Dude, Get Ahold of Yourself. And Not In THAT Way.

January 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know that Kansas is kinda cold in the winter but apparently not cold enough.

A Kansas Republican State Senator pitched himself a hissy fit about women “wearing skimpy skirts or blouses with plunging necklines” when they come testify before his committee.

Senator Mitch Holmes opines …

Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 2.42.49 PMHe offered more detailed guidance to women conferees because he had observed provocatively clad females at the Capitol. Revealing too much of the body during testimony to the Senate committee is a distraction, he said.

Holmes said he considered stipulating men had to wear suit and tie when addressing his Senate committee, but decided males didn’t need supplemental instruction on how to look professional.

Holmes, who is also known as Old Coot With Goggly Eyes, did not meet with much approval from the female legislators on either side of the aisle.

“Oh, for crying out loud, what century is this?” said Sen. Laura Kelly, a Topeka Democrat.

“Who’s going to define low-cut?” said Sen. Vicki Schmidt, R-Topeka. “Does it apply to senators?”

How many women are going to say to Mitch, “You ain’t the boss of me,” before he gets it?  And by “gets it” I mean shut the hell up.

Thanks to Claudia for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Dude, Get Ahold of Yourself. And Not In THAT Way.”

  1. And they say they don’t want Sharia Law.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mitch, my wife says those pants make your butt look big because you accessorize with glasses that don’t fit.

  3. Too bad Leslie isn’t with us anymore. I’d love to send him to Kansas just to annoy this buffoon.

  4. So, would he be able to concentrate on his work if all the women showed up in camo burkas?

  5. screecherguy says:

    How about burkas. Would that make him happy?

  6. Sen $hit-for-Brains from Kansas: Dude get chore googly eyes outa of them poor wimmen’s skimpy skirts and blouses with plunging necklines. And STFU about the wimmens and their skimpy skirts and blouses with plunging necklines. Gawd you’ve given me a headache.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Maybe he gets all tingly down in his boxers. Me thinks he hath issues. Hmmmm….

  8. Kansas State Senator Mitch Holmes found the only way he himself could be considered provocative, was to issue an unprovoked response to a situation no one else even knew existed. Like when he was in 7th grade.

  9. Somebody forgot to put saltpeter in his coffee this morning!

  10. Old Mayfly says:

    Senator Mitch Holmes–do not think about elephants! Do not think about elephants! Now, what are you thinking about? I suspect it is elephants.

    You should just relax and acknowledge that women-folk are part of society. If you have a lurid thought and don’t act on it–that isn’t sin. That is adulthood.

  11. Mike, Leslie would make this dude’s head e x p l o d e ! ! And not just from the visual. I gave him/her a lift once in South Austin, it took days to get rid of the smell. Loved and respected him, but sheesh!

  12. But there’s scary parts down there. I don’t want to think about it.

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    How much you wanna bet he downloads porn during the wee hours of the night?!? I swear all these creeps are a bunch of perverts!

  14. If Mike is still feeling that way when he sees the wimmens dress that way, he needs to go back to his closet and whip himself a lot harder. That Old Devil just won’t let go otherwise.

  15. John Peter Henson says:

    He is a repuglican….it inflames his loins urging him to sin.

  16. So if a woman witness turns up to testify–possibly after being subpoenaed–and is turned away ’cause some old coot can’t control his libido, what is her status? Do they plan to enforce this nonsense by turning away witnesses whose testimony is supposedly needed in order to govern? Sounds like another unenforceable law.

    Also, a question. If a man has prurient thoughts, isn’t it his responsibility to control himself rather than trying to solve the problem by taking control of the nearest woman’s wardrobe?

    Funny how men’s nasty thoughts somehow require women to change their behavior. Seems like a logical disconnect here.

  17. pridetyper says:

    Scapegoat women for dysfunctional legislators and their repressed existence.

    I suspect his postal deliveries are likely to take a distracting turn.

  18. Susan Yardley says:

    LynnN: Holmes’ is not responsible when a woman dresses herself in such a provocative manner that he gets his horny on. It is the woman’s responsibility to be chaste because she should know that men always want to get it out of their pants. Especially those men who are as butt ugly as Holmes.

  19. WA Skeptic says:

    “Brownbackistan” and the order of dress for women is the burka? What is it for men? Baggy pants and turbans, I guess, so the swelling in one doesn’t show, and the lack of brains doesn’t show in the other.

  20. Just a second while I adjust my sackcloth and veil…..
    That’s better, I feel so much more comfortable now that I know I’m not offending the honorable senator.

    Trust me, this dude is completely representative of his fellow Kansas Legislators and their nightmare Governor, Sam Brownback. Got any questions just look at the plummeting finances, the deplorable state of education, or any of the other indicators of declining functionality that Kansas alternately lauds or lies about.

  21. I think that neutering wold make them less distractable. My vet could help.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    I have a whole sermon you don’t want to hear so I’m not preaching it. I’ll just say I grew up in Kansas.

  23. Please tell me he doesn’t think he’s attractive. Ickeeee.

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I swear, all this concern about skimpy skirts and plunging necklines makes me want to parade my 70+ year old sagginess and age spots in front of this guy until he passes out.

    Any man with enough brain to be making laws for other people should be able to handle being distracted by ordinary women. It’s not like he hasn’t seen them before. Is he distracted all the time? (I should mention, or maybe I shouldn’t but I will, that my father, back in the late 1930s, was part of a serial accident blamed on distracted male drivers upon seeing a curvy blonde in a dress with a long enough skirt but low cut top. One after another they rear-ended one another, the male drivers did. But by this time men ought to be able to control their distractability when faced with women in, or out of, anything.

  25. He’s probably going to end up on Rubio’s new anti abortion advisory group. It’s made up of a variety of anti science i-dots. http://goo.gl/6E8YBB

  26. His problem is that he looks but can’t touch. So obvious.

  27. JAKvirginia says:

    This reminds of something a woman said years ago when dealing with an idiot like Holmes:

    “Excuse me… my face is up here!”

    Just when you think times have changed…

  28. Why so wordy Mitch Holmes? Just say “women are required to wear burqas because I’m a troglodyte and can’t control myself.”

  29. Republican= sharia law. Of course he enjoys telling women how to dress, in addition to telling them what they can do with their bodies. He’s a f***###ing republican.

  30. Bitter Scribe says:

    Isn’t Kansas where the legislature told female interns not to dress so slutty so the Solons could keep their minds on their work? Or was that Missouri?

  31. Maryelle, you are much too reticent in your comment. I would have omitted the ***###!

  32. e platypus onion says:

    If it is the woman’s responsibility to be “chaste”,how would he catch her with his pants down around his ankles? A better remedy for horn dog wingnuts is to put out their eyes so they aren’t tempted by luscious,nubile cherubs.

  33. e platypus onion says:

    and young boys,just so I don’t discriminate.

  34. two crows says:

    Kansas can just thank its lucky stars Holmes isn’t a criminal judge. He would let every rapist that came before him off because, “Sheesh! The way wimmin dress these days! Pore guys just can’t hep themselfs! Burkas fer all ar wimmin! Yeah, that’s the ticket!”

    These are the people screaming that Sharia Law is coming to this country – – and they can’t hurry it up fast enough.
