No. That’s Not Right, John.

March 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Kasich gave a speech today that was so damn sanctimonious that it hurt your ears to listen to.  His main point …


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That is absolutely not true.


The Republican Party created the toxic environment.  Donald Trump just capitalized on it.

Donald Trump has never created anything.  He did not create hotels, reality tv, airlines, or Las Vegas.  He simply capitalized on them.

Every Republican from Kim Davis to Mitch McConnell is to blame.  They created the toxic environment.  Donald Trump is plainly holding up a mirror to it.


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0 Comments to “No. That’s Not Right, John.”

  1. WA Skeptic says:

    Nailed again, JJ

  2. “Donald Trump is plainly holding up a mirror to it.”

    Unfortunately it’s a Funhouse of crazy mirrors, so they don’t even recognize themselves in the reflection. Think they’ll realize any time soon they bought a ticket to the House of Horrors by mistake?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    ALEC Ksuchasheis is butt hurt because Donnie Drumpf removed the silencer from the dog whistle. Republicons have been building toward this for over 50 years. The ‘Cons have been going south since the first Dixiecrat joined them.

  4. Such sanctimonious sniveling! The message is the root of the violence: bigotry, hate, fear, ignorance and greed. What is surprising is that it took this long to erupt.
    Trump and his minions blame the leftist protestors (read communists). The RKlan keeps trying to convince people that “protests bring consequences”. Wrong again, American citizens have a constitutional right to protest and should not be arrested for exercising that right.

  5. M in El Paso says:

    Thanks, JJ. That needed to be said.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    This much damage could not have been done by one man in such a short time.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Have kids? Or remember when you were a kid? Mom walks in and says “Who made this mess?”

    “Not me!” “Not me!”

    Remember? Repugs are just like that.

  8. pretty sure kim davis is (was) a democrat when her story broke.

    must have taken her a few decade to notice all her friends had switched parties.

  9. UmptyDump says:

    Technically, you’re right, JJ, but this is a campaign and Kasich isn’t running against the Republican Party. Trump isn’t the first, but he’s the guy who’s hung his butt over the well and taken the huuuugest crap.

    I’ll put one point on the board in Kasich’s favor for something he told a rally this morning. He was still in Congress when Bill Clinton left office and that reforms in place at the time had put the budget on track for huge surpluses. He specifically called out the Republicans for spending away those surpluses in subsequent years.

  10. Stella B says:

    John Kasich, you lie!

  11. Adrian( Canales says:

    Yup they created it in response to the black man in the white house…

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Umpty-make that subsequent year and I’ll agree 100%,instead of 97%.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    With all the flotsam and jetsam floating around on the snacilbupeR stage, don’t let ALEC Ksuchasheis float by passing as a ‘moderate.’

    Samantha Bee nails him:

  14. Vickie Vogel says:


  15. Agreed. Since 1964 and Goldwater, snacilbupeR have gotten uglier and uglier. Maybe I should say it began with the original ‘King of Assholery’, Strom Thurmond. (I’m hoping it’s okay to use that language since it is an official title, sort of like ‘Queen of England.’) There have been many serious contenders fighting to be current title holders. Oozy Croozy is making a very serious case for himself.

    TWMDBS regulars, would you agree?

  16. e platypus onion says:

    I agree.Mama might not. Hear tell Mama gots plenty sensitive ears.

  17. So how does Kasich explain Sarah Palin (Mizz Toxic Waste Herself) four years ago?

    And those attacks on the Clintons when Bill was President, up to and including accusations of murder? Just good clean Repub fun?

  18. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Kasich is a moderate like I’m a Republican….NOT.

  19. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Thank you, exactly correct. Kasich is trying so hard to be the Vice President for one of these bigger creeps by keeping his own creepiness under cover.

    Remember when this election cycle was going to be a laugh riot?

    Geez, I am so sick and tired of the whole thing already. If I had the money to leave this country right now it would be a serious consideration.

  20. The really scary part is that there are soooooo many voters out there that agree with the rePUKEian BS, that they will get the prez position. With their take over of congress and so many state gov’mints it is getting scarier.
    I hope the people who love freedom and tolerance of others will get out and vote.

  21. Katich is as crazy as the rest of the remainders in the Klown Kar. His big deal recently was to create a new executive department of the fed gov. to evangelize on behalf of Christianity. Hell, the guy has obviously never read the Constitutional separation of church and state or he thinks it was a matter of temporary insanity on the part of the Founders. Jefferson et al., and especially Jefferson, correctly remembered when a church could burn people at the stake for even thinking differently let alone practicing differently. And the Crusades! Remember them? What a waste of time and treasure on the part of “Christian” Europe! Another reason the Founders went to a separation clause! And Memo to Mark: I understand how you feel! Canada is one heck of a beautiful country. I hear they are still trying to build their population. Google landed immigrant!

  22. Neighborm says:

    Kasich’s “Ohio Miracle” continues to elude many people as witnessed by the anemic recent population growth rate. And the reason the rate is positive (about .5%) is because of population growth in the counties surrounding the state capital. Income taxes cut to dangerous levels and estate taxes eliminated (cities benefited from estate taxes). Lots of public sector jobs eliminated – vast majority in cities. The charter school programs are scandalous. And, of course, Kasich signed the bill that restricts funding for Planned Parenthood. He’s also trying to unravel the civil service commission so that these jobs can be filled and kept on the basis of “merit.”
