Oh Really?

February 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So members of Mar-A-Lago have a standing invitation to watch the end of the world.

While President Trump handled a national security crisis right in front of dozens of patrons at his Mar-a-Lago hotel in Florida on Saturday, one resort member posted a flurry of photos to Facebook showing Trump reviewing sensitive documents, conferring with top aides, and talking on the phone.

And there’s pictures all over Facebook. Yeah, that’s where I want my national security to be discussed – Facebook.

In an interview with the Washington Post, DeAgazio described the situation unfolding before him at dinner on Saturday night before the two left to hold a joint press conference.

“There wasn’t any panicked look. Most of the people [on the terrace] didn’t even realize what was happening,” DeAgazio said. “I thought he handled it very calmly, and very presidentially.”

Honey, this was anything but “presidentially.”  This man was hot dogging in front of his rich friends on unsecured phone lines.  That’s not presidential – that’s crazy.

Oh y’all, I think I’m gonna throw up.


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0 Comments to “Oh Really?”

  1. Final word … “Honey, this was anything but “presidentially.” This man was hot dogging in front of his rich friends on unsecured phone lines.”

    He’s a Hip shooter. And in the Gospel according to My Sainted Father, hip shooters die young. Drumpf is on borrowed time.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    At first I was scared, then suspicious. You think that was set up? If he didn’t look scared, why not?

  3. e platypus onion says:

    The guy with the cell phone snapped a photo of the guy tasked with carrying nukular football so Drumpf can launch a nuke war at lunch. This guy’s photo was posted on Facebook and a description of his job. That is prolly a very sensitive secret and now many people prolly know what to look for in the next Drumpf coming out as a traitorious POs potus party.

    That’s the story going round. Poor HRC couldn’t have emails because…keeerist!

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Congressmen Elijah Cummings and Ted Lieu need to take that little Bang ’em Young punter for a trip to the men’s room. Keep flushing, until the smarmy little dork agrees to call their committee into session with Donnie front and center to answer questions.

    The Donnie donor, Richard DeAgazio has since removed his Facebook page. But not before half the world saw the face of one of the people who carry the football. Homeland Security and every agency in the alphabet soup needs to pay him a visit.

  5. Well at least he does not use a private email server. Otherwise we might have to investigate him.

  6. TrulyTexan says:

    What makes anyone think he is on the phone about anything important? Would they even tell him something was going on?

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Seriously, why does none of this surprise me in the least?

    It isn’t like anyone had a clue about this guy’s tempramentality to be king.

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    And the aides pointing their cellphone flashlights at classified documents are probably, deliberately or unwittingly, if their phones have been hacked, taking photos of those documents. This is waaaaaaay out of line!

  9. So explain to me why Hilary’s email server was so bad
    But Trump’s conducting business in a restaurant is OK?
    On cell phone?

    Dear God, the stupid burns!

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    The Showboater in Chief.

    Ego. Strange how a thing so big in some people is such a tiny word.

  11. Trump’s IQ = 99 to 106.
    Trump’s estimate of his IQ= 300 to infinity

    Trump’s emotional age: 2 years, 6 months.
    Trump’s estimate of his emotional age: What?

  12. @epo

    re: “why does none of this surprise me in the least?”

    Exactly my little bride’s comment this morning. Plus I got to the gym and one of my gym acquaintances was saying how he had served in USAF until retirement including a time with 89th Airlift Wing. He said that USAF and Secret Service went to extraordinary lengths to camouflage the identity of the guy with the football as the POTUS moves from AF1 to motorcade and back. To have the guy’s picture taken and posted on a social media site probably compromises the guy and makes him un-useful any longer in the job. I’m sure the whole Drump team feels bad about the incident.

  13. These have got to be the stupidest, least security-conscious pack of imbeciles ever to infest the government. This is not even good enough to rate as amateur hour. They’re total dumbasses.

  14. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    Good to know that Trump only gets ‘the best and the brightest’ …believe me. Good grief.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Well.Micr, this Pete the football guy is sorta dark looking so he would stand out in that whitebread crowd, football or not. Immoral Minority has the photos and captions for them. Drumpf looked like he was well pleased with hisownself. We are doomed.

  16. @ Micr

    “hip shooters die young. Drumpf is on borrowed time.”

    Actually, too late. At 70, I don’t think he can be considered to have died young, even if he kicked off tomorrow.

    Not that there are not young 70 year-olds or even 80-year olds, but mental age should not count as youth.

