Thanks, Obama.

March 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Donald Trump is claiming that the man who rushed him on the stage at Kansas City was … oh yeah.

Trump_ScumdogDonald J. Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Kansas City, Mo., that a man who had charged him at an event earlier Saturday was “probably” linked to the Islamic State, appearing to base his statement on an Internet video that has been described as a hoax.

“This was a guy that was looking to do harm,” Mr. Trump said at his last event of the day. “It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

He added that “my people found this” on the Internet, and just before the rally he posted it on Twitter.

Y’all, if President Obama has reduced Isis to insane people who run on a stage with no weapon, then I’d say he’s done a pretty damn good job.


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0 Comments to “Thanks, Obama.”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Has Drumpf ever said anything that was known to be true?

  2. Oh, bleep! Next he’ll be publicly insisting that rain makes applesauce. Can’t wait to see what his supporters will make of that. Maybe a bye-bye party as he is shipped off in an armless sweater to someplace where he can’t hurt himself or anyone else.

  3. According to Trump everyone who doesn’t support him is linked to ISIS. And they are all atheist Muslim fascist communist gay babykillers out to destroy the country.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Not ISIS. Just INSANE. Even Melania won’t touch THAT leg.

    (And did you see how shocked The Donald looked when it happened? I wonder how long it took for his “helpers” to wash the stain out of his undies.)

  5. Tilphousia says:

    Don’t know whether to laugh or cry. tRump is a pathological liar, a male of mediocre intelligence with a god complex and a huge ego and a massive mouth. But the first amendment does NOT give anyone the right to incite violence. And the fact that the media seems to sweep that under the rug not just for tRump but other GOP past and present candidates. Where is Juanits Jean Herownself ? She’d tell it like it is anywhere!

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Off topic, but….

    Went to The Donald’s official web site. Under “Positions” he’s got 6 titles. (None from the KamaSutra, thank god.) A lot of blah blah and I-don’t-likes with no substantive actions listed.

    Then clicked on “Issues”. He’s got 20. Note: they’re all videos, no readable text, just him ranting. No I didn’t click on any. I don’t have the years left to waste that time.

    But one “issue” caught my attention: “Self-Funding”. Uh… what? Yes, he’s claiming he’s using just his own money to run thus not beholding to any “interests”. But….

    So I went back to his home page. Sure ’nuff. A BIG donate button right there in front of God, country and everybody. Why, I ask, would someone need a donate button if he’s “self-funding”? Hmmmm…..

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Hot dog stand in Chicago trolls Donald Trump with 3 inch “footlong.”

    What can I say?

  8. RepubAnon says:

    His people “found something” on the Internet, so he posted it? Will he next post the definition of “Santorum”? That’s on the Internet as well… along with space aliens and all kind of similar things. Of course, the Mein Dumpf crowd only posts things that they found on the Internet if they like what they’re hearing.

    On the other hand, I’d be happier if protestors stopped trying to shout down candidates at events. Outside is fine, protests with signs and satire are fine – but not trying to shout them down or take away the microphone. We can expect Trump supporters to start physically attacking people at Bernie’s speeches – and watch the DC Pundit Cocktail Weenie crowd of High Broderists claim “both sides do it.”

  9. You can’t blame a crazy person for rushing up to the podium. He probably heard Trump speak for a few minutes, then thought to himself, “Me next!”

  10. I’ve been out of touch for a week, but here’s a nice article about what a lying, cheating fraud Drumpf is. Starts with his suing a town in NY for excessive taxation of a golf resort Drumpf claims is worth only $1.4 million when he recently claimed in a listing of his marvelous assets that it was worth $50 million. Gets slimier from there, including causing $240,000 of flood damage to the town from golf course runoff.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    It is like watching a bullfight. Donald the Bull stomps and snorts. He charges at ever red cape and every picador. And it is a lot of fun to watch. Mostly because we know that the bull NEVER wins.

  12. By the way as a side comment about Chicago and drumpf.
    There is no love lost there. Besides being a loud mouthed “New york” blowhard playing into Chicago’s distaste for new york he also ran a scam on selling condo’s in Chicago and also some how got around rules about how big his sign/ name could be on urban ruin he blighted the city with.
    I would not be surprised if a certain amount of protestors found that as the straw that broke the camels back when pondering whether to go to the Circle campus and stick it to him.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion: “What can I say?”

    Maybe that we should be using the metric system in regards to Donnie Drumpf. 3mm to be precise.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    You know, people are starting to say “the next president” and plastering him on front pages of everything. Remember Mao and how his huge picture was posted all through cities of China? How long do you think it will be before Trump’s pictures are plastered on the sides of big buildings?
    I don’t think he’s been elected yet.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, unless you open the daily STATESMAN to see how they’re going to display Ted Cruz. You think Cruz’ campaign donation to the STATESMAN is in the budget?

  16. @Rick
    Yep the poor guy probably thought it was open mic night for crazies, and not seeing a line, figured to go after Hair Drumpf.

  17. Marcia in CO says:

    OMG … love the 3″ hot dog link!!

    Chuck Todd had Drumpf on Meet the Press at Noon on MSNBC today and told him that he had been spoofed with the jumper being ISIS and Drumpf absolutely went deaf!! He told Chuck to “Search it out.” Chuck said he did and found out it was/is a total hoax!
    By God, if it’s on the Internet then, by God, it has to be TRUE … according to old Dummy Drumpf!!

    Rubio is still hanging on to the Benghazi and email crap!!
    They are all deaf, dumb and blind and so are their followers!!

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts everywhere are feeling the heat. In Wisconsin,a teacher asked a wingnutcongressweasel why Minn spends so much more on education and has a large surplus. The wingnut left in a huff and accused the teacher of “vile” political speech.Wingnuts must have exposed nerves.

  19. charles r. phillips says:

    Thanks, E.P., for the link. That should be blasted all over Wisconsin so people who support schools, or have kids in school can vote penisweasles out.

  20. These cartoons illustrate what the rest of the world thinks about Drumpf.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo-are we playing hookey today? Those are hilarious as per usual. Specially the swatikatoo on Drumpf’s noggin.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Charles,My neighbor lady has a daughter who teaches in Wisconsin and she has had it with Walker. Her mom is a dear friend,but most of my neighbors here in Obrien County,iowa are of the wingnut persuasion. They are,however,decent wingnuts,taken as a whole and they don’t like the politics they see and read about.

  23. epo, the Drumpf dog is hilarious. Kudos to the creators, and thanks to you for posting the link. Hooky? Nope, just slow. What can I say?

  24. maryelle says:

    The more ridiculous and shameful he becomes, the easier he will beaten by the Dems. Pass the popcorn.

  25. “decent wingnuts” is that like Good germans?

  26. Meanwhile the Koch bros are cookin’ behind our backs! They are loving Trump!!!

  27. Old Fart says:

    Il Duce meet the Internet..

    And the world goes *drumpf*

  28. WA Skeptic says:

    ROFLOL–The Donald thinks everything on the Internet is true!

    I’m dyin’ here!!!
