And So Much More
Okay, so I want to talk about Elizabeth Warren. I love her. She has led an amazing life and fought hard for economic justice.
Yesterday she was told to sit down and shut up.
And today Lindsey Graham said the silencing of Warren was “long overdue.” And the reason it’s overdue? According to Graham, “The bottom line is, it was long overdue with her. I mean, she is clearly running for the nomination in 2020.”
Holy Damn Crap in a Pile of Bat Guano with the Poop of a Thousand Seagulls on Top.
But Marco Rubio gets to talk? John McCain gets to talk? Rand Paul gets to talk? Ted Cruz gets to talk?
Oh yeah, because in a pinch they can talk through their winkies.
I strongly oppose physical violence but if Mitch McConnell every walks by me, I’m gonna accidentally stick my foot out. And if I spill my sweet tea on Lindsey Graham’s head and holler, “Sir, you are no damn good,” I’m saying right here that I didn’t mean to.