Archive for March, 2016

That Doesn’t Help Much, But Thanks For Offering

March 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you were thinking about leaving the country if Donald Trump is elected President, you might want to go ahead and avoid the rush at the passport office.

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 8.32.39 AMOne day after he officially endorsed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, former rival Ben Carson said he would be “willing” to be his vice president.

Asked at a Republican Party fundraiser in Broward County, one of the biggest counties in Florida, whether he would be amenable to the No. 2 slot, Mr. Carson said, “I’ve told Mr. Trump that if it was really going to make a big difference I’d be willing to.”

Look, I’m not saying that this would be the most insane ticket in the history of the whole damn United States of America, but … wait, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

I will admit that Ross Perot and Admiral James Stockdale came close …


but even they didn’t tell people to hit each other.


Thanks, Obama.

March 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Donald Trump is claiming that the man who rushed him on the stage at Kansas City was … oh yeah.

Trump_ScumdogDonald J. Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Kansas City, Mo., that a man who had charged him at an event earlier Saturday was “probably” linked to the Islamic State, appearing to base his statement on an Internet video that has been described as a hoax.

“This was a guy that was looking to do harm,” Mr. Trump said at his last event of the day. “It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

He added that “my people found this” on the Internet, and just before the rally he posted it on Twitter.

Y’all, if President Obama has reduced Isis to insane people who run on a stage with no weapon, then I’d say he’s done a pretty damn good job.


No. That’s Not Right, John.

March 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Kasich gave a speech today that was so damn sanctimonious that it hurt your ears to listen to.  His main point …


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That is absolutely not true.


The Republican Party created the toxic environment.  Donald Trump just capitalized on it.

Donald Trump has never created anything.  He did not create hotels, reality tv, airlines, or Las Vegas.  He simply capitalized on them.

Every Republican from Kim Davis to Mitch McConnell is to blame.  They created the toxic environment.  Donald Trump is plainly holding up a mirror to it.


March Madness, Old Style

March 12, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

You may all remember my Uncle Jimmy “Barstool” Grobnik, so named because he’s short and round with skinny legs, and he can often be found at the corner of the bar at Pete’s Tavern, drinking Old Style.   Pete’s is on 26th Street in Chicago, and to get there from the Hachecristo homestead on 25th Place, where his wife, and my mother, and Jesus’ dad all grew up, all you have to do is cross the alley.

My old hometown has been in the news a lot, lately, what with the crumbling schools and the gang shootings and the crooked, brutal cops and the imperial Democratic Mayor being the target of zealous reformers of both parties.  Ah, it takes me back to my yute.

But last night, Chicago showed why she’s still Da Greatest Second City in Da World.

“Ya shoulda seen it, Primo!” Uncle Barstool yelled excitedly into his cellphone.   “Cops on horseback.  People t’rown to da ground.  Punches!  Kicks! Screams!”

I thought at first that Barstool had been to a wedding.  But he didn’t mention any shots fired in the air, so I concluded it was a riot.  “Where was this, Uncle Jimmy?”

“It was at yer old school.”

“Mary Queen of Asphalt?”

“No, dummy, UIC. Over by Taylor Street.”

Like most Hachecristos, and our fellow parishioners, I worked my share of Chicago road crews.  But I once held a job at the University of Illinois-Chicago Medical Center, and used the free tuition perq to get my Masters.  Many’s the time that Uncle Jimmy and I watched the UIC basketball Flames battle in the Pavilion for respect, and a ticket to March Madness that never came.

(Actually, I watched the game.  Barstool watched the co-eds.)

UIC was and is a diverse campus.  The Anglo half of me was very often in the minority in my classes.  And so it was with some surprise that I heard Donald Trump was planning a rally in that self-same Pavilion, in the city where one Democratic candidate grew up, another Democratic candidate got arrested in a civil rights protest, and the current Democratic President spent most of his adult life.

What could possibly go wrong?

“I was eatin’ over by Tuscany’s, den I was walkin’ back to my car when deez cop cars go screamin’ up Racine, so I walked up dere an’ into da middle of a frickin’ riot.  I ast a coupla brods what’s up, and dey tole me…”

“’Coupla brods,’ Uncle Jimmy?”

“Excuse me. Coupla, two-t’ree, nice girls.  Anyhoo, dey tell me dat dis a-hole Trump was bringin’ his Travelin’ Crap Show to UIC.  Can ya b’leeve it?  But when people got word, dey all started showin’ up to protest. Ever since he built dat crappy skyscraper and runed da skyline, people been waitin’ to get some back.  I gotta tell ya, Primo, dese guys got nuttin’ on us in da Sixties, but last night, dey showed dey had some chops.”

