A Wake Up Call to the DNC

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election

Joe Crowley, 10 term congressman from New York and chair of the House Democratic Caucus, was defeated tonight by a 28 year old Latina running in her first political race.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was outspent 10 to 1 by Crowley, ran a social media based

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez confronts the Border Patrol

campaign, focused on social justice and equality.  Crowley had been dismissive of Ocasio-Cortez, even no-showing TWO primary debates.  Once angling to be Nancy Pelosi’s replacement and future candidate for speaker, Crowley now gets to go home with his tail between his legs after being pummeled by this young woman. Who is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.  And an activist.  And tough.  She ran way to the left of Crowley calling for the abolishment of ICE, universal healthcare, and a federal jobs guarantee.  Crowley made a huge mistake by not taking her seriously.

Yes, this is a heavily Democratic district.  A Dem is going to win the general election, but this should be a wake up call to the Democratic establishment.  After the shenanigans of the 2016 presidential campaign and the establishment’s continued tone deafness to income inequality, destruction of labor unions, and stagnation of wages, voters have had enough.  The message is clear – Lead, or get the hell out of the way.  We have a young generation coming behind us who have rejected the party machine and it’s calcified leadership.

Thank God.

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0 Comments to “A Wake Up Call to the DNC”

  1. That’s one!

  2. AK Lynne says:

    That is stunning! If that doesn’t make these entrenched politicos pay attention, nothing will.

  3. Evolution on a huge geographic scale. Those organisms who adapt, overcome. Those organisms who do not adapt, die. Don’t see a problem with that.

    And yes at some point all organisms can not longer adapt and thus die off. I think I get it. It’s not all bad. Seen any wagon wheel makers lately?

  4. Yes. Thank god indeed.

  5. Ted in Austin says:

    DNC, DLC, DCCC, all I am proud to have shunned for nearly 20 years. Support the progressive candidates not the sold out machine.

  6. Charles R Phillips says:

    “She was warned.
    She was given an explanation.
    Nevertheless, she persisted…”

    …and kicked some stagnant, DCCC ass!

  7. The difference between Dem white males and rePUKEians? Seems like …nothing much!

  8. What what? says:

    Have to add that Crowley picked up a guitar and played Springsteen’s ‘Born to Run’ at Ocasio-Cortez’s victory party, and has pledged to do all he can for her in the general, so ‘tail between legs’? Not so much.

  9. El Jefe says:

    Uh huh. Tell that to the people who gave him $3 million.

  10. Larry from Colorado says:

    Wonder what the 4th grade bully in the WH will have to say about this.

  11. The Golden Gibbon will start including her in his vocal attacks on anyone Hispanic. I can bet on it! Oh, and one of her jobs involved seeing drinks in a bar!!! Well, whoop doo! Unlike the GG, at least she had a job.

  12. In the list of sins of the Democratic party establishment, you omitted the DCCC messing with the TX07 race here in Houston by releasing opposition research on a fellow Democrat.

    Six out of seven of the candidates in that national profile primary kept purely to the issues and never attacked the others. It was a civil race until the DCCC intervened.

  13. Stony Pillow says:

    And the 4th grade bully in the WH has spoken – if only Crowley had been nicer to the 4th grade bully, he would have won. All about him? Depends on how you look at it.

    Pour one out for Crowley. The Washington Generals (DLC) lost a point guard.

  14. Gary Halter says:

    What was the voter turnout? Very low? I will bet it was.

  15. As an article posted last week, the common thread of the winners is WOMEN. Women are winning, whether moderate or more liberal. Women are gaining.

  16. @Steph – Thank God, since men seem to really suck at governing.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Yes! More of this!!! The Democratic Party represented with 3-4 generations of dynamic people from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Nancy Pelosi in the House with Senators Kamala Harris and Catherine Cortez-Masto in the Senate. There’s a concept – a Congress that looks like us, we the people, made up of a variety of ages, ethnicities, and interests working together toward the common goals. As an example, economic policy. The interests of the young worker, the middle age worker, the soon to retire worker along with the retired workers do not need to be in competition. Good policy works for everyone.

    In the spirit of the make my day mood, as much as I would like to see Chuck Schumer with his hands metaphorically around Mitch McTurdle’s throat. That ain’t gonna happen. But Senators Harris, Hirono, Warren, Murray and a few others teaming up to educate Mitch in the confines of the Senate cloakroom … that could happen.

  18. Rick Stelter says:

    Gary Halter, the turn out was low, but be that as it may, the Dems will win this district overwhelmingly unless she’s arrested for a sex or drug scandal before then.
    She’s what the Dems have needed and wanted for a long time, we need to differentiate ourselves from the Republicans, not just be Republican Lite, with a D behind our names!

  19. Crowley, to his credit, did express pretty full-throated support for her candidacy in his concession:

    “The Trump administration is a threat to everything we stand for here in Queens and the Bronx, and if we don’t win back the House this November, we will lose the nation we love,” he said. “This is why we must come together. We will only be able to stop Donald Trump and the Republican Congress by working together, as a united Democratic Party.”


  20. NicaBrian says:

    In a day of bad news this really brightened my day. As discouraging as it is to see well, just about everybody in the Dem leadership and news media shocked, SHOCKED! at an actual progressive defeating an old pol and rightful heir to the Speaker’s throne now put to pasture, I hope this will finally be the wake up call that will actually wake them up.

    Aside from a couple excellent presidents and occasional flashes of brilliance from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid the party leaders seem to have given up on winning and focused more on not losing. New ideas are automatically rejected in favor of the tried and true things done the way they’ve always been done which has worked a total of 4 years in the last 25. And they have the nerve to complain about someone with new ideas who can win.

    But no. Instead we get Leader Nancy saying “”Nobody’s district is representative of somebody else’s district,” she said. “It should not be viewed as something that stands for everything else.”

    Because something is happening here but you don’t know what it is
    Do you, Ms Pelosi?

  21. “Crowley now gets to go home, having expressed full support for legs this young woman who beat him.”
    Fixed that for you. Seems pretty gracious and supportive in defeat to me.

  22. oops, bad typing. Drop “legs” and the sentence is fixed.
