Nice Job, Supremes

February 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s good news:  This morning, in a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court reversed the punishment phase of a death row inmate because the judge allowed testimony that the convicted man was more likely to commit future crimes simply because he’s black.  Of course, of damn course, it’s a Texas case.

“But our holding on prejudice makes clear that Buck may have been sentenced to death in part because of his race. As an initial matter, this is a disturbing departure from a basic premise of our criminal justice system: Our law punishes people for what they do, not who they are,” Roberts wrote.

Now, that’s the good news.  In America, the color of your skin doesn’t determine the punishment you receive.

Here’s the bad news: It was a 6-2 decision.  That means that two Supreme Court justices think it’s okay to base punishment on skin color.  Of course, of damn course, one is Alito.

And the other one ….. Clarence Thomas, the one man on the court know who knows diddle squat about racial profiling or knows and doesn’t give a damn.  That rumbling noise you hear under your feet is Thurgood Marshall.


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0 Comments to “Nice Job, Supremes”

  1. Good on the Supremes; it was actually a 6-2 decision with Alito and Thomas being the st00pid two. Mr. Buck’s appeal and a recent decision in a Georgia case demonstrate that beyond the absurdity of the death penalty there is cause to suspend all executions due to racial bias.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Clarence, honey, I’m gonna be straight up with you, m’kay? No matter how much white ass you kiss, you still gonna be black. Okay? And that white wife of yours doesn’t cover a thing. You got your marriage safetied by the Supremes but wouldn’t extend that courtesy to LGBTQ’s. And now this garbage. You need to take a good hard look in the mirror Mr. Man because you “sir” suck at being a justice. You seem blind when it comes to the law but have 20/20 vision when it comes to pubic hairs on Coke cans. Remember, resignations are accepted 24 hours a day. I’ll be expecting yours.

    (Momma, I’m sorry for being rude and nasty. But sometimes that’s the only way to go, y’know?)

  3. If Thurgood Marshall was cremated he must be churning in his urn. If he was buried, I wish he’d rise up out of his grave, grab Clarence Thomas by the back of the neck (to be polite) and stuff him in, in Marshall’s place. Clarence would be of more use as fertilizer than he is on the SCOTUS.

  4. George in Lee County says:

    Can you let us know who the Texas trial judge was? And the DA?

  5. Oh Clarence understands race alright. “This is nothing but a high tech lynching!”

  6. And old Thurgood isn’t just spinning in his grave. He’s digging a damn tunnel!

  7. Alito isn’t worth a damn. Thomas is loathsome, vile, evil and makes my skin crawl. Those are his best qualities.

  8. NPR reported that all death penalty cases where this lawyer was used (against his client’s best interests) were put on hold. However, a new DA disagreed which is why this went on. You are surprised I’m sure to learn it was Greg Abbott.
