Arms

June 19, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

FFS.  Word is now finally getting out that HUNDREDS of now termed “tender age”  children are being housed in multiple undisclosed, locations.  These babies, and younger girls, are being held, gestapo style, in secret locations, conditions unknown, identification of detainees unknown.

Let’s make sure everyone gets it…Trump – this disgusting sumbitch, has ripped unknown numbers of unidentified children from unknown mothers, held in unknown locations.  Welcome to the destruction of morality and decency in America.


Call your congressvarmint. Demand a halt to this immoral and illegal action by your government.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  Enough is enough.  There is a place for anger.  and THIS is it!

The Curtain Begins to Fall on America’s Moral Authority

June 19, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Border Catastrophe, Trump

Today, the US announced it is withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Commission Trumping up (no pun intended) charges of bias against Israel and the US.  Democracy dies in darkness.  And it is closing in.