Message to Robert Mueller: Hurry Up

November 07, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election, Trump

The White House released Jeff Sessions undated resignation letter today, throwing the government once again into absolute chaos after a frenzied election day that ended less that 12 hours earlier.  After forcing out Sessions, Trump named a radical partisan talking head, Matthew Whitaker as interim AG.  Whitaker has often talked on television about how the Mueller investigation is too far reaching and that he would have indicted Hillary Clinton for her emails.  What a great choice as the US’s top cop.  The drinking game continues where you name the absolute worst person Trump could name for a top job, then when that person is named, DRINK!  This is how the day began (after he threatened to use his political power in the Senate to retaliate if House Democrats dare investigate him for his numerous violations of the rule of law and common decency.

It’s clear now that Trump is going to try to shut down the Mueller investigation.  I’m hoping Mueller is about done, if he’s not, he better hurry.

Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about Trump’s meltdown during the press conference today.  That’s worth a post only about that.


June 20, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

A couple of hours ago, Trump finally caved on his idiotic immigration policy that was separating thousands of innocent kids from their parents who were trying to apply for asylum.  Since the beginning of May, over 2,300 children have been ripped from the arms of their parents and been spread all over the country while the parents were randomly jailed elsewhere.  There was apparently NO system to keep track of these children, and the morons running the program for Trump, including Kirstjen Nielson, head of homeland security, were completely clueless how to even run a program like this.  It was a slow motion train wreck, but Trump stubbornly clung to his idiocy until even the mouth breathers in Congress recognized the disaster and backed away from him.

The Trump Desert Sands Tent Resort was a complete disaster, and it came out today that running those tents cost $775 PER NIGHT PER CHILD to house them detained there.  The administration has no clue how they’re going to reunite these families, or where they’re going to house them.

This is just another example of Trump’s Tweet First, Ignore the Consequences style of governing.  He doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s doing, but we do know one thing.  It’s really stupid for him to follow the advice of his in-house white supremacists to establish policy.

Jesus, what a catastrophe.

There’s a place for Anger, and THIS is it.