And So Much More

February 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I want to talk about Elizabeth Warren.  I love her. She has led an amazing life and fought hard for economic justice.

Yesterday she was told to sit down and shut up.

And today Lindsey Graham said the silencing of Warren was “long overdue.”  And the reason it’s overdue?  According to Graham, “The bottom line is, it was long overdue with her. I mean, she is clearly running for the nomination in 2020.”

Holy Damn Crap in a Pile of Bat Guano with the Poop of a Thousand Seagulls on Top.

But Marco Rubio gets to talk? John McCain gets to talk? Rand Paul gets to talk? Ted Cruz gets to talk?

Oh yeah, because in a pinch they can talk through their winkies.

I strongly oppose physical violence but if Mitch McConnell every walks by me, I’m gonna accidentally stick my foot out. And if I spill my sweet tea on Lindsey Graham’s head and holler, “Sir, you are no damn good,” I’m saying right here that I didn’t mean to.


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0 Comments to “And So Much More”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Someone should tell Mitch and Lindsey that it is never too early to start kissing up to the next President.

  2. “She Was Warned. She was Given an Explanation Mansplained. Nevertheless, She Persisted.”

    FIFY, Mitch.

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Every now and again Miss Lindsey has moments of sanity. This was not one of them. You know who else has run for President? You, idiot. You, and about half the Senate. You should all sit down, shut up, and do what people elected you to do–not that you Republicans have done that for the last eight years. Senator Warren has the welfare of the people in mind, which is more than can be said for any of you.

  4. charles phillips says:

    I would say they are all just stupid goobers, but that would be slandering goobers, many of whom I like and appreciate.

    It is, in fact, an attack on democracy, inspired by Putin and carried out by the RNC.

  5. charles phillips says:

    If you ever see Mitch in person, run up to him and pee up his leg. You can always say you thought he was on fire!

  6. I suppose Mitch, Lindsey and the boys figured out they just were not going to get them a sandwich or a pie made by Ms. Warren; so they had to put her in her “place”.

    And because she “persisted” when that chinless sea snake McConnell thought she shouldn’t— it gave me the energy to keep insisting that the GOP is a bunch of women hating half wits with more hair on their backs and knuckles than sense in their heads. And I wouldn’t mind if a large building picked itself up and dropped on them.

    Question. Why didn’t the democrat women senators read the letter by Mrs. King? They would have had to drag me out to stop me from reading it.

  7. Every once in awhile I think, “oh, this time for sure, this one will be TurtleGate.” But it’s slowly dawning on me, he’s never gonna make it through the gate, and all we ever get is, Turtle.

  8. And in other distaff news, rumour has it that tRump will appoint the Tundra Tart, Fmr. Alaska Half-Gov Scarah Palin, as US AmbASSador to our good friends to the North in Canada.

    Could we ever apologize enough to those good people, will they ever forgive us?
    The kindly Canadians did have a nice official stray Cat House near Parliament. It was closed a few years ago, but could be reopened.
    Can you imagine the fairly placid capitol city of Ottawa having it’s peaceful streets rendered asunder daily by the screeching caterwauling of the Wasilla Wailer?
    OMFG! How long before Trudeau whisks her to the middle of Hudson Bay or the Fury Strait?

  9. Several other senators did read parts of the letter, including our own Senator Udall from New Mexico

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Many “moron” and expletives deleted, ‘Senator’ Graham is long overdue his encounter with a butterfly net. Clue one was that media blurb of him apologizing to Teddie Crooze for wanting to kill him on the Senate floor. Killing Teddie was maybe Lindsey’s first and last good idea.

    Where’s last ‘man’ standing John McCain La Bomba Iran? His little hawk partner has gone all soft dove.

    The ever compassionate snacilbupeR want to drug test those “moochers” maybe receiving a few of their own tax dollars back in one of our social safety nets. How about they up their game and actually tax those who have been gaming the system for years like Donnie? Or, drug test all of Congress. Ten to one, Lyin’ Ryan tests positive for steroids.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, Donnie declared war on both borders? First Mexico, now $carah to the north to threaten Canada.

    Who is Surgeon General? Emergency House Call needed at the White House. On second thought, doc, walk over slowly. Maybe one of the many arms of our LE will put down the rabid rodent coiffed idiot before you get there.

  12. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM, “Who is Surgeon General?”
    Paging Dr. Kevorkian…paging Dr. Kevorkian…oh.wait.he daid.
    I know– wait for it– Dr. Ron Paul!
    WTFN, they can’t get any worse, can they?

    tRump and Kellyanne shilling Ivanka crap clothing on teevee from the WH, no prob.
    Next up: Udei, Qusei and Kush hawking megabuck endangered species hunts on National Wildlife Refuges/Preserves. Suuure, WTFN”
    Bannon’s ‘FireLog, Duraflame Kross and Fancy Bedsheet” factory in the WH basement too.


  13. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    Hmmm, Ron Paul MD is an OBG.
    Run with that.

  14. Donnie the Barking Yam is already OFFICIALLY running for 2020. That means people can give him money and he can pretend it’s not a bribe, wink wink nudge nudge.

    So how about if all the winkie-toters in Congress tell HIM to sit down and shut up? I’ll be happy to go down and show them how.

  15. I know, Sen. Warren is a remarkable, wonderful, tough individual. The fact that Chinless let Democratic MEN finish reading the Coretta Scott King letter tells us a lot about the confidence he has in his teeny weeny.

    This reminds me of that vile piece of semi-human excrement called Strom Thurmond. He didn’t care for females in Congress or really anywhere outside the kitchen and bedroom. He wouldn’t talk to them when they came to his office. Finally some of them walked right into a meeting he was having and demanded to speak to him about his shameful behavior. He said they weren’t being “lady like” and had them removed. (I’m so glad he’s dead.)

  16. WOW!

    So what about Senator Warren creates such stark nekkid fear on the part of the snacilbupeR “leader”ship in Congress?
    Lindsey Graham was breathless with anger.
    And I swear I saw McTurtle’s no-neck there for a nanosecond.

  17. @Debbo
    Baby youre gonna have to quit holdin’ back allthetime. You’re blood pressure’ll go through the roof. 😉

  18. Boy, those old fat white guys are scairt stiff of a girl! Hells bells, wait until they see my grand-daughter run for Prez! They’l be beggin’ for mercy!

  19. Debbo, my blood pressure is right up there with yours. Yeah, Warren was gagged but men could read the same letter and not get stopped. Women, hands up everybody who’s suggested something in a discussion or conversation and been ignored, and then a man’s exact same suggestion is listened to and greeted with approval.

    Also hands up everybody who’s glad Strom Thurmond is dead.

  20. Elizabeth Warren was speaking truth to power, that’s why they had to gag her. It was painfully obvious that they didn’t want those powerful words of Coretta Scott King spoken aloud, shattering the lying facade of the misogynist bigots in that room and the carefully crafted image of the racist-turned “minority champion”, Massa Beauregard Sessions.

  21. Rhea, my hands are up. I’m glad that nasty, old Thurmond is dead and no longer able to force himself on or disrespect any woman. He was foul; just offal.

  22. Aggieland Liz says:

    Me too, me too, BOTH hands! I said to someone yesterday, we might as well have put damn Strom Thurmond in as AG as Jefferson Beauregard “what, me worry?” Sessions. God, I’m glad he’s dead. About half the Senate and most of the House, and ALL the “administration” can join him anytime for all I care!

  23. When are the women in this country going to finally get pissed off about how we are being treated ? Ms. Warren is in there fighting and thank goodness. If it’s up to GOP we will end up back to 1950’s where women were expected to take care of kids and home and look pretty for their man! You all need to realize that NO MAN has the right to tell us what we can do with our body. That while there is nothing wrong with raising kids, but we have ideas on how to do things better. The way I see it men have made a mess of things and it’s time for us to step up ! I an totally floored that women voted for Trump with all the insults to women. Do we really want our daughters and sons to go along with him as a good example to follow? He is like the bratty three year old on the playground….

  24. It’s simple sexism to be surprised that women would vote for DT.

    They’re humans, just like men.

  25. JAKvirginia says:

    Ormond Otvos: It’s not sexism and it’s not simple. Judith raises some interesting points. Mainly, why would a woman who wouldn’t tolerate Trump’s attitude and behaviour in a honky-tonk on Saturday night vote for the sumbitch?

    Yes, women are human, but at some point the divide between their words their actions requires some accountability. You can’t complain of bad treatment then support the person who treats you bad. That’s the road to psychotherapy. And judging by the voter stats, there’s a whole bunch of women out there who might need some.

    And a whole bunch of men as well.