  17. @epo
    I had not seen the photo DeAgazio posed with football guy. I stand corrected, football guy compromised hisownself. WTH was he thinking? Who was watching the satchel? I don’t want the latest nukalur power to be two anti-humerikan Cuban exiles living in Mar-A-Lago

    I forget from time to time how fricking OLD Hair Drumpf is. But you’re right, having attained the age of 70 there is no way for him to die “young”. Dammit.

  18. I’ve taken to calling him the Orange Whore (Is that word okay momma?) because he’ll do anything. Any Damn Thing. ANY THING for money and attention.

  19. Jan: Best line yet. Marge Wood: I think TrulyTexan’s pointing the way. Donnie Douchebag probably wasn’t told about the situation until the Japanese P.M. asked him about it. Why should the DIC (Douchebag in Chief) be bothered with something so trivial when the really important objective is holding court in his personal “whatever the hell Mar-a-Lago is?” Therefore, since it wasn’t top tier intelligence, ” ” Let’s pat our lil Jap buddy on the head to show concern. No need for full security.” ” (Please note the double quotation marks). Now the worrisome part. Anyone remember who captured Romney’s 47% remarks on video? A waiter. Not to worry though, since the Secret Service is on the job, right? Only now they probably don’t have the budget to totally secure a perimeter God knows how much bigger than the White House (How the hell populated by God knows how many more people than they’ve ever had to deal with , who have God knows how much money ? What are the odds now that someone around Donnie has a cellphone capable of high resolution video? I’m a tech dinosaur, but the possibility of intelligence gathering (cause nobody’s suspected of hacking anything as hi-tech as cellphones lately, right?) is almost nonexistent, right? I find it hard to believe that nobody’s got technology to digitally read lips.

  20. Yet another DPRK missile test launch is hardly a DEFCON 1 event, so all the fuss seems a bit off. Even allowing for the presence of PM Abe, whose nation is naturally a bit jumpy about it.
    The timing of the launch is quite diabolic, but the whole thing just seems a little too hokey.

    What are the chances it was:
    1. Real, but totally FU’ed by Czar Donnei and minions. Supreme Leader, chubby little Kim Jong-un is getting pretty damn good at chain-jerking.
    2. Semi-real, US intel (satellite, radio intercept…) knew of it in advance, then an elaborate exhibition was concocted by the lunatics in the West Wing, to make Der Führer look like an Ace. (you don’t think SB, KC, SM, RP could cook up a campaign…errr…presdumbtial event like this?)
    3. Totally fake, staged, wag-the-dog op, with or without Kimmie’s help.

  21. VintageMomma says:

    Ugh. You’d think Secret Service would have told trump to “Get a ROOM!”

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    Sandridge: Pub stunt, yes. I’m following your lead.

  23. I just reread each comment on this page.
    This page exemplifies why a POTUS requires a diversity of opinion on any subject.

    There are one or two comments with a temperature well above 98.6. Maybe 105 or more. Anger. Disgust. Borderline hatred.

    There are one or two comments with a temperature well below 98.6. Maybe 92 or so. Calm, collected. Offering a plausible, unemotional rationale.

    Listen to both extremes. Average out to 98.6. Take an action, or not, depending on what your council convinces you is the approach that will get you what you want.

    To be POTUS is to see a third way.

    And IM<HO, TWMDBSI might counsel correctly more often than others because the diversity of opinion is significant.

  24. “Hey, everybody! Lookee me bein’ president! Oh sure, I could take national security matters behind closed doors, but where’s the fun in THAT? I wanna CROW cuz I WON! And I had the biggest, bestest inauguration ever! And now I’m gonna take down that pipsqueak in — um — is it North Korea or South Korea? I never can tell them apart. Or is it Japan I gonna bomb day after tomorrow? Oh details, details. I’ll just bomb em all and be done with it. Meanwhile, restaurant-goers, watch me act! Decisively! Because President! I’m it and you’re not!”

  25. JAKvirginia,
    Even if it wasn’t wholly a publicity stunt initially, these fools can’t help but think of how to turn anything at all into a self-aggrandizing promotional mega-event (in their minds).
    Borderline hatred? TWMDBSI understatement of the year (and last), I think.
    Pretty sure it burns mostly white-hot, >4000°C, ionized nukular plasma level around here :] .

  26. The Incompetent-in-Chief represents our enemies’ best opportunity to strike while there is no one at home, both figuratively and literally

  27. Ah, well. At least he wasn’t using a private email server. (Unless he was, of course.) I mean, that could be a security risk.

  28. Wasn’t Donald supposed to be so hardcore that North Korea wouldn’t dare do anything threatening? I’m pretty sure that he told us that no one respected Clinton and other countries would walk all over her.

  29. This morning when I got up and saw that it DID happen and wasnt fake I nearly passed out again. I do think he was showing off. He is clueless.
