Spy vs Spy

April 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so carry me off to Alex Jones and the conspiracy thugs because oh boy holy cow, I’m getting on one conspiracy that is almost unbelievable.

According to the Washington Post, nine damn days before Trump is inaugurated …

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladi­mir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

Prince was seen at Trump transition offices last December. He donated $250,000 to Trump’s campaign. He has close ties to Steve Bannon. His sister is Betsy DeVos, the new Secretary of Education.

In polite company, this is called incest.

Prince told anyone who would listen that Hillary Clinton was only a half step from the Muslim Brotherhood, even appearing on Bannon’s show to blast her.

Prince, of course, denies any connection between his and Trump.

A Prince spokesman said in a statement: “Erik had no role on the transition team. This is a complete fabrication. The meeting had nothing to do with President Trump. Why is the so-called under-resourced intelligence community messing around with surveillance of American citizens when they should be hunting terrorists?”

Prince has his own army and he’s meeting with the Russians over Syria and Iran. So there ya really go – a half step from the terrorists.

While Prince is no longer the owner of Blackwater …

Prince sold the firm, which was subsequently re-branded, but has continued building a private paramilitary empire with contracts across the Middle East and Asia. He now heads a Hong Kong-based company known as the Frontier Services Group.

And in other uncomfortable news, Trump kissed-up to Egypt’s despot and lavished praise on him for doing “a fantastic job in a very difficult situation.”

Yeah but, the guy made the difficult situation.

The scene provided a powerful counterpoint to Mr. Sisi’s many critics, in Egypt and abroad, who know him as the leader of the military takeover that removed an elected president, oversaw a vicious security operation in which hundreds of protesters were gunned down in the streets of Cairo and has cemented his authority by filling prisons with his opponents while strangling the free press.

Yeah, he wants sympathy for being an orphan after he killed both his parents.

Okay, so maybe he’s got it out of his system and won’t do anything else crazy today but don’t count on it.


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0 Comments to “Spy vs Spy”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Did anyone else catch the initials for Erik’s new company? Talk about incest! Frontier Services Group! Talk about kissing Vlad’s ass.

  2. How many times will he need to change his company name to avoid the result of his behavior?

    Didn’t Blackwater get in deep trouble for screwing the Pentagon and also killing a bunch of civilians?

  3. Glad I made the decision not to go into consulting as a psychologist. I am blown away at the way rich guys turn their James Bond fantasies into reality. No. I couldn’t help them if they ever availed themselves of my psychological services. There’s a definite line between illness and flat out kill everybody else cuz I got mine evil. A real illness makes the patient actually suffer and wish to overcome it. I don’t see that in Prince whatsoever.

  4. Coprolite says:

    A spokesman for Prince asks “…Why is the so-called under-resourced intelligence community messing around with surveillance of American citizens when they should be hunting terrorists?”

    Well isn’t it obvious, it now appears that terrorism in American begins with Americans.

  5. Rastybob says:

    Do as I say. Don’t do as I do. I’m above the law. And your not.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    But Susan Rice was acting legally and that is illegal. Wah, wah, wah.

    Or maybe Drumpf doesn’t know Eric prince.

  7. Perhaps Vlad sees Hair Drumpf as key to establishing that long sought thousand year Reich.

  8. I said to my husband just this morning after hearing about this connection. Please this has got to be a movie or a nightmare. I will wake up soon, right? All these connections make me gasp for air, they cannot get away with this.

  9. Now it is making sense why the servers were talking between Trump tower, the Russian bank, and DeVos’ Spectrum Health.


    The missing pieces of the puzzle are coming together bit by bit.

  10. “Prince sold the firm, which was subsequently re-branded, but has continued building a private paramilitary empire with contracts across the Middle East and Asia.”

    There it is, the American Oligarchy’s private army. The noose that’s tightening needs to enlarge to include all the necks included in this highly treasonous cabal.
