Wanna Fight?

February 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of you know that I write to make money, too.  One of the things I write is for OutSmart Magazine, the premier LGBTQ magazine in Houston.

OutSmart allows comments on their website and there’s one dude totally obsessed with me and not in the good way.  I give him a bad case of word indigestion.  Since we don’t allow trolls here at the beauty salon, those of you who enjoy a good debate might want to wander over and pick on Mike.  He’s looking for a fight and seems really disappointed that I won’t do it.

Enjoy! if you’re into that sort of thing.


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0 Comments to “Wanna Fight?”

  1. WA Skeptic says:

    The Stupid is strong with that one. The best defense against yahoos like that is to totally ignore them.

    His rhetoric is illogical.

    F*** him.

  2. len jackson says:

    Ron White was correct-you can’t fix stupid.

  3. Countme-In says:

    I don’t have a Facebook, so feel free to forward this to Mike at OutSmart, as he races to the bottom.


  4. Countme-In says:

    More, for deadbeat Mike of deadbeat Texas.


    California citizens pay more for the defense of the United States than deadbeat conservative Texas

  5. Countme-In says:

    Regarding bathrooms, Mike, find your own, legal or not. Stay away from the Real Men’s Rooms and the Real Women’s Rooms, because it could get rough:


  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Okay, Cowpokes. Please pick a link or two suggested by Countme-In and go to it. Post here which one you’re going to take before you post it.

  7. OK, then. I’ve added my $0.02 to the conversation over there.

  8. Julie Bosko says:

    Seems like Mike is campaigning for the job of bathroom entrance monitor, IDK just seems like a guy who likes to grab p—– and c—

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    Shared the site on FaceBook. I have many friends who will welcome this.

  10. That Other Jean says:

    Way to go, Susan! Molly Ivins would be proud.

  11. charles phillips says:

    Good old Mike. He’s trolled me before, and I haven’t engaged. Now I have, the smarmy dung sack!

  12. Oh boy, that was fun!
    Though I doubt that Troll Mike is smart enough to understand mine.

  13. Read it, enjoyed it, commented on it. More!

  14. Great links Count. Thank you. I’m not a FBer so can’t comment there, but I have other uses for the ammo you’ve provided. They won’t even see it coming. Bwahahahahahaha!!!

  15. Yup! That boy flat out hates his mother! Any shrink who takes him on can count on buying a villa in Spain!