“Uh, Uncle Jimmy, in the Sixties, weren’t you actually on the other side?”

“Ah, hell, Primo!  If ya remember da Sixties den ya wasn’t dere.  But I had my Streets an’ San job to worry about so, yeah, maybe.  But I do remember what Hizzoner da Mare said about da cops:  ‘Dey weren’t dere to create disorder, dey were dere to preserve disorder.’  It was just like dat last night.”

“Long story short, I t’ink dere was maybe t’ree-to-one good guys over Trumpistas.  Talk about yer March Madness! Da a-hole never showed, lied about talkin’ to da cops about ‘safety,’ and ran away wit’ his hairpiece tucked between his legs.  Dat hairpiece, I swear, it looks like a golden lion tamarin crawled up and died on his head.”

“A golden lion tamarin?”

“Or maybe da guy wit’ da can of spray tan just sprays his whole frickin’ head.  I dunno.  Anyhoo, what I do know is dis:  when dey write da story of dis election, Chicago’s gonna go down in history as da town dat stopped Trump.  It started here, kid.  Dis is where we stood up to da Brown Shirts.”

“’We,’  Uncle Jimmy?”

“Primo, today, we’re ALL Chicago.”

PSA: Heads up!

March 11, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

No attacksEven though I’ve been Deputy Director of Homeland Security here at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon for some time, now, it took awhile for Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself to get tired of lending me her key, and give me my own. This only after I convinced her that if my cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, really wanted to throw an after hours party in here, the want of a key wouldn’t stop him. This dazzling logic seemed to work, although I think it helped that she was medicated and half-blind at the time.

The upshot of all this is that I now have a byline (heads up, it’s just under the headline). So if a story moves you, and you’re wondering whose name to curse (mine) or to remember (hers) in your prayers tonight, and you’re thinking of getting a running start in the comment section, check the byline!

And remember: the thoughts expressed by Primo Encarnación, Jesus Hachecristo and/or daChipster represent their personal opinions, and may or may not be reflective of the thoughts and opinions of the Management of this Fine Establishment.

Or even each other!

Alabama Jusrisprudery

March 11, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Judge Roy Moore and Ala-damn-bama. What more needs to be said? But it’s me, so I’ll say a few words moore.

The on-again-off-again Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and self-appointed Justiciar to the Lord Almighty was completely kicked out of his job by other Alabama judges because he will not, will NOT, abide by the Separation of Church and State, or federal orders upholding same. We all know about his 10 Commandments statue, which ended up being a monument only to his intransigence.  It got him relieved of duty, but he surprised everyone and ran again for the same job, and won.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.

Recent rulings including Obergefell were a huge step forward for gay rights.  But they really stick in the craw of theocrats like Moore, and, in a case brought by anti-gay marriage petitioners, he’s throwing more judicial temper tantrums to prove it.  In a 170-page decision, authored by God, transcribed by Moore, but translated from the original crayonglyphics by his clerks, I’m guessing, Moore treated the dissent in Obergefell as the majority, claimed the case only pertained to that one couple, and upheld his previous order for Alabama probate judges to stop issuing same-sex licenses.    In the meantime, Moore et al gave a head fake toward contrition, and dismissed the anti-gay marriage petitions.  So, it’s not illegal, but you can’t legally do it in Alabama?

Moore’s contempt for SCOTUS, the Constitution and for gay rights oozes from all 170 pages. It remains to be seen if SCOTUS, on behalf of the Constitution and all Americans, straight or gay, find that contempt contemptible, and actionable.  It’s seems that they may, if this next case is any indication.

One of the inevitable downsides of gay marriage is gay divorce. E.L. and V.L. were an Alabama lesbian couple.  E.L. gave birth to 3 children.  Then they moved to Georgia, where they were able to get married, and V.L. legally adopted the kids they were raising together.  Then they went back to Alabama.  Then 5 years later, they split.  The custody stayed with the birth parent, but Judge Moore and the Alabama Supreme Cretins denied V.L. any visitation rights, despite the fact that she was as much a parent to those kids as my parents, neither of whom is biologically related to me, but both of whom have been Mom and Dad since I was adopted at 3 months.

In a unanimous ruling (yes, even Uncle Clarence, who seems lost without Nino), the US Supremes dumped on Judge Roy Moore’s legal argle bargle trying to interpret Georgia adoption law in God’s favor.  No hearings, no briefings, no dissents, no muss, no fuss.  His interpretation, according to SCOTUS, “would comport neither with Georgia law nor with common sense.”  (That’s “I Call Bullshit” in SCOTUS-talk.)

Want a reason to stay energized for November, even if your preferred candidate is not the Democratic nominee for President?

Imagine Judge Roy Moore on the United States Supreme Court.