Archive for April, 2017

Somebody Finally Said It

April 05, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Yesterday, in a remarkable made-for-television moment, Texas representative Joaquin Castro finally said it:

“I wouldn’t be surprised after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail.”

It came during an interview on CNN about the House investigation into Russia’s meddling in our election and the more than creepy warm and fuzzy relationship between Trumpworld and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

FINALLY, someone in Washington has said what millions of Americans have been thinking.


April 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have friends who ask me why I am so involved with politics.  My general answer is that everything is political.

And I have proof.

Every week, PBS lists Five Important Stories That Don’t Have Anything To Do With Politics.  Let’s look at this week.

1. Arkansas plans to execute eight men in 11 days

You think that’s not political?  The only way to stop that from happening is through politics. And, the only reason it happens is politics.

2. The comalike condition that takes hold of refugee children

Syria.  Political.

3. South Africa’s black youth grapple with access to higher education

The result of apartheid.  Political.

4. Manatees aren’t endangered anymore

Thought you had me, huh?  Nope.

The Save the Manatee Club told CNN that the government should update its manatee recovery plan. And with a record number of manatees killed by boats in Florida last year, the Center for Biological Diversity says there needs to be a greater emphasis on enforcement and education.

5. D.C. institutions acquire a photo album that (slightly) expands the history of two African American trailblazers

Somewhere in South Carolina, someone is saying this is made up and will run for the state legislature on that fact alone.

There ya have it.


Sean Sumbitch

April 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Sean Spicer just blamed Barack Obama for the unspeakable chemical attack in Syria this morning.

I. Am. NOT. Kidding.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters Tuesday that a gas attack in a rebel-controlled area of Syria was perpetrated by the forces tied to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and are a “consequence of the past administration’s weakness and irresolution.”

No, no, no, it would  have nothing to do with the fact that a totally insane man is president now, his goofy son in law is running the country, the secretary of state is being ignored, Twitter exists for the perverse pleasure of one man, and that Vladimir Putin is calling all the damn shots.

Trump gave them permission to do this.  He wants to partner with Putin and al-Assad.  It happened because they knew Trump wouldn’t do anything because he told them he wouldn’t do anything.  Let me say that again – Trump told them that he wouldn’t do anything to al-Assad.

I’m too heartbroken about what happened and too angry to to be funny.


Because No One Else Is Mean Enough to Tell You About This

April 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I just have a share a recent email I got from

I can’t take a screen shot of it because it’s kinda overloaded with crap wordy.  Here ya go.  I’m just putting it on here as is because it’s too much fun to miss.  (I also copied their bolding.)


Dear Fellow Patriot,

You’re running out of time to claim your gigantic TALKING bobblehead of Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke.

Due to the heavy demand, the Official Draft Sheriff Clarke for Senate Campaign can reserve your bobblehead for only seven more days before we have to offer it to another conservative.

Claim your Sheriff Clarke bobblehead today

It’s “The People’s Sheriff” saluting with his right hand, and reaching across the aisle to choke some liberal with his left: a 12” version of the one Sheriff Clarke signed for us at CPAC!

It’s a cocky, real-life representation of the conservative black Sheriff’s now famous quip at the inauguration’s “Deploraball,” where he said, “The only reason I’ll be reaching across the aisle is to grab one of them by the throat!”

A truly magnificent line that no other Republican Senator would ever have the stones to say! We HAVE to get this man into the SENATE!

And yes, those words play – in the Sheriff’s own voice – when a button on the base of the bobblehead is depressed!

The bobblehead also plays these iconic lines:

“I don’t take no crap from the Left.”

“I’m not afraid to get my knuckles bloody.”

“I play smash mouth politics. I think you’ve noticed that.”

Bold and courageous, like the Sheriff himself. (Plus two additional lines you can appreciate at home when your bobblehead arrives!)

Sheriff Clarke needs to know you’re behind him in a race against the unbelievably liberal extremist Tammy Baldwin (ACU rating of 0%, statistically the worst Senator in the country), and we need to know you’re with us.

Wisconsin is a GOP-controlled state that Trump carried. David A. Clarke, Jr. is a cop with a 40-year career in law enforcement, and a life-long resident of its largest and most liberal county (Milwaukee), where he has won four consecutive elections, most recently with 79% of the vote.

For comparison’s sake, President Trump carried Wisconsin, but got only 29% of the vote in that same County. If Clarke runs, he wins, and our expensive professional polling says the same thing: he is Wisconsin’s best bet against incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

Known as “the lesbian peace hippy,” Baldwin is the 30-year career politician who leads the “Socialist Progressive Caucus,” despises our military, hates Israel, supports Sanctuary cities, and never misses an opportunity to brag that she’s the nation’s highest ranked “out lesbian activist.”

