Who You Callin’ Clumsy, Little Buddy?
I have been a Tom DeLay UnFan Girl for a very long time. Too long. And the one thing I’ve learned is that if you need to know Tom’s shortcomings, watch him point them out … in other people.
This week, Tom DeLay wrote an editorial – well, he paid someone to write it – calling Donald Trump a “Clumsy Christian.”
Now, if you set to reading this thing, and I suggest you only do so if it’s a choice between reading it and re-roofing your own house, you’ll see something miraculous. DeLay says Trump is a “novice Christian” and that Timothy warned against novice Christians as church leaders,”lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.”
Puffed up? I think DeLay just made an unscheduled flight through the looking glass.
DeLay also objects to Trump’s accent.
When it comes to speaking the language of evangelical Christianity, Trump is like a first-semester foreign language student who tries to sound like he’s spoken the new lingo all his life. Native speakers understand right away that such a person is a beginner and try not to laugh in his face.
Trump would do well to learn from Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and other candidates who speak evangelical Christianity with fluent ease because they really do have God deep in their lives, not just as a political facade.
So learning the language is enough? I kinda get the idea that you want him to learn only enough to form a religious justification for hateful behavior, you know, like Ted, and Marco, and Ben and Carly do.
Tom DeLay may not be a novice to Christianity but he’s certainly a novice to acting like a Christian.