June 20, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

A couple of hours ago, Trump finally caved on his idiotic immigration policy that was separating thousands of innocent kids from their parents who were trying to apply for asylum.  Since the beginning of May, over 2,300 children have been ripped from the arms of their parents and been spread all over the country while the parents were randomly jailed elsewhere.  There was apparently NO system to keep track of these children, and the morons running the program for Trump, including Kirstjen Nielson, head of homeland security, were completely clueless how to even run a program like this.  It was a slow motion train wreck, but Trump stubbornly clung to his idiocy until even the mouth breathers in Congress recognized the disaster and backed away from him.

The Trump Desert Sands Tent Resort was a complete disaster, and it came out today that running those tents cost $775 PER NIGHT PER CHILD to house them detained there.  The administration has no clue how they’re going to reunite these families, or where they’re going to house them.

This is just another example of Trump’s Tweet First, Ignore the Consequences style of governing.  He doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s doing, but we do know one thing.  It’s really stupid for him to follow the advice of his in-house white supremacists to establish policy.

Jesus, what a catastrophe.

There’s a place for Anger, and THIS is it.

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0 Comments to “TRUMP CAVES”

  1. So we may expect that when the failure to reunite parents and kids previously separated blows up into the next controversy, Trump will fire Sessions to cover his ass in two directions.

  2. That’s right, Lless. There will be no effort to reunite the 2,300 children already snatched away from their parents any time soon, according to the New York Times. Unfortunately, a lot of people will not pick up on that little detail, and they’ll be lauding Herr Drumph for changing his mind.

  3. Adam Eran says:

    As far as I can see, Trump’s agenda is to divide America into squabbling tribes, pointing their fingers at each other. This kind of condemn-Trump-24/7 stuff is exactly aligned with that agenda, IMHO.

    Where’s the outrage that the Democrats (including Obama) separated kids from their families? Why are you picking the mote out of Trump’s eye, ignoring the beam in your own?

    Time to start ignoring Trump, and paying attention to something that might actually have an impact.

    Here’s a thought: How about Democrats sponsoring legislation to stop U.S. depredations (military, economic, political) into other countries’ affairs–including Yemen?

    When I start seeing something like that, I’ll take D’s seriously. Right now they’re just a bunch of virtue-signalling whiners.

  4. 1smartcanerican says:

    Lless – as if only that would happen! There are many people he needs to fire, including himself.

  5. joel hanes says:

    Trump didn’t cave. He dodged.

    ICE will still be refusing to let asylum-seekers into the Ports of Entry, and then arresting them when they set foot on ordinary US territory.
    All the arrested will still be “detained”. Indefinitely.
    When the detainment reaches the 20-day limit in the consent decree, the whole thing will blow up again, this time in court.

    Trump will then blame the courts.

    In better news : a single facebook fundraiser has brought in over 12 million dollars to pay bail to get would-be immigrants released, and to provide them with legal services.

  6. publius bolonius says:

    Follow the money.

  7. It’s my opinion that calling 45 stupid and his horrible edicts stupid needs to stop. He knows exactly what he’s doing and doesn’t care if he gets stopped. Let’s call them fascistic and whatever other word you want. Just my opinion.

    So happy about the $$ raised and will contribute.

  8. Since DHS Sect Nielsen was booed out of a Mexican restaurant in DC last night, something had to be done, and fast. How long could Trump’s cabinet last without burritos, tacos & Dos Equis?

    Oh, the inhumanity.

  9. maryelle says:

    We have to keep up the pressure for reunification and keep it the news, even if they have to fly them to Nicaragua. Those babies need their parents ASAP.

  10. Old Quaker says:

    Unify families ASAP.
    I want to see a picture of the 2 year old girl in the red shirt and red shoes with her mom and smiling. The picture of her that went viral broke my heart; I keep thinking of her.

  11. Larry from Colorado says:

    NPR pointed out today 45 is a master of creating a problem, letting it fester, then allegedly fixing it, which makes his craven supporters rave about what a great leader he is.

  12. And it needs to be stressed that Trump ending the separation policy with a wave of his pen proves that he and his minions were lying LYING LYING all along when they said that it was the Democrats’ fault, that only Congress could fix it, that it had nothing to do with him, and all the rest of their bullcrap.

    Now they need to reunite those kids with their families ASAP, and we need to ride his ass until that happens.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Adam Erin: for starters, there is no documentation about how many, if any, children were taken from their parents by Obama. Then, no matter WHAT might or might not have happened previously, it’s positively true that Trump enacted this policy. Try to keep a focus on that, instead of deflecting. Otherwise we will be distracted into endless finger pointing about how it used to be legal to have slaves, or force small children into labor, or forbid women and minorities the vote. As my (and most)parents said, “two wrongs do not make a right”.

  14. Both sides of the aisle on the Hill came down on him like a ton of bricks. Trump knew he would get blowback from the D’s but he figured he had the R’s way to cowed to do zip. Wrong!!!!

  15. maryelle says:

    Dump ended baby jails, but created family jails.
    Apparently many of these children have been turned over to Health and Human Services and scattered all through the country.
    Fed. Health & Human Services: 1-202-205-5445

  16. $775 PER NIGHT, PER CHILD to house detained children in effing tents? $775? You can stay at Trump’s Hotel in NYC for far, far less than that!!

    Wharton must be so proud!
