Archive for February, 2017

And So Much More

February 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I want to talk about Elizabeth Warren.  I love her. She has led an amazing life and fought hard for economic justice.

Yesterday she was told to sit down and shut up.

And today Lindsey Graham said the silencing of Warren was “long overdue.”  And the reason it’s overdue?  According to Graham, “The bottom line is, it was long overdue with her. I mean, she is clearly running for the nomination in 2020.”

Holy Damn Crap in a Pile of Bat Guano with the Poop of a Thousand Seagulls on Top.

But Marco Rubio gets to talk? John McCain gets to talk? Rand Paul gets to talk? Ted Cruz gets to talk?

Oh yeah, because in a pinch they can talk through their winkies.

I strongly oppose physical violence but if Mitch McConnell every walks by me, I’m gonna accidentally stick my foot out. And if I spill my sweet tea on Lindsey Graham’s head and holler, “Sir, you are no damn good,” I’m saying right here that I didn’t mean to.


Wanna Fight?

February 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of you know that I write to make money, too.  One of the things I write is for OutSmart Magazine, the premier LGBTQ magazine in Houston.

OutSmart allows comments on their website and there’s one dude totally obsessed with me and not in the good way.  I give him a bad case of word indigestion.  Since we don’t allow trolls here at the beauty salon, those of you who enjoy a good debate might want to wander over and pick on Mike.  He’s looking for a fight and seems really disappointed that I won’t do it.

Enjoy! if you’re into that sort of thing.



February 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Read this from Trump’s meeting this morning where he defended his executive order on the ban.

“I was a good student. I understand things. I comprehend very well, OK? Better than, I think, almost anybody. “

Now clean the spit and snot off your computer screen.

Do you know even one smart person who has to tell people they are smart?  Even one?

This information is going to come to a whale of a shock to Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Scott Aronson, Noam Chomsky, and your average high school graduate.

Hint: being crazy does not add IQ points.


Thanks to Nancy for the heads up and John for the graphic.


A New Retirement Plan

February 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Carly Fiorina has decided to spend her heavily tarnished golden years traveling around the country running for office.

Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on Monday told a local Virginia radio show that she’s considering running for the U.S. Senate seat in Virginia in 2018.

Yeah, she thinks she’s going to run against Tim Kaine.

Rumor has it that Barbara Boxer is laughing her butt off.

If this doesn’t work out for Caryl, maybe she could start going to states alphabetically.  You know, go to Alabama and learn to eat cornbread.  Next to Alaska and learn to field dress a moose. Then to Arizona and run against McCain. Then to Arkansas to learn … well, nothing. Skip California – been there, done that. Smoke some weed in Colorado. Hey, you get the idea.


McConnell Abuses Senate Rules to Silence Warren

February 08, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches

Last night, during debate on the nomination of well known racist, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Elizabeth Warren was reading the actual letter from Coretta Scott King to the Senate in 1986 urging the rejection of him for a federal judgeship.  The letter, where King outlined in detail Sessions long record (even back then) of voter suppression and indifference to civil rights violations as a US Attorney, weighed heavily on the Senate which eventually rejected his nomination.  While Warren was reading from the well of the Senate, Turtle Neck McConnell objected to the reading based on Rule 19 of the Senate which prohibits the disparagement of a Senator by another (more…)

Off the Rails – Obama Leading “Satanic Sedition”

February 08, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Steeple People

Rick Wiles, one of those RWNJ radio hosts, recently said that President Obama is orchestrating, and George Soros is funding, the nationwide protests that have been occurring since Dat Guy was inaugurated as the 45th, uh…urp, president of the US.  Wiles is one of those Alex Jones style super-delux-off-the-rails-nuts conspiracy theorists that have really gained traction with the nice super-Christian-white-hooded crowd.  In his ranting, Wiles said

“My gut feeling says Barack Obama is on the phone day and night and he is directing the protests, he is organizing, he is giving clear instructions to the people what to do and how to carry it out.”

and that,

“You wanna get God worked up? You know what sedition reminds Him of?” Wiles asked. “Lucifer. It all goes back to Lucifer because what Lucifer did in heaven was commit sedition … So all acts of sedition are inspired by Lucifer.”

I’m super confused.  Obama is leading sedition with Lucifer’s help?  I thought he has been kite surfing with Richard Branson: