Archive for February, 2017

Oh Really?

February 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So members of Mar-A-Lago have a standing invitation to watch the end of the world.

While President Trump handled a national security crisis right in front of dozens of patrons at his Mar-a-Lago hotel in Florida on Saturday, one resort member posted a flurry of photos to Facebook showing Trump reviewing sensitive documents, conferring with top aides, and talking on the phone.

And there’s pictures all over Facebook. Yeah, that’s where I want my national security to be discussed – Facebook.

In an interview with the Washington Post, DeAgazio described the situation unfolding before him at dinner on Saturday night before the two left to hold a joint press conference.

“There wasn’t any panicked look. Most of the people [on the terrace] didn’t even realize what was happening,” DeAgazio said. “I thought he handled it very calmly, and very presidentially.”

Honey, this was anything but “presidentially.”  This man was hot dogging in front of his rich friends on unsecured phone lines.  That’s not presidential – that’s crazy.

Oh y’all, I think I’m gonna throw up.



February 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In the great State of Wyoming, where men are men and sheep are scared, the state legislature has busied itself making some decisions about women-folks.  On the surface, that seems like a real sweet thing to do, but it ain’t.

They have an anti-abortion bill pending in the Wyoming state legislature.  The bill is meant to shame women who are having an abortion because, apparently, women who live in Wyoming aren’t shameful enough.  I heard a rumor that they have to import shame from Canada but I don’t know if that’s true or not.

So in an attempt to alleviate the shame shortage, the Wyoming State Legislature is fixing this crisis of Unshame.  To improve Wyoming’s standing in the world of humiliation, they are going to force women seeking abortion to have a sonogram and listen to a fetal heartbeat although there is no fetal heartbeat is present during the early stage of a pregnancy.  But they have to pretend to listen anyway.

I have to stop here to let you know that a whole 13% of the state legislature in Wyoming are hooter-toters.  Of the 90 members of the state legislature, only 12 of them are female. In the whole United States of America, they have the most Aqua-Velva and testosterone quotient anywhere. Seriously, in male to female ratio, Wyoming is deadass last.  That right there ought to be enough shame for women in Wyoming.

However, even with that ratio, the President of the Senate felt it was important to send this bill to the to the Senate Agriculture Committee, where no women sit.  The Senate Agriculture Committee will be making laws about women’s health rights because well … dammit, moo. Women are now cattle in Wyoming.

I am not making this up.  You can look it up on the internet machine.

Okay, so I have to respond to this with the appropriate agriculture terminology to the boys on the ag committee will understand: bullshit.

Thanks to Karen for the heads up.

UPDATED: And the Hitler Hits Just Keep On Comin’

February 13, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

UPDATED:  Joe Scarborough and company go nuts and tears Miller’s head off on MoJoe.  Have a look:

In the wake of KellyAnne Conway’s illegal hawking of Ivanka’s cheap crap from China on national television, Stephen Miller, former attack dog for Jeff Sessions, is the new apparent television propagandist for Cheeto Jesus.  He made his debut appearances on MTP, Face the Nation, and This Week, and boy, were they doozies.  He spewed more lies in a few minutes than most people do in a lifetime, and tried talking over his hosts, but Chuck Todd and George Snuffleupagus, both who, having recently grown actual spines, were having none of it.  The most outrageous thing he repeated, though, was that the president’s authority over immigration is “unquestioned”.  Well, actually, no, it’s not.  That’s why we have three branches of government – the president’s authority is continually questioned.  That’s the way it works.

The most striking thing, though? It was the physical similarities to a certain former propagandist that sent chills up my spine. Josef Goebbels was Hitler’s chief propagandist during his rise beginning in the 1920’s until it’s destruction in 1945.  Goebbels was a master at “enlightenment” and used that mastery to convince Germans to submit to the worst dictator in the modern era.


I’m not big on the whole Nazi parallel thing, but this is pretty creepy, yes?

Oh, and one more comment, directed at Miller – buy a history book, sonny.  Sit down, shut up, and READ.

First They Don’t Want Us To Do Sex, Now They Do.

February 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tennessee is not the best educated place on earth.  I get that.  But, holy hell, this is whacky.

First, Tennessee passes a law that says a child born through artificial insemination is the “legitimate” child of the mother’s husband.  I kinda suspect they they did not have good thoughts when passing that law, like maybe taking the first step toward recognizing that all babies are legitimate. But, I think they passed it so people would quit having sex.

Now they have change their mind.

Terri Lynn Weaver

Tennessee Republican (start cringing now) State House member Terry Lynn Weaver from Nashville now wants to repeal that bill.  Last week, she filed HB1406 which would repeal the idea that children born through artificial insemination are “legitimate,” because nothing is more loving and Christian that marking an innocent child as “illegitimate” the moment it is born.

Terri Lynn Weaver is a gospel songwriter and singer.  Yikes, listen to Momma Prays. As I listened, I was afraid she was gonna break out in yodeling any minute an there ain’t nothing worse than cowboy yodeling. On top of that, she sings but she doesn’t listen to what she’s singing.

Weaver is extremely concerned that lesbians who have children through artificial insemination are a horror so we need to punish innocent little babies.

Y’all, I hate these people. God forgive me, I do. I try hard to hate the sin and not the sinner, but I can’t. So, today I am awarding the Illegitimate Gospel Grammy Award to Terri Lynn Weaver of Nashville, Tennessee.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

Y’all, I Agree It’s Hard to Tell

February 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It really happened and it wasn’t a joke.


In a statement posted on its website, the Dominican newspaper said a photo of Baldwin imitating Trump – over the caption “Donald Trump, president of the USA” – was published on page 19 and the mistake went unnoticed by the newspaper’s staff.

“El Nacional apologizes to its readers and anyone who felt affect by the publication” of the photo, the statement said.

Baldwin is more Trump than Trump is.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Too Drunk to Fish Edition

February 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michigan, y’all.

Last Thursday at around 3:45 am, off-duty police officer Andrew Mulder, was .08 drunk.  Honey, that’s too damn drunk to stand up.  So he did the next best thing.

He shot himself in the knee.  I am pretty certain that there’s a good story behind this because I don’t care how drunk you are shooting yourself in the knee is pretty damn stoopid.

I mean, you wouldn’t be trying to commit suicide and if you were passed out on the bed, shooting yourself in the knee would require Olympic gymnast skills. Maybe he was doing a self-field-sobriety test and things went whacky.

I suspect Officer Mulder will tell us how this happened, but it’s only Sunday so he probably hasn’t sobered up enough yet.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.