So extreme is this nut job that she voted against the defense budget 11 consecutive times, and has proposed a new Cabinet-level position called the “Secretary of Peace and Non-Violence.” What a joke!

Baldwin’s vote gave us ObamaCare, and while everybody else is desperately trying to roll back the ObamaCare nightmare, she confessed to the media, “I actually was for a government takeover of medicine.”

Are you reading that, folks? She wanted the same system for us they use in Cuba and much of the Third World.


It is the strangest mismatch of State and Senator that exists in the country, which is why she squeaked through with a mere 51% of the vote in her most recent election.

If Sheriff David Clarke runs, he wins. It is becoming more and more evident that Sheriff Clarke wants to run. Two years ago he told the NRA “I’m not running for any higher office — YET!”

Only days after the Sheriff spoke to our Draft Committee Reception in his honor at CPAC (hosted by Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, Beth), Sheriff Clarke told Fox News that he is giving it serious consideration, and “would never say never” (exactly what President Trump told Oprah years ago).

This week he told National Review that “life is full of opportunities,” that leadership is a calling, and that he will pray about the question and serve if he is called.

Let’s not be naive. The man wants to run. He just can’t say so while he’s still in the middle of his term as the elected Sheriff of Milwaukee County, and we should all understand that.

The problem is that while he is waiting to announce at an appropriate time, Tammy Baldwin is raising money and building her army and doing everything she can to demonize David. WE GOTTA RAISE MONEY AND FIGHT BACK!

They’re running billboards in Milwaukee right now that say he is killing prisoners in his jail!

We need TV ads, radio spots, and our own billboards to respond before the Left does any more damage to the Sheriff’s reputation. This is crunch time, folks. The fact the election is next year means nothing if Baldwin gets a free year bashing Clarke with no response.

How great would it be to replace a whacked out SOCIALIST with a great American patriot like Sheriff David Clarke?

Claim your awesome Sheriff Clarke bobblehead and do it today!

Thanks and God Bless.



Spy vs Spy

April 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so carry me off to Alex Jones and the conspiracy thugs because oh boy holy cow, I’m getting on one conspiracy that is almost unbelievable.

According to the Washington Post, nine damn days before Trump is inaugurated …

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladi­mir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

Prince was seen at Trump transition offices last December. He donated $250,000 to Trump’s campaign. He has close ties to Steve Bannon. His sister is Betsy DeVos, the new Secretary of Education.

In polite company, this is called incest.

Prince told anyone who would listen that Hillary Clinton was only a half step from the Muslim Brotherhood, even appearing on Bannon’s show to blast her.

Prince, of course, denies any connection between his and Trump.

A Prince spokesman said in a statement: “Erik had no role on the transition team. This is a complete fabrication. The meeting had nothing to do with President Trump. Why is the so-called under-resourced intelligence community messing around with surveillance of American citizens when they should be hunting terrorists?”

Prince has his own army and he’s meeting with the Russians over Syria and Iran. So there ya really go – a half step from the terrorists.

While Prince is no longer the owner of Blackwater …

Prince sold the firm, which was subsequently re-branded, but has continued building a private paramilitary empire with contracts across the Middle East and Asia. He now heads a Hong Kong-based company known as the Frontier Services Group.

And in other uncomfortable news, Trump kissed-up to Egypt’s despot and lavished praise on him for doing “a fantastic job in a very difficult situation.”

Yeah but, the guy made the difficult situation.

The scene provided a powerful counterpoint to Mr. Sisi’s many critics, in Egypt and abroad, who know him as the leader of the military takeover that removed an elected president, oversaw a vicious security operation in which hundreds of protesters were gunned down in the streets of Cairo and has cemented his authority by filling prisons with his opponents while strangling the free press.

Yeah, he wants sympathy for being an orphan after he killed both his parents.

Okay, so maybe he’s got it out of his system and won’t do anything else crazy today but don’t count on it.



April 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So now we have to worry about North Korea nukes AND Republican nukes.

One of those arsenals is guided by a chubby immature guy with a weird haircut who is not fully grounded in reality, and the other is guided by Kim Jong-Un.

Democrats have locked in the votes to block Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, meaning Republicans will have to take the extreme step of using the so-called “nuclear option” to blow up Senate rules to confirm him.

Personally, I do not believe that a President elected through Putin deserves a supreme court nomination.  But, like their leader, Senate Republicans can dish it out but they sure can’t take it.