Archive for June, 2018

Jammie Boy Still Jammin’

June 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so disgraced Congressvarmint Blake Farenthold, the closest thing to Jabba the Hutt we have in Texas, is in a spittin’ match with Governor Greg Abbott, the closet thing to Darth Vader we have in Texas.

But, instead of it being monumental, it’s like hair pulling in the second grade.

Darth Greg says to Blake the Hutt, “You should have to pay for the special election we’re having to have to replace you for the three months left in your term.”

Blake the Hutt says back, “No, you twit, you called this special election.  We didn’t have to have it. You made that choice so you pay for it.”

Meanwhile, the good folks on Alderaan, who were devastated by Hurricane Harvey and have zero money left in their coffers, are stuck with having to pay the $157,000 this special election will cost.

Additionally, Darth Greg wanted to have this special election so a Republican would win and get to run as an incumbent.  The Darth isn’t concerned with good government; he’s concerned with sounding like James Earl Jones.

So, there ya got it. They are both ten maturity points away from being socially acceptable in second grade. That’s how Republicans fight.

And, bygawd, Jabba the Farenthold is not going to pay back the $84,000 he owes us for sexually harassing his clerk because his lawyer said not to.  Oh yeah, Buddy?  Well, my hairdresser said I should kick your ass back to Washington, DeeCee, and dump you in the Potomac River.

Thanks to Pia for the heads up.

Yep, That Fits…

June 28, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Dumpster Fire

Well, it looks like Bill Shine, former Fox News president who resigned over sexual harassment claims, is going to be the new White House communications director.  You just can’t make up this stuff.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

And Speaking Of Drying Up

June 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet Wichita County, Texas, county commissioner, Republican Jeff Watts.

Jeff is a Christian conservative, which is only provable because he says he is.


Ole Jeff says some brilliant things like …

While not typically within the purview of a County Commissioner, I believe that every elected official must do all that they can to help solve our current water crisis. Without water, industries leave, citizens relocate, and our County literally dries up.

Literally?  That’s amazing, Jeff.

So, now he’s got his panties all bunched up because his Democratic opponent, Catie Robinson, filed a request with the Texas Ethics Commission last month for an advisory opinion on allowing all Texas candidates to use campaign funds for child care expenses.  This is Catie and her family.



Texas candidates are currently restricted from using political donations for personal purposes, but the commission can provide guidance through an advisory opinion.

“A political campaign is a full time job, and one that is unpaid,” Robinson said.

Robinson was a stay-at-home mother with two girls. She began incurring child care expenses while campaigning so she started working as a barista at Starbucks.

I have known my own county commissioners to spend campaign funds on “campaign clothes,” a “campaign pick up truck,” baseball and rodeo tickets, and a “hunting trip to entertain donors.”

This Ethics Opinion will reverberate across the state, so Catie added …

“It’s not a question of being able to personally afford childcare,” she said. “If the cost is directly related to the campaign, then campaign funds should be allowed to be used.”

Robinson said, “I really believe that this might be the deciding factor for lots of other Texans out there who may be on the fence about running for office, so I am really happy to be a part of it.”

Yeah, Momma.

Anyway, Christian Jeff is opposed to it.  I suspect he’s also opposed to women running for political office.  Or, you know, being sassy and such.

Thanks to Alfredo for the heads up and the information that Texas is now the third state to allow childcare expenses as part of a political campaign.


They’re Going to Follow the “Biden Rule”, Right? Right?

June 27, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election, SCOTUS

Anthony Kennedy, the mostly right wing leaning swing vote on SCOTUS announced this morning that he’s retiring.  Trump has already announced that he’s going to nominate a judge candidate from his list of white radical anarchists.  I’m SURE that Mitch McConnell is going to jump in, invoke the “Biden Rule”, and hold up hearings for a new nominee until after the mid-term elections, right?  I mean, since he did the same thing to Obama’s nominee for over a year, right?  After all, Joe Biden suggested that in 1992 for those mid-terms, even though no one was nominated and no candidates were considered…

I mean, after all, McConnell’s going to be consistent, right?  Right?

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.


The “No-Shoot-Sherlock” Headline of the Week

June 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s real.



Ya think?

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

North Korea’s Nuke Program Expanding

June 27, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, North Korea

You remember Trump’s victory lap a couple of weeks ago after his “summit” with Kim Jung Un?  You know, the summit where he lavished praise on Little Rocket Man and saluted his general?  Remember when he declared that North Korea’s nuclear threat was over?

Not so fast, bucko.  New satellite images FROM LAST WEEK show that the North Koreans are rapidly constructing new buildings and expanding facilities at Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.  Noted are additions to the facility where plutonium is extracted from spent fuel rods.

As Trump boasts of his negotiating prowess and his neutralizing of Kim, it appears we need to add yet another lie to his pile of lies that now exceeds 3,200 since the inauguration.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.