
February 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In the great State of Wyoming, where men are men and sheep are scared, the state legislature has busied itself making some decisions about women-folks.  On the surface, that seems like a real sweet thing to do, but it ain’t.

They have an anti-abortion bill pending in the Wyoming state legislature.  The bill is meant to shame women who are having an abortion because, apparently, women who live in Wyoming aren’t shameful enough.  I heard a rumor that they have to import shame from Canada but I don’t know if that’s true or not.

So in an attempt to alleviate the shame shortage, the Wyoming State Legislature is fixing this crisis of Unshame.  To improve Wyoming’s standing in the world of humiliation, they are going to force women seeking abortion to have a sonogram and listen to a fetal heartbeat although there is no fetal heartbeat is present during the early stage of a pregnancy.  But they have to pretend to listen anyway.

I have to stop here to let you know that a whole 13% of the state legislature in Wyoming are hooter-toters.  Of the 90 members of the state legislature, only 12 of them are female. In the whole United States of America, they have the most Aqua-Velva and testosterone quotient anywhere. Seriously, in male to female ratio, Wyoming is deadass last.  That right there ought to be enough shame for women in Wyoming.

However, even with that ratio, the President of the Senate felt it was important to send this bill to the to the Senate Agriculture Committee, where no women sit.  The Senate Agriculture Committee will be making laws about women’s health rights because well … dammit, moo. Women are now cattle in Wyoming.

I am not making this up.  You can look it up on the internet machine.

Okay, so I have to respond to this with the appropriate agriculture terminology to the boys on the ag committee will understand: bullshit.

Thanks to Karen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Mooooo”

  1. Eli Bebout is just another ignorant voice in a litany of unoriginal forced birther Talibangelists. Sorry Eli, but no points for your attack on stem cell research, either. Guys, really, stop it. You’re making it difficult to maintain cordial relations with the ladies. Having to prove we are nothing like you probes adds an extra step to the conversational process. It’s like this fellas, until we grow uteri and can carry a fetus for 9 months, we need to butt on out of women’s health care.

    Subjects for your study, Eli: 14th Amendment, patient/doctor relationship, and none of your ignorant business.

  2. I grew up in Wyoming. It used to be a pretty nice place. Though always tending conservative, it was pretty low key. I got a pretty good, somewhat liberal education in the public schools. I got a decent and very affordable education at the University of Wyoming, though I never used my degree (the one thing I didn’t get was any academic career counseling).

    Wyoming’s nickname is The Equality State, the first to allow women the vote when it was still a territory. It elected the first woman governor in the nation – Nellie Tayloe Ross. Seeing what it has become, I can’t even feel outrage. I’m just bewildered, and profoundly sad.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    I see your one bullshit and raise it by 2 very large cow plops!!

    Just think how long this is all going to carry on? Holy cow crappola!!

  4. Marcia in CO, you asked the question that I was sort of thinking: “Just think how long this is all going to carry on?”

    Thought all of this was ‘asked and answered’ with the Roe v Wade decision. But like those whose ‘ideas’ refused to die with the defeat of the Confederacy, this tedious group of forced birth control freaks is intent on extending their battle long after they’ve lost the war. While they don’t quite dare to waterboard you ladies, their tactic is a slow drip effort to wear you down.

    Much like they intend to wear others down. The VRA was decided in the 60s. Marriage equality was settled recently. But not for the Talibangelicals. Accepting reality is not among their talents.

    Just a thought, but maybe we can finally shut them up with overwhelming numbers by uniting under the 14th Amendment cause for all. You can pick the name for the group. Equality is the common cause for women, LGBTQA, #BlackLivesMatter, immigration groups, etc and those of us who are not a member of any of the groups but just simple American guys who support equality.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Mmmm… okay. So, um, when are they going to make erectile dysfunction drugs illegal there? Hmm? Last time I heard it takes two to tango unless you’re suggesting all of these pregnancies are immaculate conceptions. Are you?

    Yep. Men can play but women pay. Interesting.

  6. And really this IS the last word as well as “the lowest common denominator”: “Guys, really, stop it. You’re making it difficult to maintain cordial relations with the ladies.”

    As Steve Miller the political strategist (not the musician with the band and friendship with Boz Scaggs) would say “Danke PKM und Jane.”

  7. I propose that the penalty if the woman fails to comply be 9 months in prison for the sperm donor.

  8. Two points:
    1] Wyoming is set to determine that well, yes, women truly ARE chattel.
    and 2] It is definitely time for the women of Wyoming [and numerous other states, as well] to pull a Lysistrata.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, two crows just illustrated our point. “and 2] It is definitely time for the women of Wyoming [and numerous other states, as well] to pull a Lysistrata.” Lucky for me, I live in NV, a blue state. You my friend Micr may find life a little rocky in TX in the near future.

    All joking aside ladies, maybe a class action writ of habeas suit against all the forced birthers, nosy nimrods, and whoever else like Mike Pence ‘think’ to imprison you with their intrusive legislation. Forget a state by state battle and round them all up at once with a legal butterfly net. A legal team with Gloria Allred, Ted Olsen and select volunteers would be awesome.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Lless, there goes the “cordial!” 😀

    Although your sentiment is appreciated as to irresponsible sperm donors who would walk away from their responsibilities and a woman. But you also aptly illustrate the point as to why the Teabangelicals cannot be allowed to interfere between the doctor/patient relationship. Once they are on that slippery slope, they’d never stop. They wouldn’t stop at the door of the married couple who face a tough decision due to the life of the mother at risk, or the many other medical reasons people make difficult decisions.

  11. Old Mayfly says:

    This past weekend I saw a TV documentary about the anti-woman backlash after Court decisions confirming Roe v. Wade plus the changes in US society in the ’60s and ’70s.

    It is all about control, but we (including the Good Guys on our side) will win. Just got to keep fighting.

  12. The… Agriculture Committee.

    Yes, the rest of it is an outrage as well, but the… Agriculture Committee… just takes it to a whole new level of whoop-ass.

    Wyoming was the first state to let women vote, but now anybody with a uterus that might have contents is a cow, a sow, or a ewe.

    Look, Wyoming has fewer people than DC. Maybe we need a bunch of DC women to show Wyoming men where to go. Better yet, Wyoming women.

  13. I assume handing off women’s health care in Wyoming to the Senate Agriculture Committee is in preparation for cuts to ObamaCare.

    With the new TrumpDon’tCare Health Plan, poor woman will have coverage and treatment options accepted by veterinarians.

  14. Those bunch of ya-Whos also hate men with long hair or assless chaps. And they are males that hate women having the right to over rule anything a males says, so this does not surprise me much.

  15. 1toughlady says:

    Moo indeed. This heifer would kick those Ag boys if they came anywhere near her with their BS.

  16. When this comes up I always add a list of restrictions and limitations for men, plus legal consequences for them. All the pro-birth, pro-control-women people find that either absolutely appalling or absolutely ridiculous. They very idea! Sexual restrictions on men! That’s when they give away their true aim: Controlling women, keeping them in their place.

    BTW, I lived in the Black Hills of SouDakota for a long time, moving away in 2007. I found both areas, Wyoming and SD, to be quite equal in culture and politics. I’m really glad I left there to come to Blue Minnesota.

  17. Hmmmm. . . so women are now farm animals. Well, then it will be the veterinarians that handle the scan and “heart beat” duty. That is, if the vets agree. Ten to one they won’t and there will be a rebellion. Wyoming needs one badly! This will simply not fly. The closest landing site is a court cuz this has all the hallmarks of a theocracy.
