Archive for February, 2017

What His Campaign Staff Learned that WH Staff Has Not

February 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

During the campaign, Cheeto Jesus’s senior staff was able to somewhat curb his twitter wars was to provide him a steady stream of praise by planting stories in conservative media like Breitbart, Infowars, and Daily Caller who would dutifully print them.  As long as his ego was stroked, he would tend to not get into as many twitter wars.  The new WH staff has not been successfully keeping his ego fed, and the result has been his late night drunk tweeting, gloating about his electoral win and ridiculing (companies, political opponents, television stars, foreign leaders; put your victim here) ________________.

So, the new SCROTUS has an ego so fragile that the only way to minimize his school yard bullying on Twitter is to keep him soothed with praise?  God help us.


Fun With Guns (And Ammo): Jewelry Edition

February 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, let’s mosey on up to Canada, where you’d expect gun people to have learned science, but no, it’s the same as here.

An Ontario man is recovering from surgery after he shot himself in the leg while making a necklace out of a bullet.

Durham Regional Police say a 50-year-old Oshawa, Ont., man tried to pull apart a bullet with vise grips around 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

They say the powder inside the bullet ignited, which caused an explosion and propelled the bullet into the man’s thigh.

He had to have surgery to take his necklace out of his thigh.  And his head out of his butt.

Thanks to James for the heads up.

Yeah, Dr. Seuss

February 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer John sent me this earlier today and I just now found the time to check to see if it’s real.  It is.

This Dr. Seuss cartoon, published in the early 1940’s.


The cartoon, which mocks an apparent blithe naiveté about the dangers posed by Nazi Germany, as well as a callousness regarding the lives of children who aren’t American citizens, makes it a striking accompaniment to modern protests, not least of which is that Trump has named one of his own official platforms “America First.” As a collection, Geisel’s war cartoons target isolationism, anti-Semitism, and racism.

Note the America First on the Momma’s blouse.

Everything old is new again.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

Nice Job, Supremes

February 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s good news:  This morning, in a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court reversed the punishment phase of a death row inmate because the judge allowed testimony that the convicted man was more likely to commit future crimes simply because he’s black.  Of course, of damn course, it’s a Texas case.

“But our holding on prejudice makes clear that Buck may have been sentenced to death in part because of his race. As an initial matter, this is a disturbing departure from a basic premise of our criminal justice system: Our law punishes people for what they do, not who they are,” Roberts wrote.

Now, that’s the good news.  In America, the color of your skin doesn’t determine the punishment you receive.

Here’s the bad news: It was a 6-2 decision.  That means that two Supreme Court justices think it’s okay to base punishment on skin color.  Of course, of damn course, one is Alito.

And the other one ….. Clarence Thomas, the one man on the court know who knows diddle squat about racial profiling or knows and doesn’t give a damn.  That rumbling noise you hear under your feet is Thurgood Marshall.


Remember Glen Maxey?

February 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Those of you who have been around here for a while know that occasionally former State Representative Glen Maxey is my partner in crime.  Glen and I get together and raise money for sending ballot by mail applications to Texans who are over 65 or disabled.  It has been a highly successful program thanks in large part to you guys.  You guys cover the small counties in Texas where the Democratic party can’t carry the financial burden of this program on their own.

The Maxey Happy Dance

Every two years I come and ask you to donated and you send us thousands of dollars in return for our everlasting devotion and generally very late thank you notes.  And a picture of Glen’s happy dance. You have never let us down.

Now to Glen. As soon as Glen gets back from the DNC meeting in Atlanta (he’s on the DNC), Glen is having heart surgery.  As we were cleaning Glen’s apartment for him to have a neat, nice, and clean place to recover, we discovered that Glen’s life of bachelorhood has taken a heavy toll. Oh dear God. There was not a spatula in his kitchen that had a handle and his towels looked like he stole them from the doggy bed.

Coincidentally, today is Glen’s 65th birthday and he’s having a small party in Austin weekend after next, the day before his surgery is scheduled.  His friends got together and registered him at Target for all new crap.  His crap is in desperate shape.

If you would like to send Glen a birthday present click right here.  You can buy him a dishtowel for $2.25 or if you’re a big spender, there’s a perfectly hideous kitchen rug for $10.49.  There is no delivery charge because it will all be delivered to his birthday party. If everything gets sold out, you can give him a gift card for $5 up.

I’m gonna send this link to Glen so if you want to just wish him “Happy Birthday, You Old Cooter,” the comments is the place to do it.

Thank you, guys.  I love Glen.


I Need Me One of These

February 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m just gonna leave this right here because you need to discover it for yourself.

Click right here.

(Notice that he wanted to raise $38,000 but raised $100 more than that.)